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Created June 8, 2016 07:54
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CNodejs 基本的数据接口
# CNodejs API
欢迎使用 **CNodejs** API ,这些 API 提供了访问 **CNodejs** 基本的数据接口。
# Group 主题
CNodejs 主题部分的资源集合
## Topics [/topics{?page,tab,limit,mdrender,accesstoken,title,content}]
### 首页主题 [GET]
+ Parameters
+ page: `1` (number,optional) - 页数
+ tab: `ask` (string,optional) - 主题分类。目前有 ask share job good
+ Members
+ `ask`
+ `share`
+ `job`
+ `good`
+ limit: `10` (number,optional) - 每一页的主题数量
+ mdrender (string,optional) - 是否渲染出现的所有 markdown 格式+ 文本。
+ Default: `true`
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
"success": true,
"data": [{
"id": "57563b08c1326f410e9147f5",
"author_id": "542bff0c10ab5791322617c7",
"tab": "share",
"content": "...省略了",
"title": "Freecodecamp 第一回:端午节之约",
"last_reply_at": "2016-06-08T01:05:03.911Z",
"good": false,
"top": true,
"reply_count": 5,
"visit_count": 678,
"create_at": "2016-06-07T03:10:00.284Z",
"author": {
"loginname": "Samurais",
"avatar_url": ""
}, {
"id": "572afb6b15c24e592c16e1e6",
"author_id": "504c28a2e2b845157708cb61",
"tab": "share",
"content": "...省略了",
"title": "新的社区推荐客户端:Noder",
"last_reply_at": "2016-06-07T14:47:00.183Z",
"good": false,
"top": true,
"reply_count": 153,
"visit_count": 15410,
"create_at": "2016-05-05T07:51:07.576Z",
"author": {
"loginname": "alsotang",
"avatar_url": ""
}, {
"id": "5696e43e6272216e51bff67e",
"author_id": "54009f5ccd66f2eb37190485",
"tab": "share",
"content": "<div class=\"markdown-text\">...省略了<p><img src=\"//\" alt=\"node全栈.png\"></p>\n</div>",
"title": "国内Nodejs 2015汇总",
"last_reply_at": "2016-06-03T07:45:07.581Z",
"good": true,
"top": true,
"reply_count": 118,
"visit_count": 54347,
"create_at": "2016-01-13T23:56:46.312Z",
"author": {
"loginname": "i5ting",
"avatar_url": ""
### 新建主题 [POST]
+ Parameters
+ accesstoken (string) - 用户的 accessToken
+ title (string) - 标题
+ tab (string) 目前有 ask share job
+ Members
+ ask
+ share
+ job
+ content (string) - 主体内容
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
success: true,
topic_id: '5433d5e4e737cbe96dcef312'
## 主题详情 [GET /topic/{id}/{?mdrender,accesstoken}]
+ Parameters
+ id: `a2d4fa` (string) - 主题ID
+ mdrender (string,optional) - 是否渲染出现的所有 markdown 格式文本。
+ Default: `true`
+ accesstoken (string,optional) - 当需要知道一个主题是否被特定用户收藏时,才需要带此参数。会影响返回值中的 `is_collect` 值。
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": "5433d5e4e737cbe96dcef312",
"author_id": "504c28a2e2b845157708cb61",
"tab": "share",
"content": "省略了……",
"title": "一个面向 Node.js 初学者的系列课程:node-lessons",
"last_reply_at": "2015-04-12T12:36:58.320Z",
"good": true,
"top": false,
"reply_count": 84,
"visit_count": 21997,
"create_at": "2014-10-07T12:00:36.270Z",
"author": {
"loginname": "alsotang",
"avatar_url": ""
"replies": [{
"id": "5433d866e737cbe96dcef313",
"author": {
"loginname": "leapon",
"avatar_url": ""
"content": "<div class=\"markdown-text\"><p>我喜欢你的写作风格</p>\n</div>",
"ups": ["5404a4120256839f712590f3", "50f3b267df9e9fcc58452224"],
"create_at": "2014-10-07T12:11:18.981Z",
"reply_id": null
}, {
"id": "5528eaa7831bc33a414106e2",
"author": {
"loginname": "jacksun90",
"avatar_url": ""
"content": "<div class=\"markdown-text\"><p>还不错,先收录了\n自豪地采用 <a href=\"\">CNodeJS ionic</a></p>\n</div>",
"ups": [],
"create_at": "2015-04-11T09:34:31.464Z",
"reply_id": null
"is_collect": false
# Group 主题收藏
## 收藏主题 [POST /topic_collect/collect{?accesstoken,topic_id}]
+ Parameters
+ accesstoken: `xxxxx` (string) - 用户的 accessToken
+ topic_id: `5433d5e4e737cbe96dcef312` (string) - 主题的id
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
"success": true
## 取消主题 [POST /topic_collect/de_collect{?accesstoken,topic_id}]
+ Parameters
+ accesstoken: `xxxxx` (string) - 用户的 accessToken
+ topic_id: `5433d5e4e737cbe96dcef312` (string) - 主题的id
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
"success": true
## 用户所收藏的主题 [GET /topic_collect/{loginname}]
+ Parameters
+ loginname: `alsotang` (string) - 用户名
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
"success": true,
"data": [{
"id": "56e8c95dcf7763a6045c4ae4",
"author_id": "54009f5ccd66f2eb37190485",
"tab": "share",
"content": "rd)",
"title": "展望Nodejs 2016和新年祝福",
"last_reply_at": "2016-06-01T11:23:12.278Z",
"good": false,
"top": true,
"reply_count": 42,
"visit_count": 26447,
"create_at": "2016-02-07T09:19:17.268Z",
"author": {
"loginname": "i5ting",
"avatar_url": ""
}, {
"id": "56e79399b5b04c8f6d4ec35e",
"author_id": "56d5b9687fc3af3a77db46f9",
"tab": "share",
"content": "强烈建议增加收藏功能",
"title": "强烈建议增加收藏功能",
"last_reply_at": "2016-03-16T07:12:48.272Z",
"good": false,
"top": false,
"reply_count": 25,
"visit_count": 611,
"create_at": "2016-03-15T04:46:17.096Z",
"author": {
"loginname": "zhangyou1010",
"avatar_url": ""
# Group 评论
## 新建评论 [GET /topic/{topic_id}/replies{?accesstoken,content,reply_id}]
+ Parameters
+ topic_id: `xxxx` (string) - 主题ID
+ accesstoken (string,optional) - 用户的 accessToken
+ content (string,optional) - 评论的主体
+ reply_id (string,optional) - 如果这个评论是对另一个评论的回复,请务必带上此字段。这样前端就可以构建出评论线索图。
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
success: true,
reply_id: '5433d5e4e737cbe96dcef312'
## 为评论点赞 [POST /reply/{reply_id}/ups{?accesstoken}]
+ Parameters
+ accesstoken (string,optional) - 用户的 accessToken
+ Response 200 (application/json)
+ Body
"success": true,
"action": "down"
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