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Last active December 4, 2019 00:09
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Advent of Code 2019 - Day 1
import Foundation
// Code-golf version
let inputFile = URL(fileReferenceLiteralResourceName: "input.txt")
print(try! String(contentsOf: inputFile).components(separatedBy: .newlines).compactMap { Float($0) }.map { Int(($0 / 3).rounded(.down) - 2) }.reduce(0, +))
// Fancy version
typealias ModuleHopper = [Module]
typealias MassCalculations = [Float]
struct Module {
let mass: Float
let fuel: Int
init(withMass mass: Float) {
self.mass = mass
self.fuel = Int((mass / 3).rounded(.down) - 2)
func loadInput() throws -> MassCalculations {
do {
let inputFile = URL(fileReferenceLiteralResourceName: "input.txt")
let rawInput = try String(contentsOf: inputFile)
let splitFile = rawInput.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
return splitFile.compactMap { Float($0) }
} catch {
throw error
func calculateModules(from mass: MassCalculations) -> ModuleHopper {
return { Module(withMass: $0) }
func calculateFuel(_ modules: ModuleHopper) -> Int {
return modules.reduce(0, { $0 + $1.fuel })
func fuelCounterUpper() throws -> Int {
do {
let masses = try loadInput()
let modules = calculateModules(from: masses)
return calculateFuel(modules)
} catch {
throw error
if let fuelNeeded = try? fuelCounterUpper() {
print("Total fuel units required: \(fuelNeeded)")
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