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Last active February 21, 2024 11:47
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frequency list for Toaq, with translations
da illocution: assertive illocution
ji predicate: ‘me’; ___ is me / the speaker.
bu predicate: ‘not’; ___ is not the case / is false; ___ does not satisfy property ___.
mi predicatizer: ‘those.named’; turns following phrase X into predicate: ___ is/are the one(s) called X.
moq illocution: ‘?’; interrogative illocution
ka illocution: ‘hereby’; performative illocution
bi particle: ‘:’; terminates prenex
rai predicate: ‘something’; ___ is something.
suq predicate: ___ is you / the listener.
sa quantifier: ‘some’; existential quantifier
ma statement prefix: ‘whether’; statement prefix: whether
shu predicatizer: ‘the.phrase’; turn next phrase into quote predicate
hio predicate: ‘greet’; ___ greets ___.
hi quantifier: ‘which’; which?
po predicatizer: ‘of’; turns following phrase X into predicate: ___ is of X; ___ is associated with X.
na terminator: terminate statement
go linking word: ‘’; linking word, indicates that the following argument fills the second argument place of the predicate.
baq predicate: ‘generic’; ___ is the generic collective entity composed of the things that share property ___; ___ are the things that ___, in general.
ru conjunction: ‘and’; and
hoa predicate: ‘it’; relative pronoun whose antecedent is the head of the containing relative clause
je sentence prefix: ‘new.sentence’; begin new sentence
lu statement prefix: ‘that’; statement prefix: turn statement into predicate
ho predicate: ‘they’; ___ is him/her/it / are them.
ba illocution: ‘imperative’; imperative
pa terminator: terminate prenex and apply prenex arguments to predicate in order
miu predicate: ___ opines/thinks that ___ is the cat.
keo sentence prefix: ‘but’; but/however
hoq predicate: ‘it’; ___ is it (abstract).
jeo predicate: ‘TRUE’; ___ is true / is the case; ___ satisfies property ___.
gi predicate: ‘good’; ___ is good.
mo text-quote: ‘«’; begin full-text quote.
maq predicate: ‘it’; ___ is it (non-personal concrete).
do predicate: variable X
rao predicate: ‘when’; ___ happens at the same time as ___; ___ is simultaneous with ___.
teo end-quote: ‘»’; terminate full-text quote.
ja quantifier: ‘lambda’; quantifier: lambda
jaq predicate: ‘very’; ___ is very much the case; ___ is very/extremely ___.
kuaq predicate: ___ expresses property ___.
li statement prefix: ‘’; statement prefix: turn statement into property
muidua predicate: ‘understand’; ___ understands the meaning of ___.
kie predicate: ‘thankful’; ___ is thankful/grateful to ___ for satisfying property ___.
pu predicate: ___ happened / occured / was the case.
ti predicate: ‘at’; ___ is at ___.
ni predicate: ‘this’; ___ is this/that.
poq predicate: ‘person’; ___ is a person.
dua predicate: ‘know’; ___ knows ___ to be the case / to be true.
to separator: helper particle in forethought conjunctions: to + conj ___ to ___
kuq predicate: ___ says ___ to ___.
dai predicate: ‘possible’; ___ is possible; ___ has the potential to satisfy property ___.
tua predicate: ‘make.happen’; ___ makes ___ happen.
kui predicate: ‘because’; ___ is the case because ___.
hu vocative: vocative
choq predicate: ‘use’; ___ uses ___ for ___.
le predicate: ‘likely’; ___ is likely/probable.
ha interjection: laughter
ga end-conversion: terminates conversion via predicalizer.
hao predicate: ‘stuff’; the salient predicate
tu quantifier: ‘any’; quantifier: universal quantifier
mu swap the two first argument slot of the immediately following predicate.
sho predicate: ‘become’; ___ becomes such that they satisfy property ___.
toa predicate: ‘word’; ___ is a word.
raq predicate: ‘about’; ___ pertains to / is about ___.
ca predicate: ___ physically causes ___ to be the case.
shao predicate: ‘want’; ___ wants ___ to be the case.
jai predicate: ___ is happy/glad/joyful.
nuo predicate: ‘sleep’; ___ sleeps / is asleep.
ki end-parenthetical: ‘)’; terminates parenthetical
kio start-parenthetical: ‘(’; start parenthetical
deq predicate: ‘able’; ___ is able / has the ability to satisfy property ___.
mao predicate: ‘also’; ___ is also the case; ___ also satisfies property ___.
sia quantifier: zero quantifier.
