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Last active December 13, 2021 15:37
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;;; bayes1.lisp – toy probabilistic programming for Bayesian inference
(defpackage :bayes1
(:use :common-lisp :alexandria :serapeum)
(:nicknames :bayes))
(in-package :bayes1)
;;;; Hidden state tracking
;;; Every time a random variable is assigned a value, either by
;;; sampling at random or by observing an actual value from outside
;;; the model, the overall joint probability must be updated.
(defvar *joint-probability* nil
"Joint probability of all the random choices that have been made.")
(defun update-probability (p)
"Update joint probability after a random choice with likelihood P."
(setf *joint-probability* (* p *joint-probability*)))
;;;; Bernoulli distribution
;;; Support drawing random boolean values by "tossing a biased coin."
;;; The coin has probability P of coming up heads (T) and probability
;;; 1-P of coming up tails (NIL). The parameter P is the bias of the
;;; coin, which would be 0.5 for a "fair" coin.
(defun bernoulli (p &optional (outcome (bernoulli-sample p)))
"Choose a random boolean value and update joint probability.
The value is either OUTCOME or a Bernoulli random sample.
The joint probability is always updated to reflect the probability
of the assigned value, regardless of how it was chosen."
(update-probability (bernoulli-likelihood p outcome))
(defun bernoulli-sample (p)
"Return T with probability P and NIL with probability (- P 1)."
(< (random 1.0d0) p))
(defun bernoulli-likelihood (p outcome)
"Return the likelihood of OUTCOME from Bernoulli(P)."
(if outcome p (- 1 p)))
;;;; Probabilistic program: Coin biased estimator.
;;; OBSERVE-FLIPS is a probabilistic program – a model.
(defun observe-flips (outcomes)
"Pick a uniform random bias and observe OUTCOMES."
(loop ;; Choose a random bias.
;; FIXME: Cheating to call random directly but ~okay for Uniform?
with bias = (random 1.0)
;; Register each observation from outside the model as the
;; outcome of a Bernoulli draw with the chosen bias.
;; (If this outcome is unlikely then that will be reflected in
;; the updated value of *joint-probability*.)
for outcome in outcomes
do (bernoulli bias outcome)
finally (return bias)))
;;;; Sampling from models
;;; Sampling from the model is simple: we run it a whole bunch of
;;; times with a mixture of observed and randomized values, and each
;;; time – for the OBSERVE-FLIPS model specifically – it provides us
;;; with a possible bias of the coin and the relative likelihood of
;;; that value with respect to the observed data.
;;; Then we can make this representative of probabilities by drawing a
;;; large number of such samples and discarding most of the less
;;; probably ones in a systematic way.
;;; This is the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm:
(defun simulate (model)
"Simulate one run of MODEL and return the joint probability."
(let ((*joint-probability* 1.0d0))
(values (funcall model) *joint-probability*)))
(defun sample (model n &optional (warmup 100))
"Return N representative samples from MODEL."
(subseq (loop with remaining = (+ n warmup)
with p₀ = (nth-value 1 (simulate model))
for (value p) = (multiple-value-list (simulate model))
for accept-probability = (/ p p₀)
when (> accept-probability (random 1.0))
collect (prog1 value
(setf p₀ p)
(decf remaining))
while (plusp remaining))
;;;; Reporting
(defun summarize (samples &key (step 0.05) (stream t))
"Print a histogram summarizing probable coin biases based on SAMPLES."
;; Super quick hack to summarize the posterior distribution.
(loop for bucket from 0 below 1 by step
for count = (count-if (lambda (x)
(and (<= bucket x)
(< x (+ bucket step))))
do (format stream "~&~4,2f-~4,2f: ~a~%"
bucket (+ bucket step)
(make-string (floor (* 100.0 (/ count (length samples))))
:initial-element #\*))))
BAYES> (defparameter *model* (lambda () (observe-flips '(t t t t t t t t t nil))))
BAYES> (sample *model* 10000)
(0.92292595 0.7840507 0.9104308 0.7249378 0.6643729 0.64512384 0.96531403
0.8238596 0.7924355 0.9252763 0.93910635 0.7528616 0.89928484 0.65640783
0.9864243 0.7806736 0.74196506 0.933851 0.99792075 0.6761707 0.70952
0.84041905 0.81257343 0.8559395 0.88285553 0.96588326 0.6939739 0.83244884
0.7405933 0.983256 0.6722573 0.91687346 0.9254663 0.721825 0.82451046
0.80520403 0.6643094 0.66889286 0.93282795 0.83737516 0.8731189 0.8782797
0.9103166 0.82966125 0.7512008 0.68804395 0.94639087 0.6410788 0.9226942
0.9061228 ...)
BAYES> (summarize *)
0.50-0.55: *
0.55-0.60: **
0.60-0.65: ****
0.65-0.70: *******
0.70-0.75: **********
0.75-0.80: ************
0.80-0.85: ***************
0.85-0.90: *****************
0.90-0.95: ****************
0.95-1.00: **********
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