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Last active March 21, 2020 19:52
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Comparison of Julia and Python

Comparison of Julia and Python

Python name Python meaning Julia name Julia meaning
def f(x,y): named function - duck-typing, no polymorphism fuction f(x,y) duck-typing, multiple dispatch to methods
lambda x: x anonymous function (x) -> x anonymous function
class MyClass(Parent) classical OOP class, multiple inheritance struct MyStruct{TypeParameters} <: AbstractParent data and constructor only, types inside struct can be parametrized, can inherit only from abstract types
def __init__(self, x): constructor of a class, one per class MyStruct(x) (outer constructor), MyStruct(x) = new(x) (inner constructor) Constructor method (multiple constructors can be defined, selected using multiple dispatch)
method function that belongs to a class (single dispatch on first argument self) method function implementation for concete parameter types (multiple dispatch on all arguments)
a = MyClass(x), x.func(y) Creating an object, calling a method defined for its class a = MyStruct(x), func(x, y) Creating an object, calling a function on it - func can be specialized both on x and y
module namespace - defined as a single .py file module namespace - defined independenly of file strucutre
package directory with file NA directory structure independent of logical structure
package bundled and installable, e.g. using pip, conda package includes dependencies (Project.toml), installable using Pkg, very light-weight
x = 1 if y>0 else -1 conditional assignment x = y>0 ? 1 : -1 Ternary operator
NA NA y>0 && println("y positive"), y>0 || println("y not positive") short-circuit evaluation
NA NA f°g function compositioning, =(f°g)(x)=f(g(x))
obj.method1().method2() Chaining of methods 1:10 |> sum |> sqrt Piping - the output of the previous function is used as input for the following one
@decorator applies a higher order function to the following def, often used for wrappers @macro transformation which has Julia expressions (code) as input and output (very powerful)
with block context manager, used for opening and teardown of resources do block content of the block is passed as anonymous function to function before do statement
raise Exception raising Exceptions throw(Exception) raising Exceptions
try - except - finally Exception handling, can be used as part of normal program workflow try - catch - finally Exception handling, should not be part of normal program workflow due to performance reasons
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