mui predicate: ‘meaning’; ___ is the meaning of ___;
gai predicate: ‘sense’; ___ senses/observes ___.
hoi predicate: ‘aforementioned’; ___ are the aforementioned things; ___ is/are the aforementioned things that satisfy property ___.
cho predicate: ‘like’; ___ likes ___.
ku prefix: marks focus
she predicate: ___ is the case if ___ is the case.
du predicate: ‘seem’; ___ seems to be the case; ___ seems to satisfy property ___.
poji predicate: ‘my’; ___ is mine.
shi predicate: ‘one’; ___ are one in number.
chuq predicate: ‘eat’; ___ eats; ___ eats ___.
juq predicate: ___ gets/acquires property ___.
ko predicate: ___ is the xth among ___ where x is the cardinality of anything satisfying property ___ sorted by property ___.
no predicate: ‘in’; ___ is in format/medium/genre ___.
ju free modifier: begin incidental clause
fieq predicate: ‘create’; ___ creates/invents ___.
jia predicate: ‘’; ___ will happen.
si predicate: ‘attentive’; ___ is attentive to / focuses on ___.
pui predicate: ‘many’; ___ are many.
kaqgai predicate: ‘see’; ___ sees ___.
fa predicate: ‘go’; ___ goes to ___ from ___.
huaq predicate: ___ is more than ___ in property ___.
de predicate: ‘beautiful’; ___ is beautiful.
ceo predicate: ___ begins/starts to occur; ___ begins/starts to satisfy property ___.
nai predicate: ‘is’; ___ happens now.
cu linking word: ‘’; linking word: 3rd argument place
ra conjunction: ‘or’; inclusive or
chie predicate: ‘learn’; ___ learns ___.
mai predicate: ‘love’; ___ loves ___.
gu predicate: ‘two’; ___ (coll.) are two in number.
paq predicate: ‘part’; ___ is a part of ___.
sao predicate: ‘big’; ___ is big/large.
cheo predicate: ‘reciprocally’; ___ are in reciprocal relationship ___ with each other.
chua predicate: ‘name’; ___ is a name of ___.
pai predicate: ‘friend’; ___ is a friend; ___ is a friend of ___.
nie predicate: ‘inside’; ___ is inside ___.
tue predicate: ‘state’; ___ is a state / state of affairs / situation; ___ is a state of affairs of property ___.
noaq predicate: ‘read’; ___ reads ___ from ___.
kai predicate: ‘write’; ___ writes ___ on ___.
jie predicate: ‘deemed’; ___ is as ___ deems/judges/evaluates things to be.
su predicate: ___ are [previous predicate].
noa predicate: ‘difficult’; Satisfying property ___ is difficult for ___.
niq predicate: ‘new’; ___ is new; ___ is new to ___.
jeq predicate: ‘same’; ___ is the same as ___ in property ___.
shai predicate: ‘cease’; ___ ceases to be the case; ___ stops satisfying property ___; ___ loses property ___.
jua predicate: ‘weird’; ___ is weird/strange/bizarre.
leo predicate: ‘try’; ___ tries to satisfy property ___.
jiq predicate: ‘actual’; ___ exists / is real/actual.
due predicate: ‘correct’; ___ is correct.
teoq predicate: ‘question’; ___ is a question.
heo predicate: ‘different’; ___ is different from ___; ___ differs from ___ in property ___.
chi predicate: ‘believe’; ___ believe ___ to be the case / to be true.
lui predicate: ‘has.happened’; ___ has taken place.
siu (fork of official) predicate: ‘similar’; ___ is similar to ___ in property ___.
ruaq predicate: ___ asserts/claims ___ to be the case.
roi conjunction: ‘and’; plural and
toaq predicate: ‘language’; ___ is a language.
nichaq predicate: ‘today’; ___ is today.
la incidental: ‘meta’; begin meta clause; makes a comment about the containing sentence (text not content).
hui predicate: ‘bad’; ___ is bad.
kuqshao meant to say, skudji
cuaq predicate, selbri
mua predicate: ‘example’; ___ is an example of ___.
meo predicate: ‘sad’; ___ is sad.
tuq predicate: ___ are all things that satisfy property ___.
beo predicate: ‘change’; ___ changes; ___ changes in property ___.
juoq predicate: ___ should satisfy property ___.
jeaq predicate: ‘increase’; ___ increases; ___ increases in how much it satisfies property ___.
teqguai predicate: ‘pay work’; ___ does payed work ___; ___ does ___ as a job.
