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Created January 1, 2020 00:17
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My attempt at making a peer-to-peer version of the distributed chat server from Concurrent and Parallel Programming in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Control.Distributed.Process
hiding (Message, mask, finally, handleMessage, proxy)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Backend.SimpleLocalnet (Backend, findPeers, initializeBackend, newLocalNode)
import Control.Distributed.Process.Closure
import Control.Distributed.Process.Node (initRemoteTable, runProcess)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Control.Concurrent
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Typeable
import Network
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Control.Exception
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import ConcurrentUtils
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Data structures and initialisation
-- <<Client
type ClientName = String
data Client
= ClientLocal LocalClient
| ClientRemote RemoteClient
data RemoteClient = RemoteClient
{ remoteName :: ClientName
, clientHome :: ProcessId
data LocalClient = LocalClient
{ localName :: ClientName
, clientHandle :: Handle
, clientKicked :: TVar (Maybe String)
, clientSendChan :: TChan Message
clientName :: Client -> ClientName
clientName (ClientLocal c) = localName c
clientName (ClientRemote c) = remoteName c
newLocalClient :: ClientName -> Handle -> STM LocalClient
newLocalClient name handle = do
c <- newTChan
k <- newTVar Nothing
return LocalClient { localName = name
, clientHandle = handle
, clientSendChan = c
, clientKicked = k
getLocalClientNames :: Server -> STM [ClientName]
getLocalClientNames Server{..} = do
clientmap <- readTVar clients
return [name | (ClientLocal (LocalClient name _ _ _)) <- Map.elems clientmap]
-- >>
-- <<Message
data Message = Notice String
| Tell ClientName String
| Broadcast ClientName String
| Command String
deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary Message
-- >>
-- <<PMessage
data PMessage
= MsgServerInfo Bool ProcessId [ClientName]
| MsgSend ClientName Message
| MsgBroadcast Message
| MsgKick ClientName ClientName
| MsgNewClient ClientName ProcessId
| MsgClientDisconnected ClientName ProcessId
deriving (Typeable, Generic, Show)
instance Binary PMessage
-- >>
-- <<Server
data Server = Server
{ clients :: TVar (Map ClientName Client)
, proxychan :: TChan (Process ())
, servers :: TVar [ProcessId]
, spid :: ProcessId
newServer :: [ProcessId] -> Process Server
newServer pids = do
pid <- getSelfPid
liftIO $ do
s <- newTVarIO pids
c <- newTVarIO Map.empty
o <- newTChanIO
return Server { clients = c, servers = s, proxychan = o, spid = pid }
-- >>
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Basic operations
-- <<sendLocal
sendLocal :: LocalClient -> Message -> STM ()
sendLocal LocalClient{..} msg = writeTChan clientSendChan msg
-- >>
-- <<sernd
sendRemote :: Server -> ProcessId -> PMessage -> STM ()
sendRemote Server{..} pid pmsg = writeTChan proxychan (send pid pmsg)
-- >>
-- <<sendMessage
sendMessage :: Server -> Client -> Message -> STM ()
sendMessage server (ClientLocal client) msg =
sendLocal client msg
sendMessage server (ClientRemote client) msg =
sendRemote server (clientHome client) (MsgSend (remoteName client) msg)
-- >>
-- <<sendToName
sendToName :: Server -> ClientName -> Message -> STM Bool
sendToName server@Server{..} name msg = do
clientmap <- readTVar clients
case Map.lookup name clientmap of
Nothing -> return False
Just client -> sendMessage server client msg >> return True
-- >>
-- <<sendRemoteAll
sendRemoteAll :: Server -> PMessage -> STM ()
sendRemoteAll server@Server{..} pmsg = do
pids <- readTVar servers
mapM_ (\pid -> sendRemote server pid pmsg) pids
-- >>
-- <<broadcastLocal
broadcastLocal :: Server -> Message -> STM ()
broadcastLocal server@Server{..} msg = do
clientmap <- readTVar clients
mapM_ sendIfLocal (Map.elems clientmap)
sendIfLocal (ClientLocal c) = sendLocal c msg
sendIfLocal (ClientRemote _) = return ()
-- >>
-- <<broadcast
broadcast :: Server -> Message -> STM ()
broadcast server@Server{..} msg = do
sendRemoteAll server (MsgBroadcast msg)
broadcastLocal server msg
-- >>
-- <<tell
tell :: Server -> LocalClient -> ClientName -> String -> IO ()
tell server@Server{..} LocalClient{..} who msg = do
ok <- atomically $ sendToName server who (Tell localName msg)
if ok
then return ()
else hPutStrLn clientHandle (who ++ " is not connected.")
