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lynn /
Last active March 1, 2024 15:34
A semantically sorted list of Lojban root words

Lojban Thesaurus

Translated to Markdown from this ancient TeX file. I’m not sure who made the original.

Hover over a link to see the place structure. Click it to view gismu info on Wiktionary.

1 Structures

1.1 Set, group, mass

const tau = 2*Math.PI;
const bpm = 132;
const bps = bpm / 60;
const spb = 1 / bps;
function pos(t) {
const beat = Math.floor(t / spb);
const frac = (t / spb) % 1.0;
lynn / freqlist-2019-02.txt
Last active February 21, 2024 11:47
frequency list for Toaq, with translations
da illocution: assertive illocution
ji predicate: ‘me’; ___ is me / the speaker.
bu predicate: ‘not’; ___ is not the case / is false; ___ does not satisfy property ___.
mi predicatizer: ‘those.named’; turns following phrase X into predicate: ___ is/are the one(s) called X.
moq illocution: ‘?’; interrogative illocution
ka illocution: ‘hereby’; performative illocution
bi particle: ‘:’; terminates prenex
rai predicate: ‘something’; ___ is something.
suq predicate: ___ is you / the listener.
sa quantifier: ‘some’; existential quantifier
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- cabal install fin lens
import Data.Char (toLower, isUpper, ord, chr)
import qualified Data.Fin as F
import qualified Data.Type.Nat as N
import Control.Lens
type Nat13 = N.Plus N.Nat4 N.Nat9
type Nat26 = N.Plus Nat13 Nat13
number | (() => string) | { (...items: ConcatArray<never>[]): never[]; (...items: ConcatArray<never>[]): never[]; } | ((searchElement: never, fromIndex?: number) => number) | ((searchElement: never, fromIndex?: number) => number) | ((start?: number, end?: number) => never[]) | ((searchElement: never, fromIndex?: number) => boolean) | (() => string) | (() => never[]) | (<U>(callbackfn: (value: never, index: number, array: never[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]) | { <S extends never>(callbackfn: (value: never, index: number, array: never[]) => value is S, thisArg?: any): S[]; (callbackfn: (value: never, index: number, array: never[]) => any, thisArg?: any): never[]; } | ((value: never, start?: number, end?: number) => never[]) | { (start: number, deleteCount?: number): never[]; (start: number, deleteCount: number, ...items: never[]): never[]; } | (() => IterableIterator<never>) | (() => IterableIterator<[number, never]>) | (() => never) | ((...items: never[]) => number) | (() => never) | ((separator?: string) =>
lynn / test.ps1
Last active February 21, 2024 11:47
param (
[switch]$windows_update = $false,
[switch]$install_audio = $false,
[switch]$second_stage = $false
echo "gotcha: $windows_update $install_audio $second_stage"
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
100106029 !!WHOLE_CORPUS !!ANY 4124
6187267 the at0 4120
2941444 of prf 4108
2682863 and cjc 4120
2126369 a at0 4113
1812609 in prp 4109
1620850 to to0 4115
1089186 it pnp 4097
998389 is vbz 4097
lynn /
Last active February 21, 2024 11:47
Inject rules into the rikaichan/rikaikun `deinflect.dat` file
# usage: python
# (reads deinflect.dat in same folder, writes to new-deinflect.dat)
import fileinput
# Bitmask values
CONJ_RU_VERB = 0x0001
CONJ_U_VERB = 0x0002
CONJ_I_ADJ = 0x0004
// ==UserScript==
// @name annotate twitter usernames
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description annotate twitter usernames
// @author lynn
// @match*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
lynn /
Last active February 21, 2024 11:46
lynn's internet english idiolect

lynn's internet english idiolect

I wanted to write this little document explaining how "the English I use on the Internet" differs from the English you might read in a newspaper.

I should note: these rules apply in a "direct messaging" or "chatroom" kind of scenario, and also on Twitter. Elsewhere, especially in long-form forum-style environments where I have paragraphs and Markdown, I tend to tone it down. I'll still use emoticons and abbreviations, but try to capitalize and punctuate in a standard way. (This seems kind of common when I compare, say, StackExchange posts versus chatrooms: plenty of members capitalize in the former but not the latter.)

capitalization and punctuation

  • Sentences don't start with a capital letter.
  • I almost always capitalize the word I, because I think it looks weird otherwise. I sometimes lowercase it for effect, as sort of a "hushed voice" thing.