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Created February 24, 2012 20:16
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core.match + JAR troubles
(ns core
(:use [clojure.core.match :only [match]])
(defn m1 [x]
(match [x]
[{:type "A"}] "A"
[{:type "B"}] "B"
:else "no matches = ("))
(defn m2 [x]
;;manually macroexpanded version of form in m1.
(try (clojure.core/cond (clojure.core/or (clojure.core/instance? clojure.lang.ILookup x) (clojure.core/satisfies? clojure.core.match/IMatchLookup x)) (try (clojure.core/let [x_type__2413 (clojure.core.match/val-at* x :type :clojure.core.match/not-found)] (clojure.core/cond (clojure.core/= x_type__2413 "A") "A" (clojure.core/= x_type__2413 "B") "B" :else (throw clojure.core.match/backtrack))) (catch java.lang.Exception e__594__auto__ (if (clojure.core/identical? e__594__auto__ clojure.core.match/backtrack) (do (throw clojure.core.match/backtrack)) (throw e__594__auto__)))) :else (throw clojure.core.match/backtrack)) (catch java.lang.Exception e__594__auto__ (if (clojure.core/identical? e__594__auto__ clojure.core.match/backtrack) (do (clojure.core/let [] "no matches = (")) (throw e__594__auto__)))))
(defn -main [& args]
(println (m1 {:type "A"}))
(println (m1 {:type "B"}))
(println (m1 {:type "none"}))
(print "\n")
(println (m2 {:type "A"}))
(println (m2 {:type "B"}))
(println (m2 {:type "none"})))
(defproject match-jar "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[org.clojure/core.match "0.2.0-alpha9"]]
:main core)
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lynaghk commented Feb 24, 2012

So here's the story:

Running lein uberjar on source containing the offending function, geo->svg, results in a non-working application---the match always drops to the :else clause.
However, if match is manually macroexpanded in the repl and the results pasted in, then the JAR works just fine.

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lynaghk commented Feb 25, 2012

Updated to minimal example. Output:

kevin@sigma:~/gist-35fa11df$ java -jar match-jar-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar 
no matches = (
no matches = (

no matches = (

This is with

Leiningen 1.7.0 on Java 1.7.0_03 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM


cake 0.6.3

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Thanks for taking the time to put this minimal example together, I'm finally looking into the AOT issues and this is super helpful.

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