-- >>
-- <<kick
kick :: Server -> ClientName -> ClientName -> STM ()
kick server@Server{..} who by = do
clientmap <- readTVar clients
case Map.lookup who clientmap of
Nothing ->
void $ sendToName server by (Notice $ who ++ " is not connected")
Just (ClientLocal victim) -> do
writeTVar (clientKicked victim) $ Just ("by " ++ by)
void $ sendToName server by (Notice $ "you kicked " ++ who)
Just (ClientRemote victim) -> do
sendRemote server (clientHome victim) (MsgKick who by)
-- >>
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Handle a local client
talk :: Server -> Handle -> IO ()
talk server@Server{..} handle = do
hSetNewlineMode handle universalNewlineMode
-- Swallow carriage returns sent by telnet clients
hSetBuffering handle LineBuffering
-- <<readName
readName = do
hPutStrLn handle "What is your name?"
name <- hGetLine handle
if null name
then readName
else mask $ \restore -> do
client <- atomically $ newLocalClient name handle
ok <- atomically $ checkAddClient server (ClientLocal client)
if not ok
then restore $ do
hPrintf handle
"The name %s is in use, please choose another\n" name
else do
atomically $ sendRemoteAll server (MsgNewClient name spid)
restore (runClient server client)
`finally` disconnectLocalClient server name
-- >>
checkAddClient :: Server -> Client -> STM Bool
checkAddClient server@Server{..} client = do
clientmap <- readTVar clients
let name = clientName client
if Map.member name clientmap
then return False
else do writeTVar clients (Map.insert name client clientmap)
broadcastLocal server $ Notice $ name ++ " has connected"
return True
deleteClient :: Server -> ClientName -> STM ()
deleteClient server@Server{..} name = do
modifyTVar' clients $ Map.delete name
broadcastLocal server $ Notice $ name ++ " has disconnected"
disconnectLocalClient :: Server -> ClientName -> IO ()
disconnectLocalClient server@Server{..} name = atomically $ do
deleteClient server name
sendRemoteAll server (MsgClientDisconnected name spid)
-- <<runClient
runClient :: Server -> LocalClient -> IO ()
runClient serv@Server{..} client@LocalClient{..} = do
race server receive
return ()
receive = forever $ do
msg <- hGetLine clientHandle
atomically $ sendLocal client (Command msg)
server = join $ atomically $ do
k <- readTVar clientKicked
case k of
Just reason -> return $
hPutStrLn clientHandle $ "You have been kicked: " ++ reason
Nothing -> do
msg <- readTChan clientSendChan
return $ do
continue <- handleMessage serv client msg
when continue $ server
-- >>
-- <<handleMessage
handleMessage :: Server -> LocalClient -> Message -> IO Bool
handleMessage server client@LocalClient{..} message =
case message of
Notice msg -> output $ "*** " ++ msg
Tell name msg -> output $ "*" ++ name ++ "*: " ++ msg
Broadcast name msg -> output $ "<" ++ name ++ ">: " ++ msg
Command msg ->
case words msg of
["/kick", who] -> do
atomically $ kick server who localName
return True
"/tell" : who : what -> do
tell server client who (unwords what)
return True
["/quit"] ->
return False
('/':_):_ -> do
hPutStrLn clientHandle $ "Unrecognised command: " ++ msg
return True
_ -> do
atomically $ broadcast server $ Broadcast localName msg
return True
output s = do hPutStrLn clientHandle s; return True
-- >>
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Main server
-- <<socketListener
socketListener :: Server -> Int -> IO ()
socketListener server port = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
printf "Listening on port %d\n" port
forever $ do
(handle, host, port) <- accept sock
printf "Accepted connection from %s: %s\n" host (show port)
forkFinally (talk server handle)
(\_ -> hClose handle)
-- >>
-- <<proxy
proxy :: Server -> Process ()
proxy Server{..} = forever $ join $ liftIO $ atomically $ readTChan proxychan
-- >>
-- <<chatServer
