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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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; imperative style
(define-syntax (-> x)
(let* ((sym (gensym))
(arg (cdr (syntax-e x)))
(lines (map (λ (f)
(if (identifier? f)
#`(set! #,sym (#,f #,sym))
#`(set! #,sym (#,@f #,sym))))
(cdr arg))))
#`(let ((#,sym #,(car arg)))
; full macro expansion
(define-syntax (-> x)
(let ((arg (cdr (syntax-e x))))
(foldl (λ (l r)
(if (identifier? l)
#`(#,l #,r)
#`(#,@l #,r)))
(car arg) (cdr arg))))
; functional style
(define-syntax (-> x)
(let* ((arg (cdr (syntax-e x)))
(v (car arg))
(fns (map (λ (f) (if (identifier? f) f
`(curry ,@f)))
(reverse (cdr arg)))))
#`((compose #,@fns) #,v)))
; example:
; > (-> 2 sqrt (+ 1))
; 2.414213562373095
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