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Created October 6, 2015 10:16
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# Questions about an axiom for equality of pointed sigma types
In the Agda code below I am allowing K-based pattern matching.
## Basics
We need some standard imports and definitions.
open import Level renaming (zero to Z ; suc to S)
open import Function hiding (_∋_)
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat hiding (_>_ ; _<_ ; _⊔_)
open import Data.Product hiding (<_,_>)
renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd ; curry to cu ; uncurry to uc)
record ⊤ {l} : Set l where constructor tt
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
infix 4 _Σ≡_
infixl 9 _⊚_
_⊚_ : {§A : _}{A : Set §A}{x y z : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
_⊚_ = subst (flip _≡_ _) ∘ sym
_Σ≡_ : {§A §B : _}{A : Set §A}{B : A → Set §B} (x y : Σ A B) → Set (§A ⊔ §B)
_Σ≡_ {B = B} x y = Σ (fst x ≡ fst y) λ p → subst B p (snd x) ≡ snd y
≡→Σ≡ : {§A §B : _}{A : Set §A}{B : A → Set §B}{x y : Σ A B} →
x ≡ y → x Σ≡ y
≡→Σ≡ refl = refl , refl
Σ≡→≡ : {§A §B : _}{A : Set §A}{B : A → Set §B}{x y : Σ A B} →
x Σ≡ y → x ≡ y
Σ≡→≡ (refl , refl) = refl
module J where
J : ∀ lA lP → Set _
J lA lP = {A : Set lA}(P : {x y : A} → x ≡ y → Set lP)
(m : ∀ x → P (refl {x = x})){x y : A}(p : x ≡ y) → P p
j : {lA lP : _} → J lA lP
j P m refl = m _
coe : {l : _}{X Y : Set l} → X ≡ Y → X → Y
coe = subst id
lem⊤ : ∀ {lA}{A : Set lA}(p : ⊤ ≡ A)(x : ⊤)(y : A) → coe p x ≡ y
lem⊤ p = let open J in
j (λ {A}{B}(p : A ≡ B) → (q : ⊤ ≡ A)(x : A)(y : B) → coe p x ≡ y)
(λ X p → subst (λ X → (x y : X) → x ≡ y) p λ _ _ → refl)
p refl
isrip : ∀ {lA}{A : Set lA}(p : A ≡ A){x : A} → coe p x ≡ x -- uip!
isrip refl = refl
txe : {lA lB : _}{A : Set lA}{B : A → Set lB} →
{f g : (a : A) → B a} → f ≡ g → (∀ x → f x ≡ g x)
txe refl _ = refl
Eq : ∀ {a}(A : Set a) → A → A → Set a
Eq A = _≡_ {A = A}
From now on I will avoid universe polymorphism as much as possible, in
order to enhance readability.
Pointed types are pairs of a type and an inhabitant of that type.
Ptd = Σ Set id
## Definition: Distributivity of equality of pointed types over sigmas
One could think of making heterogeneous equality of pairs (i.e.,
equality of pointed sigma types) "friendlier" by assuming a property
such as the following:
DistrEqPtdΣ = {A : Set}{B : A → Set}{C : Set}{D : C → Set}
{a : A}{b : B a}{c : C}{d : D c} →
Eq Ptd (Σ A B , a , b) (Σ C D , c , d)
≡ ( Eq Ptd (A , a ) (C , c )
× Eq Ptd ( B a , b) ( D c , d))
This definition is inspired by the law for equality of pairs in
Observational Type Theory. There are a few differences, though: in OTT
universes are à la Tarski, and the identity type is an "heterogeneous"
(or "curried") relation defined by structural recursion (the law holds
definitionally) in a Prop. Furthermore, also equality of *types*
(`_<->_` in Conor McBride's "Dependently-typed Metaprogramming in
Agda") is defined by structural recursion.
The property `DistrEqPtdΣ`, instead, only concerns "typal" equality of
*pointed* Russell-style types: "Eq Set" is not involved.
I'd like to know whether `DistrEqPtdΣ` is a consistent assumption in
Agda (see the questions section at the end).
