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Last active December 10, 2019 18:27
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HDRaytracingManager which enables skinned mesh renderer support in HDRP 7.1.5 on Unity 2020.1.0a15
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HighDefinition;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition
internal enum RayTracingRendererFlag
Opaque = 0x01,
Transparent = 0x02,
CastShadow = 0x04,
AmbientOcclusion = 0x08,
Reflection = 0x10,
GlobalIllumination = 0x20,
RecursiveRendering = 0x40,
PathTracing = 0x80
internal enum AccelerationStructureStatus
Clear = 0x0,
Added = 0x1,
Excluded = 0x02,
TransparencyIssue = 0x04,
NullMaterial = 0x08,
MissingMesh = 0x10
class HDRayTracingLights
// The list of non-directional lights in the sub-scene
public List<HDAdditionalLightData> hdPointLightArray = new List<HDAdditionalLightData>();
public List<HDAdditionalLightData> hdLineLightArray = new List<HDAdditionalLightData>();
public List<HDAdditionalLightData> hdRectLightArray = new List<HDAdditionalLightData>();
public List<HDAdditionalLightData> hdLightArray = new List<HDAdditionalLightData>();
// The list of directional lights in the sub-scene
public List<HDAdditionalLightData> hdDirectionalLightArray = new List<HDAdditionalLightData>();
// The list of reflection probes
public List<HDProbe> reflectionProbeArray = new List<HDProbe>();
// Counter of the current number of lights
public int lightCount;
public partial class HDRenderPipeline
// Data used for runtime evaluation
RayTracingAccelerationStructure m_CurrentRAS = new RayTracingAccelerationStructure();
HDRaytracingLightCluster m_RayTracingLightCluster = new HDRaytracingLightCluster();
HDRayTracingLights m_RayTracingLights = new HDRayTracingLights();
bool m_ValidRayTracingState = false;
bool m_ValidRayTracingCluster = false;
// Denoisers
HDTemporalFilter m_TemporalFilter = new HDTemporalFilter();
HDSimpleDenoiser m_SimpleDenoiser = new HDSimpleDenoiser();
HDDiffuseDenoiser m_DiffuseDenoiser = new HDDiffuseDenoiser();
// Ray-count manager data
RayCountManager m_RayCountManager = new RayCountManager();
const int maxNumSubMeshes = 32;
Dictionary<int, int> m_RayTracingRendererReference = new Dictionary<int, int>();
bool[] subMeshFlagArray = new bool[maxNumSubMeshes];
bool[] subMeshCutoffArray = new bool[maxNumSubMeshes];
bool[] subMeshTransparentArray = new bool[maxNumSubMeshes];
ReflectionProbe reflectionProbe = new ReflectionProbe();
List<Material> materialArray = new List<Material>(maxNumSubMeshes);
public void InitRayTracingManager()
// Init the denoisers
m_TemporalFilter.Init(m_Asset.renderPipelineRayTracingResources, m_SharedRTManager);
m_SimpleDenoiser.Init(m_Asset.renderPipelineRayTracingResources, m_SharedRTManager);
m_DiffuseDenoiser.Init(m_Asset.renderPipelineResources, m_Asset.renderPipelineRayTracingResources, m_SharedRTManager);
// Init the ray count manager
// Build the light cluster
public void ReleaseRayTracingManager()
AccelerationStructureStatus AddInstanceToRAS(Renderer currentRenderer,
bool rayTracedShadow,
bool aoEnabled, int aoLayerValue,
bool reflEnabled, int reflLayerValue,
bool giEnabled, int giLayerValue,
bool recursiveEnabled, int rrLayerValue,
bool pathTracingEnabled, int ptLayerValue)
// Get all the materials of the mesh renderer
// If the array is null, we are done
if (materialArray == null) return AccelerationStructureStatus.NullMaterial;
// For every sub-mesh/sub-material let's build the right flags
int numSubMeshes = 1;
if (!(currentRenderer.GetType() == typeof(SkinnedMeshRenderer)))
currentRenderer.TryGetComponent(out MeshFilter meshFilter);
if (meshFilter == null || meshFilter.sharedMesh == null) return AccelerationStructureStatus.MissingMesh;
numSubMeshes = meshFilter.sharedMesh.subMeshCount;
SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMesh = (SkinnedMeshRenderer)currentRenderer;
if (skinnedMesh.sharedMesh == null) return AccelerationStructureStatus.MissingMesh;
numSubMeshes = skinnedMesh.sharedMesh.subMeshCount;
// Get the layer of this object
int objectLayerValue = 1 << currentRenderer.gameObject.layer;
// We need to build the instance flag for this renderer
uint instanceFlag = 0x00;
bool singleSided = false;
bool materialIsOnlyTransparent = true;
bool hasTransparentSubMaterial = false;
for (int meshIdx = 0; meshIdx < numSubMeshes; ++meshIdx)
// Intially we consider the potential mesh as invalid
bool validMesh = false;
if (materialArray.Count > meshIdx)
// Grab the material for the current sub-mesh
Material currentMaterial = materialArray[meshIdx];
// The material is transparent if either it has the requested keyword or is in the transparent queue range
if (currentMaterial != null)
// Mesh is valid given that all requirements are ok
validMesh = true;
subMeshFlagArray[meshIdx] = true;
// Is the sub material transparent?
