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Created April 20, 2018 20:26
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import System.Environment
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Control.Applicative
data PF = Prop Char
| Neg PF
| Conj PF PF
| Disj PF PF
| Imp PF PF
| Equiv PF PF
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ProofConjecture = Conjecture [PF] [PF]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data ProofResult = Proven ProofConjecture
| Disproven ProofConjecture
| Composite [ProofConjecture]
rstrip = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
exists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
exists x y = any id $ (==) <$> x <*> y
-- Parse Conjunctures Grammar
-- <conjucture> ::= <list> | <list> ⊢ <list>
-- <list> ::= <equiv> | <equiv> , <equiv>
parseConjecture :: [Char] -> Maybe ProofConjecture
parseConjecture s =
case parseList s [] of
Just (pf, []) -> Just (Conjecture [] pf)
Just (pf1, '⊢':more) ->
case parseList more [] of
Just (pf2, []) -> Just (Conjecture pf1 pf2)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
parseList :: [Char] -> [PF] -> Maybe ([PF], [Char])
parseList [] pf = Nothing
parseList s pf =
case parseEquiv s of
Just (newpf, ',':more) -> parseList more (pf ++ [newpf])
Just (newpf, more) -> Just (pf ++ [newpf], more)
_ -> Nothing
-- Parser PF Grammar
-- <equiv> ::= <imp> | <equiv> ≡ <imp>
-- <imp> ::= <disj> | <imp> ⇒ <disj>
-- <disj> ::= <conj> | <disj> ∨ <conj>
-- <conj> ::= <neg> | <conj> ∧ <neg>
-- <neg> ::= <elem> | ¬ <elem>
-- <elem> ::= <prop> | ( <equiv> )
-- <prop> ::= any char
parsePF :: [Char] -> Maybe PF
parsePF [] = Nothing
parsePF s =
case parseEquiv s of
Just (e, []) -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
parseEquiv s =
case parseImp s of
Just (pf1, '≡':more) ->
case parseEquiv more of
Just (pf2, yet_more) -> Just (Equiv pf1 pf2, yet_more)
_ -> Nothing
Just (pf1, more) -> Just (pf1, more)
_ -> Nothing
parseImp s =
case parseDisj s of
Just (pf1, '⇒':more) ->
case parseImp more of
Just (pf2, yet_more) -> Just (Imp pf1 pf2, yet_more)
_ -> Nothing
Just (pf1, more) -> Just (pf1, more)
_ -> Nothing
parseDisj s =
case parseConj s of
Just (pf1, '∨':more) ->
case parseDisj more of
Just (pf2, yet_more) -> Just (Disj pf1 pf2, yet_more)
_ -> Nothing
Just (pf1, more) -> Just (pf1, more)
_ -> Nothing
parseConj s =
case parseNeg s of
Just (pf1, '∧':more) ->
case parseConj more of
Just (pf2, yet_more) -> Just (Conj pf1 pf2, yet_more)
_ -> Nothing
Just (pf1, more) -> Just (pf1, more)
_ -> Nothing
parseNeg ('¬':s) =
case parseProp s of
Just (pf, more) -> Just(Neg pf, more)
_ -> Nothing
parseNeg s = parseProp s
parseProp [] = Nothing
parseProp ('(':s) =
case parseEquiv s of
Just (pf, ')':more) -> Just (pf, more)
_ -> Nothing
parseProp (x:xs) = Just (Prop x, xs)
-- Wang's algorithm
checkConjectures :: [Char] -> [ProofConjecture] -> ([Char], Bool)
checkConjectures steps [] = (steps ++ "\n", True)
checkConjectures steps conjs@(x:xs) =
case reduction x of
(Proven conject) -> checkConjectures (steps ++ "\n" ++ (unparse [conject])) xs
