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Last active December 26, 2018 12:31
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A snippets for powershell scripting.
It's WIP.
Ask file path with dialog box.
Title of dialog box.
Pair(s) of filetype and that name.
A file path that choose by user.
An exception cause if user did cancell.
function Ask-FilePath {
Param([string]$Title="Open file", [string]$Type="all files|*.*")
Write progress of pipe process.
A text that describe what is processing for.
Total count of elements for processing.
A text that describe what is processing now.
This parameter will ignored if `StatusBlock` or `StatusProperty` are set.
A ScriptBlock for generating text that describe what is processing now.
Passing current element as `$_` and `$input`.
.PARAMETER StautsProperty
A property name of element that describe what is processing now. This behave like a Select-Object
This parameter will ignored if `StausBlock` are set.
.PARAMETER EnableRemainTime
Display remain time if set this.
The ID of this process. Use for `ParentId`.
The ID of parent process. If it is -1 (that default), process will be root.
$something | Write-PipeProgress -Activity "something" -Total $something.Count -StatusText "do something..." | Process-Something
$people | Write-PipeProgress -Activity "read people data" -Total $people.Count -StatusBlock { "$($_.Name) ($($_.Age))" } | Read-People
ls | Write-PipeProgress -Activity "ls" -Total (ls | Measure).Count -StatusProperty Name -EnableRemainTime | foreach { sleep 1 }
function Write-PipeProgress {
Param([string]$Activity, [int]$Total, [string]$StatusText=$null, [ScriptBlock]$StatusBlock=$null, [string]$StatusProperty=$null, [switch]$EnableRemainTime, [int]$Id=0, [int]$ParentId=-1)
Begin {
$startTime = Get-Date
$status = if ($StatusBlock) {
} elseif ($StatusProperty) {
({ $input | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $StatusProperty})
} else {
({ $StatusText })
$count = 0
Process {
$seconds = ((Get-Date) - $startTime).TotalSeconds
$remain = if ($count -eq 0 -or -not $EnableRemainTime) { -1 } else { $seconds * ($Total - $count) / $count }
$s = $_ | & $status
if (-Not $s) {
$s = "${count} / ${Total}"
Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status $s -PercentComplete ($count * 100 / $total) -SecondsRemain $remain -Id $Id -ParentId $ParentId
End {
Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Completed -Id $id -ParentId $ParentId
Get last element of inputs.
Some elements for get last.
The last element of input. `$null` if the input was 0 lengths.
1..10 | Get-Last
function Get-Last {
Begin { $x = $null }
Process { $x = $_ }
End { return $x }
Get Range object of Excel.
The sheet for getting range.
Top left position name of the range. Like "A2" or "R1C2".
.PARAMETER BottomRight
Bottom right position name of the range. Like "A2" or "R1C2".
Position address for the top of the range. This value will ignore if TopLeft has some value.
Position address for the left of the range. This value will ignore if TopLeft has some value.
The width of the range. This value will ignore if BottomRight has some value.
The height of the range. This value will ignore if BottomRight has some value.
The range object of Excel.
Get-Range $sheet -TopLeft "A1" -Width 2 -Height 3
# Same as `$sheet.Range("A1:B3")
Get-Range $sheet -Top 4 -Left 5
# Same as `$sheet.Range("E4")
function Get-Range {
Param($Sheet, [string]$TopLeft='', [string]$BottomRight='', [int]$Top=1, [int]$Left=1, [int]$Width=1, [int]$Height=1)
$tl = if ($TopLeft -ne '') {
$Sheet.Range($TopLeft).Cells.Item(1, 1)
} else {
$Sheet.Cells[$Left, $Top]
$br = if ($BottomRight -ne '') {
$Sheet.Range($BottomRight).Cells.Item(1, 1)
} else {
$Sheet.Cells.Item(($tl.Row + $Height - 1), ($tl.Column + $Width - 1))
return $Sheet.Range($tl, $br)
Read a table from a Range object of Excel as an PSObject list.
The range object for get table.
.PARAMETER WithoutHead
The flag for don't care about header.
In default (if use it without this flag), read the first row of the range as a header and use as a property name of objects.
Read-Table $range
hello world
===== =====
1 2
3 4
Read-Table $range -WithoutHead
0 1
===== =====
hello world
1 2
3 4
function Read-Table {
Param($Range, [switch]$WithoutHead)
$head = 0..(($Range.Column | Get-Last) - 1) | ForEach-Object { if ($WithoutHead) { $_ } else { $Range.Formula[$_] } }
$firstRow = if ($WithoutHead) { 0 } else { 1 }
for ($y = $firstRow; $y -lt ($Range.Row | Get-Last); $y++) {
$row = @{}
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $head.Count; $x++) {
$row.Add($head[$x], ($Range.Formula[$y * $head.Count + $x]))
New-Object PSObject -Property $row
Convert array of PSObject to 2 dimensions array.
An array of PSObject to convert.
.PARAMETER WithoutHead
In default, the first row of output array are header. Wont include header if set this.
Header texts for use to get property and export header row (only if not set WithoutHead).
function ConvertTo-Table {
Param([array]$Data, [switch]$WithoutHead, [array]$Heads=$null)
if ($Heads -eq $null) {
$Heads = $Data | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -eq 'NoteProperty' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Name } | Sort-Object
$shift = if ($WithoutHead) { 0 } else { 1 }
$array = New-Object 'object[,]' ($Data.Count + $shift),($Heads.Count)
if (-not $WithoutHead) {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Heads.Count; $i++) {
$array[0, $i] = $Heads[$i]
for ($y = 0; $y -lt $Data.Count; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $Heads.Count; $x++) {
$array[($y + $shift), $x] = $Data[$y] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Heads[$x]
return $array
#$excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
#$book = $excel.WorkBooks.Open('tea.xlsx')
#$sheet = $book.WorkSheets[1]
#$range = (Get-Range $sheet -TopLeft 'A1' -BottomRight 'D3')
#(ConvertTo-Table (Read-Table $range))
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