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Luis Medina luisdamed

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luisdamed / matlab_time_series_plot.m
Last active August 1, 2022 19:00
Matlab code to plot time series data from a csv file
%% Read the CSV file
filename = 'test_FSCar_ddMMYYYY_TrackN_setupID2.csv'
t = readtable(filename);
%% Index non-empty values and extract time vector
idx1 = ~isnan(t.spd_rpmFL);
idx2 = ~isnan(t.spd_rpmFR);
idx3 = ~isnan(t.trq_NmFL);
luisdamed /
Last active August 20, 2022 06:54
Python script example for plotting time series data from a csv file
#%% Import libraries and read file as dataframe
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('test_FSCar_ddMMYYYY_TrackN_setupID2.csv')
#%% Index non-empty values and extract time vector
idx1 = df.spd_rpmFL.notnull()
idx2 = df.spd_rpmFR.notnull()
luisdamed /
Last active August 12, 2022 14:39
Compare histograms of different data series by creating bar charts and adding some descriptive statistics to the figure
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('test_FSCar_ddMMYYYY_TrackN_setupID2.csv')
# Get statistics
meanFL = df.trq_NmFL.mean()
meanFR = df.trq_NmFR.mean()
meanRL = df.trq_NmRL.mean()
meanRR = df.trq_NmRR.mean()
stdFL = df.trq_NmFL.std()
luisdamed / histograms_comparison.m
Last active August 12, 2022 14:38
Compare histograms of different data series from a CSV file by creating a bar chart and adding some text with descriptive statistics to the figure. Works with 2020a
%% Read the CSV file
filename = 'test_FSCar_ddMMYYYY_TrackN_setupID2.csv'
t = readtable(filename);
%% Get statistics
meanFL = mean(t.trq_NmFL, 'omitnan')
meanFR = mean(t.trq_NmFR, 'omitnan')
meanRL = mean(t.trq_NmRL, 'omitnan')
meanRR = mean(t.trq_NmRR, 'omitnan')
stdFL = std(t.trq_NmFL, 'omitnan')
luisdamed /
Last active April 15, 2024 04:52
Collect data from REST API. You need to get an authorization token in order to use it - it is free.
#%% Thingiverse_API_runner
# Import libraries and make a first request to get the data about the different categories
from requests import Request, Session
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError, Timeout, TooManyRedirects
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
my_token = 'get yours at'
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luisdamed / PieChart_Python_Pygal_Thingiverse_Categories_Condensed.svg
Created March 3, 2023 05:35
Summary of the distribution of likes, makes and number of models for different categories of Thingiverse, as of October 2022
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luisdamed / PieChart_Python_Pygal_Thingiverse_Proportion_Makes_vs_Things.svg
Created March 3, 2023 05:41
Pie chart showing the average number of makes for the models in each category of Thingiverse as of October 2022
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