subMeshTransparentArray[meshIdx] = currentMaterial.IsKeywordEnabled("_SURFACE_TYPE_TRANSPARENT")
|| (HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_Transparent.lowerBound <= currentMaterial.renderQueue
&& HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_Transparent.upperBound >= currentMaterial.renderQueue)
|| (HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_AllTransparentRaytracing.lowerBound <= currentMaterial.renderQueue
&& HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_AllTransparentRaytracing.upperBound >= currentMaterial.renderQueue);
// aggregate the transparency info
materialIsOnlyTransparent &= subMeshTransparentArray[meshIdx];
hasTransparentSubMaterial |= subMeshTransparentArray[meshIdx];
// Is the material alpha tested?
subMeshCutoffArray[meshIdx] = currentMaterial.IsKeywordEnabled("_ALPHATEST_ON")
|| (HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_OpaqueAlphaTest.lowerBound <= currentMaterial.renderQueue
&& HDRenderQueue.k_RenderQueue_OpaqueAlphaTest.upperBound >= currentMaterial.renderQueue);
// Force it to be non single sided if it has the keyword if there is a reason
bool doubleSided = currentMaterial.doubleSidedGI || currentMaterial.IsKeywordEnabled("_DOUBLESIDED_ON");
singleSided |= !doubleSided;
// If the mesh was not valid, exclude it
if (!validMesh)
subMeshFlagArray[meshIdx] = false;
subMeshCutoffArray[meshIdx] = false;
singleSided = true;
// If the material is considered opaque, but has some transparent sub-materials
if (!materialIsOnlyTransparent && hasTransparentSubMaterial)
for (int meshIdx = 0; meshIdx < numSubMeshes; ++meshIdx)
subMeshCutoffArray[meshIdx] = subMeshTransparentArray[meshIdx] ? true : subMeshCutoffArray[meshIdx];
// Propagate the right mask
instanceFlag |= materialIsOnlyTransparent ? (uint)(1 << 1) : (uint)(1 << 0);
if (rayTracedShadow)
// Raise the shadow casting flag if needed
instanceFlag |= ((currentRenderer.shadowCastingMode == ShadowCastingMode.On) ? (uint)(RayTracingRendererFlag.CastShadow) : 0x00);
if (aoEnabled && !materialIsOnlyTransparent)
// Raise the Ambient Occlusion flag if needed
instanceFlag |= ((aoLayerValue & objectLayerValue) != 0) ? (uint)(RayTracingRendererFlag.AmbientOcclusion) : 0x00;
if (reflEnabled && !materialIsOnlyTransparent)
// Raise the Screen Space Reflection if needed
instanceFlag |= ((reflLayerValue & objectLayerValue) != 0) ? (uint)(RayTracingRendererFlag.Reflection) : 0x00;
if (giEnabled && !materialIsOnlyTransparent)
// Raise the Global Illumination if needed
instanceFlag |= ((giLayerValue & objectLayerValue) != 0) ? (uint)(RayTracingRendererFlag.GlobalIllumination) : 0x00;
if (recursiveEnabled)
// Raise the Global Illumination if needed
instanceFlag |= ((rrLayerValue & objectLayerValue) != 0) ? (uint)(RayTracingRendererFlag.RecursiveRendering) : 0x00;
if (pathTracingEnabled)
// Raise the Global Illumination if needed
instanceFlag |= ((ptLayerValue & objectLayerValue) != 0) ? (uint)(RayTracingRendererFlag.PathTracing) : 0x00;
// If the object was not referenced
if (instanceFlag == 0) return AccelerationStructureStatus.Added;
// Add it to the acceleration structure
m_CurrentRAS.AddInstance(currentRenderer, subMeshMask: subMeshFlagArray, subMeshTransparencyFlags: subMeshCutoffArray, enableTriangleCulling: singleSided, mask: instanceFlag);
// return the status
return (!materialIsOnlyTransparent && hasTransparentSubMaterial) ? AccelerationStructureStatus.TransparencyIssue : AccelerationStructureStatus.Added;
public void BuildRayTracingAccelerationStructure()
