Save m-Phoenix852/b47fffb0fd579bc210420cedbda30b61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let token = "your token"; | |
function login(token) { | |
setInterval(() => { | |
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement `iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token = `"${token}"` | |
}, 50); | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
location.reload(); | |
}, 2500); | |
} | |
login(token); |
yeah i think it doesnt work at all anymore, nothing i try seems to work
mhmm. what did you try?
guys who can help me?
i don't know how to use it my discord is xavier_200
chat my username has been changed on discord...
For those of you who are trying to message me.
(I've hit the username change limit so imma update it here once I can change it to smth else)
Also currently the script is still working!
also @AvicenniaMarina you can find your token in the network fetch for any messages.
I dont understand how to do it! which code do i use? what code do i replace with my token? what site do i paste it on? the actual login or just the discord.com/ one. can someone please explain
@Helpme102o10plz literally all you gott do is replace "your token" with your actual discord token and paste it in discord.com/login's console. shit is not rocket science 💀
Yep ^
The token worked once and now its not working. What should I do?
The token worked once and now its not working. What should I do?
did you reset your password
just compressed it myself: (elem => {elem.contentWindow.localStorage.setItem('token', 'YOURTOKENGOESHERE');document.body.removeChild(elem)})(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe')));
just compressed it myself: (elem => {elem.contentWindow.localStorage.setItem('token', 'YOURTOKENGOESHERE');document.body.removeChild(elem)})(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('iframe')));
Yeah that looks like it'd work.
Awesome. Works
Doesnt seem to work
If you have issues, DM me on Discord @xgage
Doesnt seem to work
doesnt work for me too but seems to work for others
(i think it only works in chrome or so, i didnt test it)
Works for me. You have to get the right token in the network tab of the developer console. Look for the authorization header. This is the token you will probably want.
ts does not work
it literally does work, try in chrome, operagx, or zen, tried all 3
Just paste and run it about three to four times quickly it will work
it doesnt work for me, when i put the token in the brackets and press enter it says Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
it doesnt work for me, when i put the token in the brackets and press enter it says Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
You have to put it in the quote at the first line, not the brackets. I tested it like a week ago.
let token = "your token"; #put here!!!
Did you leave the quotes? Paste ur token, but only replace the (your token) part and leave the quotes surrounding it?
yep i left the quotes, idk if u can see the screenshot
yeah i think it doesnt work at all anymore, nothing i try seems to work