chatServer :: Int -> Process ()
chatServer port = do
server <- newServer []
liftIO $ forkIO (socketListener server port) -- <1>
spawnLocal (proxy server) -- <2>
forever $ receiveWait
[ match $ handleWhereIsReply server
, match $ handleRemoteMessage server
, match $ handleProcessMonitorNotification server
-- >>
handleWhereIsReply :: Server -> WhereIsReply -> Process ()
handleWhereIsReply server@Server{..} (WhereIsReply "chatServer" (Just pid)) = do
localClientNames <- liftIO $ atomically $ getLocalClientNames server
send pid $ MsgServerInfo True spid localClientNames
handleWhereIsReply _ (WhereIsReply _ _) = return ()
handleProcessMonitorNotification :: Server -> ProcessMonitorNotification -> Process ()
(ProcessMonitorNotification monitorRef deadpid _diedReason) = do
say $ "Got a notification that process " ++ show deadpid ++ " died"
unmonitor monitorRef
-- Don't care why it died, but remove that server's clients from the clientmap
liftIO $ atomically $ do
clientmap <- readTVar clients
-- Go through every client in the map, check if it belongs to that server
let clientmap' = flip Map.filter clientmap $ \case
(ClientRemote (RemoteClient _ clientHome)) -> clientHome /= deadpid
(ClientLocal _) -> True
writeTVar clients clientmap'
-- <<handleRemoteMessage
handleRemoteMessage :: Server -> PMessage -> Process ()
handleRemoteMessage server@Server{..} m =
case m of
MsgServerInfo justJoined rpid rclients -> join $ liftIO $ atomically $ do
oldServers <- readTVar servers
if elem rpid oldServers -- if server is known
then return $ return ()
else do
-- add process id to servers list
writeTVar servers (rpid : oldServers)
-- Add info about remote clients, kicking when there's a conflict.
mapM_ (handleNewClient rpid) rclients
-- if the other server just joined, send back our own MsgServerInfo
when justJoined $ do
localClientNames <- getLocalClientNames server
sendRemote server rpid (MsgServerInfo False spid localClientNames)
-- start monitoring the remote process
return $ do
void $ monitor rpid
say $ "Starting to monitor process " ++ show rpid
MsgSend name msg -> liftIO $ atomically $ void $ sendToName server name msg -- <2>
MsgBroadcast msg -> liftIO $ atomically $ broadcastLocal server msg -- <2>
MsgKick who by -> liftIO $ atomically $ kick server who by -- <2>
MsgNewClient name pid -> liftIO $ atomically $ handleNewClient pid name
MsgClientDisconnected name pid -> liftIO $ atomically $ do -- <4>
clientmap <- readTVar clients
case Map.lookup name clientmap of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (ClientRemote (RemoteClient _ pid')) | pid == pid' ->
deleteClient server name
Just _ ->
return ()
handleNewClient pid name = do
ok <- checkAddClient server (ClientRemote (RemoteClient name pid))
-- TODO: Should this really kick a new remote client if it doesn't conflict
-- with a local client? Maybe let the server that has that client do the kicking.
when (not ok) $
sendRemote server pid (MsgKick name "SYSTEM")
-- >>
remotable []
registeredServerName :: String
registeredServerName = "chatServer"
--pattern RegisteredServerName :: String
--pattern RegisteredServerName = registeredServerName
-- <<main
master :: Backend -> String -> Process ()
master backend chat_port_str = do
nodes <- liftIO $ findPeers backend 5000 -- timeout 5 sec
mynodeid <- getSelfNode
let peers = filter (/= mynodeid) nodes
mypid <- getSelfPid
register registeredServerName mypid
forM_ peers $ \node -> whereisRemoteAsync node registeredServerName
let chat_port = read chat_port_str
chatServer chat_port
main = do
[port, chat_port] <- getArgs
backend <- initializeBackend "localhost" port
(Main.__remoteTable initRemoteTable)
node <- newLocalNode backend
runProcess node (master backend chat_port)
-- >>
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