hai predicate: ‘already’; ___ is already the case; ___ already satisfies property ___.
deoq predicate: ‘communicate’; ___ communicates with ___.
luaq predicate: ‘play’; ___ plays / has fun with / uses for entertainment ___.
jei predicatizer: ‘identical’; turns following phrase X into predicate: ___ is X.
fui predicate: ‘easy’; Satisfying property ___ is easy for ___.
niqguo predicate: ‘again’; ___ happens again.
mea predicate: ‘among’; ___ is among ___.
req predicate: ‘human’; ___ is a human.
posuq predicate: ‘your’; ___ is yours.
teoqkuq predicate: ‘ask’; ___ asks question ___ to ___.
chiaitao predicate: ‘err’; ___ errs; ___ makes mistake ___.
sheo predicate: ‘regret’; ___ regrets satisfying property ___.
koe predicate: ‘choose’; ___ chooses ___ out of ___ for ___.
niqdao predicate: ‘news’; ___ are news.
tai predicate: ‘succeed’; ___ succeeds at satisfying property ___.
joe predicate: ‘skilled’; ___ is skilled at satisfying property ___.
tuao predicate: ‘little’; ___ is little/non-much in property ___.
tao predicate: ‘do’; ___ does ___.
rio predicate: ‘air’; ___ is air.
bo predicate: ___ has/possesses ___.
chiai predicate: ‘wrong’; ___ is wrong/incorrect.
duasho predicate: ‘find.out’; ___ discovers / finds out ___.
soq (fork of official) predicate: ___, among ___, is the ___est; ___, among ___, satisfies property ___ the most
pua predicate: ___ enjoys satisfying property ___.
tiao predicate: ‘match’; ___ matches/fits/suits ___ in property ___.
muo predicate: ‘whole’; ___ is whole/complete in aspect ___.
moaq predicate: ‘remember’; ___ remembers ___.
faq predicate: ‘happen’; ___ happens / takes place.
loq predicate: ‘hot’; ___ is hot/warm.
miujeq predicate: ‘agree’; ___ agrees with ___ that ___ is the case.
moi predicate: ‘think’; ___ thinks / is having a thought; ___ thinks thought ___.
nao predicate: ‘water’; ___ is water.
poi ___ is a proposition whose x1 participant satisfies property ___
choqgi predicate: ‘useful’; ___ is useful for doing ___.
ri Conjunction: which?
bia predicate: ‘sick’; ___ is sick/ill; ___ is sick/ill with ___.
taoshao ___ intends to satisfy property ___.
chufaq predicate: ‘-ing’; ___ is ongoing; ___ is in the middle of taking place; ___ is ___ing.
bai predicate: ‘build’; ___ builds/assembles/makes ___.
lua predicate: ‘story’; ___ is a story.
fai predicate: ‘frequent’; ___ is frequent/common in property ___.
nidaq predicate: ‘now’; ___ is the now.
duafui predicate: ‘obvious’; ___ is obvious; ___ is obvious to ___.
nui predicate: ‘small’; ___ is small/little.
cuakuq predicate: ‘respond’; ___ responds ___ to ___.
dui predicate: ‘too.much’; ___ is too much ___; ___ satisfies property ___ too much to satisfy property ___.
kuai predicate: ‘urge.for’; ___ hungers/urges/longs for property ___.
kiu predicate: ‘-able’; ___ is ___able.
huosi predicate: ‘listen’; ___ listens to ___.
riu predicate: ‘return’; ___ returns to satisfying property ___.
saq predicate: ___ are three in number.
mie predicate: ‘alive’; ___ lives / is alive.
fei predicate: ‘angry’; ___ is angry/mad.
roe predicate: ‘healthy’; ___ is healthy.
cha predicate: ‘manner’; ___ takes place in way/form ___.
die predicate: ‘suggest’; ___ suggests ___.
pujui predicate: ___ happened a short time ago.
bue predicate: ‘home’; ___ is a home of ___.
nuaq predicate: ‘night’; ___ is a night.
ne predicate: ‘amount’; ___ is how much ___ is the case; ___ is the amount that ___ is the case.
buai predicate: ‘long’; ___ is long.
sio predicate: ‘thought’; ___ is a thought/idea.
meaheo predicate: ‘other’; ___ is different from ___; ___ is not the same thing as ___; ___ is something else than ___.
luai predicate: ‘funny’; ___ is funny/comical.
nu predicate: ‘such’; ___ is such / is like that.
daqfai predicate: ‘frequent’; ___ occurs frequently/often.