Some times ago (~ Nov 2013) I asked myself how `DistrEqPtdΣ` would
relate to other properties (Univalence and Injectivity of Type
Constructors), and whether it would help with dealing with encoding of
dependent records. A cleaned-up version of what I did back then
## `DistrEqPtdΣ` is inconsistent with Univalence
I don't think this proof requires UIP, unless `DistrEqPtdΣ` implies
UIP (does it?). As I didn't disable K, I won't try to prove this in
Agda. Here is a sketch which I hope to be correct (please let me know
if it isn't).
Under Univalence (Σ ℕ Fin , 1 , zero) ≡ (Σ ℕ Fin , 2 , suc zero) holds
because Σ ℕ Fin is "discrete" (i.e., its equality is decidable), hence
"homogeneous" (see Nicolai Kraus's post at
However, (Fin 1 , zero) ≡ (Fin 2 , suc zero) is empty because Fin 1 ≡
Fin 2 is easily refutable.
Therefore the LHS of equation in the type of `no` below is inhabited
under Univalence, while the RHS is empty.
module _ (d : DistrEqPtdΣ) where
open import Data.Fin
no : Eq Ptd (Σ ℕ Fin , 1 , zero) (Σ ℕ Fin , 2 , suc zero)
≡ (Eq Ptd (ℕ , 1) (ℕ , 2) × Eq Ptd (Fin 1 , zero) (Fin 2 , suc zero))
no = d
## Under UIP, `DistrEqPtdΣ` is inconsistent with Injectivity of Type Constructors
It might appear less intuitive that `DistrEqPtdΣ` is also inconsistent
with "Injectivity of Type Constructors" or, more specifically,
injectivity of `Σ`, in this case under UIP.
We can define injectivity of `Σ` as a pair of two properties.
record InjectiveΣ : Set₁ where
injΣ₁ : {A : Set}{B : A → Set}{C : Set}{D : C → Set} →
Σ A B ≡ Σ C D → A ≡ C
injΣ₂ : {A : Set}{B : A → Set}{C : Set}{D : C → Set}
(p : Σ A B ≡ Σ C D) → B ≡ D ∘ coe (injΣ₁ p)
While `InjectiveΣ` can be inhabited by
enabling `--injective-type-constructors`, we will just assume the
module _ (A : Set)(B : A → Set)(C : Set)(D : C → Set)
(injectiveΣ : InjectiveΣ) where
open InjectiveΣ injectiveΣ
The idea is that the families `X = const ⊤` and `Y = λ b → if b then ⊤
else ⊥` are different, but `DistrEqPtdΣ` equates `(Σ Bool X , true ,
tt)` and `(Σ Bool Y , true , tt)`.
¬fr : DistrEqPtdΣ → ⊥
¬fr d = subst Y h (snd (f false)) where
open import Data.Bool
X Y : Bool → Set
X = const ⊤
Y = λ b → if b then ⊤ else ⊥
p1 : (Σ Bool X , true , tt) ≡ (Σ Bool Y , true , tt)
p1 = coe (sym d) (refl , refl)
p2 : Σ Bool X ≡ Σ Bool Y
p2 = fst (≡→Σ≡ p1)
f : Bool → Σ Bool Y
f = coe p2 ∘ flip _,_ tt
w : (p : Σ Bool X ≡ Σ Bool Y) → (fst ∘ coe p ∘ flip _,_ tt) ≡ id
w p with isrip (injΣ₁ p) {false} | txe (injΣ₂ p) false
w p | q | r rewrite q with coe r tt
w p | q | r | ()
h : fst (coe p2 (false , tt)) ≡ false
h = txe (w p2) false
## Isomorphisms between encodings of dependently-typed records
### Obs 1: left-nested and right-nested records normalize to "non-dependent" ones
The following snippet proves that left-nested and right-nested
dependently-typed records (Pollack 2002), in the "unlabeled" version
often used by Conor McBride, can be normalised to lists of pointed
open import Data.List
open import Data.List.All
Lists of pointed types.
module N where
Cx = List Set
⟦_⟧ : Cx → Set -- aka All id, but Agda's stdlib has a large one
⟦ [] ⟧ = ⊤
⟦ A ∷ As ⟧ = A × ⟦ As ⟧
Record = Σ Cx ⟦_⟧ -- ≅ List Ptd, but I'll skip that
Left-nested records.