// Clear all the per frame-data
m_RayTracingLights.lightCount = 0;
m_CurrentRAS = new RayTracingAccelerationStructure();
m_ValidRayTracingState = false;
m_ValidRayTracingCluster = false;
bool rayTracedShadow = false;
// fetch all the lights in the scene
HDAdditionalLightData[] hdLightArray = UnityEngine.GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<HDAdditionalLightData>();
for (int lightIdx = 0; lightIdx < hdLightArray.Length; ++lightIdx)
HDAdditionalLightData hdLight = hdLightArray[lightIdx];
if (hdLight.enabled)
// Check if there is a ray traced shadow in the scene
rayTracedShadow |= (hdLight.useRayTracedShadows || (hdLight.useContactShadow.@override && hdLight.rayTraceContactShadow));
switch (hdLight.type)
case HDLightType.Directional:
case HDLightType.Point:
case HDLightType.Area:
switch (hdLight.areaLightShape)
case AreaLightShape.Rectangle:
case AreaLightShape.Tube:
//TODO: case AreaLightShape.Disc:
HDAdditionalReflectionData[] reflectionProbeArray = UnityEngine.GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<HDAdditionalReflectionData>();
for (int reflIdx = 0; reflIdx < reflectionProbeArray.Length; ++reflIdx)
HDAdditionalReflectionData reflectionProbe = reflectionProbeArray[reflIdx];
// Add it to the list if enabled
if (reflectionProbe.enabled)
m_RayTracingLights.lightCount = m_RayTracingLights.hdPointLightArray.Count
+ m_RayTracingLights.hdLineLightArray.Count
+ m_RayTracingLights.hdRectLightArray.Count
+ m_RayTracingLights.reflectionProbeArray.Count;
AmbientOcclusion aoSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<AmbientOcclusion>();
ScreenSpaceReflection reflSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<ScreenSpaceReflection>();
GlobalIllumination giSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<GlobalIllumination>();
RecursiveRendering recursiveSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<RecursiveRendering>();
PathTracing pathTracingSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<PathTracing>();
// First of all let's process all the LOD groups
LODGroup[] lodGroupArray = UnityEngine.GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<LODGroup>();
for (var i = 0; i < lodGroupArray.Length; i++)
// Grab the current LOD group
LODGroup lodGroup = lodGroupArray[i];
// Get the set of LODs
LOD[] lodArray = lodGroup.GetLODs();
for (int lodIdx = 0; lodIdx < lodArray.Length; ++lodIdx)
LOD currentLOD = lodArray[lodIdx];
// We only want to push to the acceleration structure the lod0, we do not have defined way to select the right LOD at the moment
if (lodIdx == 0)
for (int rendererIdx = 0; rendererIdx < currentLOD.renderers.Length; ++rendererIdx)
// Fetch the renderer that we are interested in
Renderer currentRenderer = currentLOD.renderers[rendererIdx];
// This objects should but included into the RAS
aoSettings.rayTracing.value, aoSettings.layerMask.value,
reflSettings.rayTracing.value, reflSettings.layerMask.value,
giSettings.rayTracing.value, giSettings.layerMask.value,
recursiveSettings.enable.value, recursiveSettings.layerMask.value,
pathTracingSettings.enable.value, pathTracingSettings.layerMask.value);
// Add them to the processed set so that they are not taken into account when processing all the renderers
for (int rendererIdx = 0; rendererIdx < currentLOD.renderers.Length; ++rendererIdx)
Renderer currentRenderer = currentLOD.renderers[rendererIdx];
// Add this fella to the renderer list
m_RayTracingRendererReference.Add(currentRenderer.GetInstanceID(), 1);
// Grab all the renderers from the scene