buajio predicate: ‘house’; ___ is a house (building for living in).
me predicate: ‘aggregate’; ___ is an aggregate of ___.
puq predicate: ___ are more than one / multiple things.
kua predicate: ___ is a room.
sua predicate: ___ is necessary for ___ to happen.
rua predicate: ___ is a flower.
jiajui predicate: ‘’; ___ will happen in a short time from now.
chaq predicate: ‘day’; ___ is a day.
laq predicate: ‘sound’; ___ is a sound; ___ is audio.
re conjunction: if and only if (IFF, ⇔)
choa predicate: ‘utter’; ___ utters ___.
ke linking word: ‘’
gaq predicate: ‘accompany’; ___ accompanies / is with ___ in property ___.
liq predicate: ‘female’; ___ is female.
suai predicate: ‘fast’; ___ is fast/quick; ___ quickly does ___.
choadeoq predicate: ‘talk’; ___ talks to ___.
foa predicate: ‘feel’; ___ feels ___ (good or bad); ___ is ___ (ill or well).
daq predicate: ___ is time.
buaq predicate: ‘fail’; ___ fails to satisfy property ___.
lojibaq predicate: ‘Lojban’; ___ is the Lojban language.
tea predicate: ‘scared’; ___ is scared / experiences fear.
bui predicate: ‘outside’; ___ is outside of ___.
chia predicate: ‘need’; ___ needs to satisfy property ___ to satisfy property ___.
giaq predicate: ‘music’; ___ is music.
hua predicate: ‘body.part’; ___ is a body part.
raqdua ___ is familiar/acquainted with ___.
reoq predicate: ‘late’; ___ is late.
puipoqchao predicate: ‘bus’; ___ is a bus/omnibus.
biaq predicate: ‘enough’; ___ is enough; ___ sufficiently satisfies property ___.
niaoshua predicate: ‘snow’; It snows; ___ snows; ___ snows onto ___.
piano predicate: ‘piano’; ___ is a piano.
soa predicate: ‘help’; ___ helps ___ to satisfy property ___.
pie predicate: ‘drink’; ___ drinks ___.
fi linking word: first argument place
poho predicate: ‘his/her’; ___ is his/hers/theirs.
sue predicate: ___ asks ___ to satisfy property ___.
doa predicate: ‘give’; ___ gives property ___ to ___.
bie predicate: ‘after’; ___ takes place after ___.
cua predicate: ‘respond’; ___ responds to satisfying property ___ by satisfying property ___.
shuai predicate: ‘simple’; ___ is simple.
suao predicate: ‘important’; ___ is important.
duashao predicate: ‘wonder’; ___ wonders about ___.
joetao predicate: ‘practice’; ___ practices skill ___.
chao predicate: ‘vehicle’; ___ is a vehicle.
niai predicate: ‘animal’; ___ is an animal.
suo predicate: ‘broken’; ___ is broken/inoperable.
riaq predicate: ‘place’; ___ is a place/site; ___ is the place/site of ___.
duagi predicate: ‘wise’; ___ is wise.
duq predicate: ‘habitually’; ___ habitually satisfies property ___.
bei prefix: ‘emphasis’; puts emphasis on the following word
fe predicate: ‘five’; ___ are five in number.
jiao predicate: ‘god’; ___ is a god.
gio predicate: ‘light’; ___ is light.
be prefix binary operator: bind second place of following predicate to the noun phrase that follows; be V N ∈ RAI.
baoreo predicate: ‘white’; ___ is of white colour.
jioqkea predicate: ‘computer’; ___ is a computer.
toaqpoq ___ is something interested in the Toaq language in particular
shue predicate: ‘remain’; ___ remains/stays/keeps satisfying property ___.
biejui predicate: ‘shortly.after’; ___ takes place shortly after ___.
piaq ___ is surprised.
haqtu ___ is a spirit, soul or ghost.
giq predicate: ‘opposite’; ___ satisfies with reversed polarity property ___.
sie predicate: ‘follow’; ___ is following to ___ in sequence ___.
cai predicate: ‘strong’; ___ is strong.
muijeq ___ means the same thing as ___.
jiashao predicate: ‘hope’; ___ hopes that ___ will be the case.
guai predicate: ‘work’; ___ works in satisfying property ___.
muaq predicate: ‘dead’; ___ is dead.
koa predicate: ‘cold’; ___ is cold/cool.
he particle: hesitation, ‘er, uh’
puqho predicate: ___ are them.