module L where
data Cx : Set₁ where
ε : Cx
_>_ : (Γ : Cx)(τ : ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set) → Cx
⟦_⟧ : Cx → Set
⟦ ε ⟧ = ⊤
⟦ Γ > τ ⟧ = Σ ⟦ Γ ⟧ τ
Record = Σ Cx ⟦_⟧
Right-nested records.
module R where
data Cx : Set₁ where
ε : Cx
_<_ : (S : Set)(τ : S → Cx) → Cx
⟦_⟧ : Cx → Set
⟦ ε ⟧ = ⊤
⟦ S < T ⟧ = Σ S λ s → ⟦ T s ⟧
Record = Σ Cx ⟦_⟧
In `LN` and `RN` we prove that `N.Record` is a retract of both
`L.Record` and `R.Record`.
module LN where
to : L.Record → N.Record
to (L.ε , tt) = [] , tt
to (Γ L.> τ , ts , t) = let Xs , xs = to (Γ , ts) in τ ts ∷ Xs , t , xs
fr : N.Record → L.Record
fr ([] , tt) = L.ε , tt
fr (X ∷ Xs , x , xs) = let Γ , γ = fr (Xs , xs) in Γ L.> const X , γ , x
to∘fr≡id : ∀ r → to (fr r) ≡ r
to∘fr≡id ([] , _) = refl
to∘fr≡id (X ∷ Xs , x , xs) rewrite to∘fr≡id (Xs , xs) = refl
module RN where
to : R.Record → N.Record
to (R.ε , tt) = [] , tt
to (S R.< T , s , t) = let Xs , X = to (T s , t) in S ∷ Xs , s , X
fr : N.Record → R.Record
fr ([] , tt) = R.ε , tt
fr (X ∷ Xs , x , xs) = let T , t = fr (Xs , xs) in X R.< const T , x , t
to∘fr≡id : ∀ r → to (fr r) ≡ r
to∘fr≡id ([] , _) = refl
to∘fr≡id (X ∷ Xs , x , xs) rewrite to∘fr≡id (Xs , xs) = refl
### Definition: Distributivity of equality of pointed *codes* over sigma *codes*
Around the same time I also asked myself whether the statement that "
1. left-nested dependently-typed records
2. right-nested dependently-typed records
3. lists of pointed types
are all isomorphic" could be a consequence of `DistrEqPtdΣ`.
I thought that might be the case but never attempted to prove it. I
have now tried and it doesn't actually seem to work. It appears one
needs a stronger, quite "universe-generic" statement, such as the
DistrEqPtd°Σ : ∀ lU → Set (S lU)
DistrEqPtd°Σ lU = (U1 : Set lU)(El1 : U1 → Set)
(U2 : Set lU)(El2 : U2 → Set)
(U3 : Set lU)(El3 : U3 → Set)
(°Σ : (A : U1) → (El1 A → U2) → U3)
(_°,_ : ∀ {A B} → (a : El1 A) → El2 (B a) → El3 (°Σ A B))
{A : U1}{B : El1 A → U2}{C : U1}{D : El1 C → U2}
{a : El1 A}{b : El2 (B a)}{c : El1 C}{d : El2 (D c)} →
Eq (Σ U3 El3) (°Σ A B , a °, b) (°Σ C D , c °, d)
≡ ( Eq (Σ U1 El1) ( A , a ) ( C , c )
× Eq (Σ U2 El2) ( B a , b) ( D c , d))
As shown below, `DistrEqPtd°Σ` generalises `DistrEqPtd`:
private ↓ : DistrEqPtd°Σ (S Z) → DistrEqPtdΣ
↓ d = d Set id Set id Set id Σ _,_
It also looks a bit too strong: I don't really know whether this is
safe to assume.
