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Anakiev2 / How to install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver (or nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver) on Debian 12
Last active February 5, 2025 01:24
How to install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver on Debian 12 Bookworm

How to install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver on Debian 12 Bookworm

This guide will show you how to download, compile and install the nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver on Debian 12. Some people install the driver directly from sid but this will mix packages from both stable and unstable which may create issues. It's recommended to update and upgrade your system before you start.

It was reported to work with nvidia-legacy-390xx-driver just replace the appropriate package names.

Step 1. Download the source code.

Install these packages.

sudo apt install build-essential fakeroot devscripts
"ChatGPT, please act as a supportive listener and provide empathetic responses while we discuss my thoughts and feelings."
"Assume the role of a virtual counselor, offering me guidance and encouragement as we talk about my personal challenges."
"Please take on the persona of a life coach, helping me explore my thoughts and emotions, and providing gentle guidance in our conversation."
"Adopt the role of a friendly advisor, offering compassionate and non-judgmental responses as we discuss various aspects of my life."
"ChatGPT, become a therapeutic conversation partner, providing a safe space for me to express my thoughts, feelings, and concerns, while offering supportive feedback."
compulim /
Created June 7, 2021 03:41
RTMP server to show live stream and dump it to disk
# This script will act as a RTMP server and archive your RTMP live stream as-is without transcoding.
# Prerequisites: ffmpeg.
# Configure your RTMP source to stream to rtmp://your-ip-address:5555/.
ffmpeg -listen 1 -i rtmp:// -c copy -c:v copy -c:a copy your-video.m4v
smashnet / docker-compose.yml
Last active December 7, 2023 05:50
Docker-Compose: Mastodon v3.5.3 with Traefik v2.9
version: "3.5"
# Variables to fill in:
# Line 23: <LETSENCRYPT_MAIL_ADDRESS> - your mail address for contact with Let's Encrypt
# Line 36: <TRAEFIK_DASHBOARD_ADMIN_PASSWORD> - MD5 hash of your password (use
# Line 54: <POSTGRES_PASSWORD> - the password for the postgres db. Use the same during mastodon:setup!
# Lines 31, 86, 111: <DOMAIN> - e.g. (Must have an A record pointing to your box' IP) (AAAA for IPv6 ;)
imyelo / frpc.service
Last active December 19, 2024 01:04
run frp client as a service on windows and ubuntu / debian
# 1. put frpc and frpc.ini under /usr/local/frpc/
# 2. put this file (frpc.service) at /etc/systemd/system
# 3. run `sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable frpc && sudo systemctl start frpc`
# Then we can manage frpc with `sudo service frpc {start|stop|restart|status}`
# See also:
# Alternative for server:
# - Offical:
verticalgrain /
Last active January 26, 2025 05:58
NextThingCo C.H.I.P. Flashing guide as of November, 2018

Below are the steps required to flash a NextThingCo CHIP or PocketCHIP from the command line, as of November 2018. The web flasher no longer works, and there are numerous errors when flashing from the command line, mostly due to broken dependencies. The following method works for flashing a CHIP as of November 2018:

Note: Flashing must be done on Linux. Tested on Ubuntu and Rasparian. Mac OS seems to not work.

  1. Download and unpack the from one of the following:
  1. Download and unpack from one of the following:
crittermike /
Last active January 20, 2025 00:15
Download an entire website with wget, along with assets.
# One liner
wget --recursive --page-requisites --adjust-extension --span-hosts --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --domains --no-parent
# Explained
wget \
--recursive \ # Download the whole site.
--page-requisites \ # Get all assets/elements (CSS/JS/images).
--adjust-extension \ # Save files with .html on the end.
--span-hosts \ # Include necessary assets from offsite as well.
--convert-links \ # Update links to still work in the static version.
MarMed /
Last active February 7, 2025 15:10
Routing plex traffic through an SSH tunnel

Routing plex traffic through an SSH tunnel

This guide creates a reverse SSH tunnel to route all Plex server traffic through it.

Step 2 is done on the tunnel, all other steps are done on the plex server.

1. Setup SSH keys (if you already have key based authenthication setup skip to step 2)

On plex server:

pavelbinar /
Last active November 30, 2024 14:48 — forked from bmaeser/subtitle-extract.txt
Extract subtitles from .mkv files on Mac OS X
cicorias / Dockerfile
Last active April 5, 2024 08:40
Simple HTTP server in Docker
FROM mhart/alpine-node
RUN npm install -g http-server
ADD ./ /site
# The default port of the application