(Disproven conject) -> (steps ++ "\n" ++ (unparse [conject]) ++ "\n", False)
(Composite more_conjs) -> checkConjectures (steps ++ "\n" ++ (unparse more_conjs)) (xs ++ more_conjs)
reduction :: ProofConjecture -> ProofResult
reduction (Conjecture ((Neg pf):h) g) =
(Composite [(Conjecture h (g ++ [pf]))])
reduction (Conjecture h ((Neg pf):g)) =
(Composite [(Conjecture (h ++ [pf]) g)])
reduction (Conjecture ((Conj pf1 pf2):h) g) =
(Composite [Conjecture (h ++ [pf1] ++ [pf2]) g])
reduction (Conjecture h ((Conj pf1 pf2):g)) =
(Composite [(Conjecture h (g ++ [pf1])), (Conjecture h (g ++ [pf2]))])
reduction (Conjecture ((Disj pf1 pf2):h) g) =
(Composite [(Conjecture (h ++ [pf1]) g), (Conjecture (h ++ [pf2]) g)])
reduction (Conjecture h ((Disj pf1 pf2):g)) =
(Composite [Conjecture h (g ++ [pf1] ++ [pf2])])
reduction (Conjecture ((Imp pf1 pf2):h) g) =
(Composite [(Conjecture (h ++ [pf2]) g), (Conjecture h (g ++ [pf1]))])
reduction (Conjecture h ((Imp pf1 pf2):g)) =
(Composite [Conjecture (h ++ [pf1]) (g ++ [pf2])])
reduction (Conjecture ((Equiv pf1 pf2):h) g) =
(Composite [(Conjecture (h ++ [pf1] ++ [pf2]) g), (Conjecture h (g ++ [pf1] ++ [pf2]))])
reduction (Conjecture h ((Equiv pf1 pf2):g)) =
(Composite [(Conjecture (h ++ [pf1]) (g ++ [pf2])), (Conjecture (h ++ [pf2]) (g ++ [pf1]))])
reduction (Conjecture h g) = groundRules h g (filter isProp h) (filter isProp g)
groundRules :: [PF] -> [PF] -> [PF] -> [PF] -> ProofResult
groundRules h g filterH filterG
| exists filterG h = Proven (Conjecture h g)
| (length filterG) == (length g) && (length filterH) == (length h) = Disproven (Conjecture h g)
| otherwise = reduction (Conjecture h g)
-- | otherwise = Disproven (Conjecture h g)
isProp (Prop _) = True
isProp _ = False
-- Unparsing
unparse :: [ProofConjecture] -> [Char]
unparse [] = ""
unparse ((Conjecture h g):[]) = ((unparsePFList h) ++ " ⊢ " ++ (unparsePFList g))
unparse ((Conjecture h g):xs) = (unparsePFList h) ++ " ⊢ " ++ (unparsePFList g) ++ " and " ++ (unparse xs)
unparsePFList :: [PF] -> [Char]
unparsePFList [] = ""
unparsePFList (x:[]) = (unparsePF x)
unparsePFList (x:xs) = (unparsePF x) ++ ", " ++ (unparsePFList xs)
-- included parenthesis everywhere, otherwise it seems to be ambiguous
unparsePF :: PF -> [Char]
unparsePF (Equiv fp1 fp2) = "(" ++ (unparsePF fp1) ++ " ≡ " ++ (unparsePF fp2) ++ ")"
unparsePF (Imp fp1 fp2) = "(" ++ (unparsePF fp1) ++ " ⇒ " ++ (unparsePF fp2) ++ ")"
unparsePF (Conj fp1 fp2) = "(" ++ (unparsePF fp1) ++ " ∧ " ++ (unparsePF fp2) ++ ")"
unparsePF (Disj fp1 fp2) = "(" ++ (unparsePF fp1) ++ " ∨ " ++ (unparsePF fp2) ++ ")"
unparsePF (Neg fp1) = "(" ++ " ¬ " ++ (unparsePF fp1) ++ ")"
unparsePF (Prop x) = [x]
main = do
(file:rest) <- getArgs
srcText <- readFile file
case parseConjecture (filter (/= ' ') (rstrip srcText)) of
Just x ->
case checkConjectures "" [x] of
(steps, True) -> putStr ("Proof Representation:" ++ steps)
(steps, _) -> putStr ("Refutation Representation:" ++ steps)
_ -> print "Could not parse"
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