### Obs 2: By assuming `DistrEqPtd°Σ`, we also obtain isomorphisms
The following code shows how `DistrEqPtd°Σ` entails that lists of
pointed types (`N.Record`) are not only a "normal form" for
left-nested and right-nested records (`L.Record`, `R.Record`), but
they are also isomorphic to both.
module LN+ (d : DistrEqPtd°Σ (S Z)) where
open LN
fr∘to≡id : ∀ r → fr (to r) ≡ r
fr∘to≡id (L.ε , _) = refl
fr∘to≡id (Γ L.> τ , ts , t) rewrite fr∘to≡id (Γ , ts) =
let p = d L.Cx L.⟦_⟧ Set id L.Cx L.⟦_⟧ L._>_ _,_ in
coe (sym p) (refl , refl)
module RN+ (d : DistrEqPtd°Σ (S Z)) where
open RN
fr∘to≡id : ∀ r → fr (to r) ≡ r
fr∘to≡id (R.ε , tt) = refl
fr∘to≡id (S R.< T , s , t) rewrite fr∘to≡id (T s , t) =
let p = d Set id R.Cx R.⟦_⟧ R.Cx R.⟦_⟧ R._<_ _,_ in
coe (sym p) (refl , refl)
## Other encodings of (left-nested) records
Definitions "equivalent" to those in `N`, `L` and `R` easy to obtain
by induction over natural numbers: no `data` or inductive-recursive
definitions are really necessary, and in principle one could do "this"
in ITT without W (maybe η for Σs is required as well).
Let's consider left-nested records. Though one may object over the use
of the equality type in `⟦ε⟧` and `⟦>⟧`, it seems reasonable to say
that an encoding of left-nested record types is a family of sets that
satisfies the "predicate" `LeftNestedRecordFamSet`:
record LeftNestedRecordFamSet (Cx : Set₁)(⟦_⟧ : Cx → Set) l : Set (S l) where
constructor leftnested
ε : Cx
_>_ : (Γ : Cx)(τ : ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set) → Cx
⟦ε⟧ : ⟦ ε ⟧ ≡ ⊤
⟦>⟧ : ∀ {Γ τ} → ⟦ Γ > τ ⟧ ≡ Σ ⟦ Γ ⟧ τ
* = coe (sym ⟦ε⟧) tt
*-lem : (x : ⟦ ε ⟧) → * ≡ x
*-lem = lem⊤ (sym ⟦ε⟧) _
>_> : ∀ {Γ τ} → Σ ⟦ Γ ⟧ τ → ⟦ Γ > τ ⟧
>_> {_}{_} = coe (sym ⟦>⟧)
field -- initiality (sort of)
elimCx⟦⟧ : (P : (Γ : Cx) → ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set l) →
P ε * →
((Γ : Cx)(τ : ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set)(s : ⟦ Γ ⟧)(t : τ s) → P Γ s → P (Γ > τ) > s , t >) →
(Γ : Cx)(xs : ⟦ Γ ⟧) → P Γ xs
elimCx⟦⟧-ε : ∀ {P : (Γ : Cx) → ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set l}{mε m>} →
elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> ε *
≡ mε
elimCx⟦⟧-> : ∀ {P : (Γ : Cx) → ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set l}{mε m> Γ τ s t} →
elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> (Γ > τ) > s , t >
≡ m> Γ τ s t (elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> Γ s)
`L.Record` fits the bill.
module L+++ where
open L
elimCx⟦⟧ : {l : _}(P : (Γ : Cx) → ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set l) →
P ε tt →
((Γ : Cx)(τ : ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set)(s : ⟦ Γ ⟧)(t : τ s) → P Γ s → P (Γ > τ) (s , t)) →
(Γ : Cx)(xs : ⟦ Γ ⟧) → P Γ xs
elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> ε _ = mε
elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> (Γ > τ) (s , t) = m> Γ τ s t (elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> Γ s)
left : ∀ {l} → LeftNestedRecordFamSet L.Cx L.⟦_⟧ l
left = leftnested L.ε L._>_ refl refl elimCx⟦⟧ refl refl
However, we can just use natural numbers and their eliminator to
obtain an "equivalent" definition.