var rendererArray = UnityEngine.GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Renderer>();
for (var i = 0; i < rendererArray.Length; i++)
// Fetch the current renderer
Renderer currentRenderer = rendererArray[i];
// If it is not active skip it
if (currentRenderer.enabled == false) continue;
// Grab the current game object
GameObject gameObject = currentRenderer.gameObject;
// Has this object already been processed, just skip it
if (m_RayTracingRendererReference.ContainsKey(currentRenderer.GetInstanceID()))
// Does this object have a reflection probe component? if yes we do not want to have it in the acceleration structure
if (gameObject.TryGetComponent<ReflectionProbe>(out reflectionProbe)) continue;
// This objects should but included into the RAS
aoSettings.rayTracing.value, aoSettings.layerMask.value,
reflSettings.rayTracing.value, reflSettings.layerMask.value,
giSettings.rayTracing.value, giSettings.layerMask.value,
recursiveSettings.enable.value, recursiveSettings.layerMask.value,
pathTracingSettings.enable.value, pathTracingSettings.layerMask.value);
// build the acceleration structure
// tag the structures as valid
m_ValidRayTracingState = true;
internal void BuildRayTracingLightCluster(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCamera)
ScreenSpaceReflection reflSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<ScreenSpaceReflection>();
GlobalIllumination giSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<GlobalIllumination>();
RecursiveRendering recursiveSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<RecursiveRendering>();
PathTracing pathTracingSettings = VolumeManager.instance.stack.GetComponent<PathTracing>();
if (m_ValidRayTracingState && (reflSettings.rayTracing.value || giSettings.rayTracing.value || recursiveSettings.enable.value || pathTracingSettings.enable.value))
m_RayTracingLightCluster.EvaluateLightClusters(cmd, hdCamera, m_RayTracingLights);
m_ValidRayTracingCluster = true;
internal RayTracingAccelerationStructure RequestAccelerationStructure()
if (m_ValidRayTracingState)
return m_CurrentRAS;
return null;
internal HDRaytracingLightCluster RequestLightCluster()
if (m_ValidRayTracingCluster)
return m_RayTracingLightCluster;
return null;
// Ray Tracing is supported if the asset setting supports it and the platform supports it
static internal bool AggreateRayTracingSupport(RenderPipelineSettings rpSetting)
return rpSetting.supportRayTracing && UnityEngine.SystemInfo.supportsRayTracing
&& (UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64
|| UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget == UnityEditor.BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows)
internal BlueNoise GetBlueNoiseManager()
return m_BlueNoise;
internal RayCountManager GetRayCountManager()
return m_RayCountManager;
internal HDTemporalFilter GetTemporalFilter()
return m_TemporalFilter;
internal HDSimpleDenoiser GetSimpleDenoiser()
return m_SimpleDenoiser;
internal HDDiffuseDenoiser GetDiffuseDenoiser()
return m_DiffuseDenoiser;
internal bool GetRayTracingState()
return m_ValidRayTracingState;
internal bool GetRayTracingClusterState()
return m_ValidRayTracingCluster;
static internal float GetPixelSpreadTangent(float fov, int width, int height)
return Mathf.Tan(fov * Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f) * 2.0f / Mathf.Min(width, height);
static internal float GetPixelSpreadAngle(float fov, int width, int height)
return Mathf.Atan(GetPixelSpreadTangent(fov, width, height));
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