cie predicate: ‘fish’; ___ is a fish.
mia predicate: ‘rich’; ___ is rich in property ___.
lao predicate: ‘wait’; ___ waits for ___ to be the case.
shua predicate: ‘fall’; ___ falls to ___ from ___.
chai predicate: ‘tea’; ___ is tea (beverage).
noqgi predicate: ‘delicious’; ___ tastes good / is delicious; ___ tastes good / is delicious to ___.
guairiaq predicate: ‘workplace’; ___ is a work place / office.
luaikuq ___ tells joke ___.
te predicate: ‘cut’; ___ cuts ___ into ___.
shuao predicate: ‘bird’; ___ is a bird.
miao predicate: ‘moon’; ___ is a moon.
shiqhua predicate: ‘nose’; ___ is a nose.
haq predicate: ‘food’; ___ is food.
niao predicate: ‘snow’; ___ is snow.
poaq predicate: ‘break’; ___ breaks/parts/splits.
duo predicate: ‘move’; ___ moves to ___ from ___.
jiachaq predicate: ‘tomorrow’; ___ is tomorrow; ___ is the day after today.
hora predicate: ‘hour’; ___ is an hour.
gua predicate: ‘country’; ___ is a country.
heq predicate: ‘contain’; ___ contains ___.
coe predicate: ‘joined’; ___ is joined/connected to ___.
ruqshua predicate: ‘rain’; It rains; ___ rains; ___ rains onto ___.
paqdoa ___ contributes/adds part ___ to ___.
paqtao predicate: ‘participate’; ___ takes part in ___; ___ participates in ___.
nuokuai predicate: ‘tired’; ___ is tired.
sha predicate: ___ arrives at satisfying property ___.
hokei ___ is OK (okay, fine, acceptable, all right).
se predicate: ‘result’; ___ is a result/product of performing action ___.
ci predicate: ‘six’; ___ are six in number.
kao predicate: ‘record’; ___ is a record of information/data ___.
hiao predicate: ‘harm’; ___ harms/injures ___.
meaq predicate: ‘ship’; ___ is a ship/boat/vessel.
muaqsho predicate: ‘die’; ___ dies.
buifa predicate: ‘exit’; ___ goes out of / exits ___.
duai predicate: ‘must’; ___ must satisfy property ___.
geq predicate: ‘meet’; ___ meets ___.
cia predicate: ‘lack’; ___ lacks property ___.
luq predicate: ‘calm’; ___ is calm/silent.
sea predicate: ‘rest’; ___ rests/relaxes.
daqmoa predicate: ‘moment’; ___ is a moment.
shagiq ___ leaves/departs from satisfying property ___.
dei answer (TODO which sense???)
deaq predicate: ‘floor’; ___ is a floor.
jio predicate: ‘building’; ___ is a building.
jo predicate: ‘four’; ___ are four in number.
daqmiq predicate: ‘eternal’; ___ is eternal/forever.
keoru ___ is true, but ___ is true as well.
suhu predicate: ‘pig’; ___ is a pig.
gaipua predicate: ‘enjoy’; ___ enjoys sensing/observing ___.
muao predicate: ‘tree’; ___ is a tree.
nua predicate: ‘take’; ___ takes/removes property ___ from ___.
kaise predicate: ‘text’; ___ is text/writing.
lie predicate: ‘experience’; ___ experiences satisfying property ___.
daichi predicate: ‘hope’; ___ has hope that ___ is the case; ___ believes ___ can happen.
buo predicate: ‘ready’; ___ is ready to satisfy property ___.
nei predicate: ‘nine’; ___ are nine in number.
shoe predicate: ___ lets ___ happen; ___ allows ___ to happen.
rue predicate: ‘weak’; ___ is weak/feeble.
ria predicate: ‘open’; ___ is open.
moinieq predicate: ‘stupid’; ___ is dumb/stupid/unintelligent.
juaq predicate: Even ___ is the case; even ___ satisfies property ___.
riofa predicate: ‘fly’; ___ flies; ___ flies to ___.
niaq predicate: ‘year’; ___ is a year.
luigiq ___ has not yet begun taking place.
huogai predicate: ‘hear’; ___ hears ___.
joq predicate: ‘main’; ___ is main/chief among ___.
chuo predicate: ‘tool’; ___ is a tool/utensil/resource/instrument for satisfying property ___.
niu predicate: ‘plant’; ___ is a plant.
keq predicate: ‘feces’; ___ are feces; ___ is excrement/shit/poo.
kulo ___ is a mosquito.
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