elimℕ : {l : _}(P : ℕ → Set l) → P zero → ((n : ℕ) → P n → P (suc n)) → (n : ℕ) → P n
elimℕ P mz ms zero = mz
elimℕ P mz ms (suc n) = ms n (elimℕ P mz ms n)
module ℕL where
Cx⟦⟧/ : (n : ℕ) → Σ Set₁ λ S → S → Set
Cx⟦⟧/ = elimℕ _ (⊤ , λ _ → ⊤)
(λ n r → let Cx/n , ⟦_⟧/ = r in
(Σ Cx/n λ Γ → ⟦ Γ ⟧/ → Set)
, λ { (Γ , τ) → Σ ⟦ Γ ⟧/ λ s → τ s })
Cx/ : ℕ → Set _
Cx/ n = fst (Cx⟦⟧/ n)
⟦_⟧/ : ∀ {n} → Cx/ n → Set _
⟦_⟧/ {n} = snd (Cx⟦⟧/ n)
Cx : Set _
Cx = Σ ℕ Cx/
⟦_⟧ : Cx → Set _
⟦ n , Γ ⟧ = ⟦_⟧/ {n} Γ
ε : Cx
ε = zero , tt
_>_ : (Γ : Cx)(τ : ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set) → Cx
(n , Γ) > τ = suc n , Γ , τ
elimCx⟦⟧ : {l : _}(P : (Γ : Cx) → ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set l) →
P ε tt →
((Γ : Cx)(τ : ⟦ Γ ⟧ → Set)(s : ⟦ Γ ⟧)(t : τ s) → P Γ s → P (Γ > τ) (s , t)) →
(Γ : Cx)(xs : ⟦ Γ ⟧) → P Γ xs
elimCx⟦⟧ P mε m> = uc $ elimℕ C mz ms
where C = λ n → (Γ : Cx/ n)(xs : ⟦ n , Γ ⟧) → P (n , Γ) xs
mz = λ _ _ → mε
ms = λ n ih Γ xs → m> _ _ _ _ (ih _ _)
Record = Σ Cx ⟦_⟧
Also this definition is a valid encoding of left-nested records.
left : ∀ {l} → LeftNestedRecordFamSet Cx ⟦_⟧ l
left = leftnested ε _>_ refl refl elimCx⟦⟧ refl refl
## Questions
A) Is the name "distributivity of equality of pointed types over
sigmas" appropriate?
If not, how should one call this property?
B) Is `DistrEqPtdΣ` consistent with Agda, with or without K?
C) Does `DistrEqPtdΣ` *imply* UIP?
My guess is that it does not.
D) Is `DistrEqPtd°Σ` consistent with Agda, with or without K?
E) If they are inconsistent, would the versions where (the outermost)
equality is replaced by implication be safe instead?
For example, for `DistrEqPtdΣ`:
Eq Ptd (A , a ) (C , c ) →
Eq Ptd ( B a , b) ( D c , d) →
Eq Ptd (Σ A B , a , b) (Σ C D , c , d)
F) (vague) Is there a categorical notion related to `` and ``?
G) On the alternative encodings of left-nested records:
- Is it possible to prove that `L.Record` and `ℕL.Record` are
isomorphic under no assumptions?
- In case it isn't, is `DistrEqPtd°Σ` enough?
I don't have time to try now, but it doesn't look straightforward.
- Do better studied assumption (e.g., Univalence in Agda --without-K) help?
- More interestingly: what consistent assumptions, if any, allow to
prove that all families satisfying `LeftNestedRecordFamSet` are
H) Can `DistrEqPtdΣ` or `DistrEqPtd°Σ` provide a proof of `Even ≡ Odd → ⊥`?
See Martín Escardó's message to the HoTT list at!topic/homotopytypetheory/qydSwbvj1uE .
open import Data.Nat
data IsEven : ℕ → Set
data IsOdd : ℕ → Set
data IsEven where
zero : IsEven zero
even : ∀ {n} → IsOdd n → IsEven (suc n)
data IsOdd where
odd : ∀ {n} → IsEven n → IsOdd (suc n)
Even = Σ _ IsEven
Odd = Σ _ IsOdd
module _ (distrEqPtdΣ : DistrEqPtdΣ)(?? : ∀ {X} → X) where
Even≢Odd : Even ≡ Odd → ⊥
Even≢Odd p = ??
My understanding is that they do not.
Thanks in advance for any feedback! :-)
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