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Created June 30, 2017 05:25
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// fork of
function alert(title, message){
var app = [NSApplication sharedApplication];
[app displayDialog:message withTitle:title];
//reference the sketch document
var doc = context.document;
//reference the pages array in the document
var pages = [doc pages];
//name of the Symbols page
var symbolsPageName = "Symbols";
//if the doc has a symbol page store it in here
var hasSymbolsPage = false;
hasSymbolsPage = checkIfHasSymbolsPage(pages, symbolsPageName);
//reference a selected layer
var selection = context.selection;
//first check if something is selected
if(selection.count() == 0){
//if nothing is selected, then check if the document has a Symbols page
if(hasSymbolsPage == true){
//select the folder to save the pngs to
var file_path = selectFolder();
//export all the pngs to the folder
exportAllSymbols(doc, pages, symbolsPageName, file_path);
//if user doesn't press cancel, alert that the export is done
if(file_path != undefined){
alert("Symbols Exported!", "Symbols exported to : "+file_path);
//alert user if no symbols page found
alert("No Symbols Page Found!", "There is no page in this document named: "+symbolsPageName);
//checks to see if selected layers are a MSSymbolMaster
var isSymbolMaster = checkSelected(selection);
//if they are, then loop through selection and export
if(isSymbolMaster == true){
//select the folder to save the pngs to
var file_path = selectFolder();
//export all MSSymbolMaster layers selected to folder
for(var i = 0; i < selection.count(); i++){
if(selection[i].class() == "MSSymbolMaster"){
var artboard = selection[i];
var artboardName = [artboard name];
if(file_path != undefined){
alert("Symbol Exported!", artboardName+".png exported to : "+file_path);
//tell user they can only select MSSymbolMaster layers
doc.showMessage("Please only select Symbol Masters.");
function checkSelected(selection){
for(var i = 0; i < selection.count(); i++){
if(selection[i].class() == "MSSymbolMaster"){
return true;
return false;
function selectFolder(){
//open a window to select a folder to save to
var panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories:true];
[panel setCanCreateDirectories:true];
//checks if user clicks open in window
var clicked = [panel runModal];
if (clicked == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {
var isDirectory = true;
var firstURL = [[panel URLs] objectAtIndex:0];
var unformattedURL = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", firstURL];
//makes sure spaces aren't formatted to %20
var file_path = [unformattedURL stringByRemovingPercentEncoding];
//removes file:// from path
if (0 === file_path.indexOf("file://")) {
file_path = file_path.substring(7);
return file_path;
function checkIfHasSymbolsPage(pages, symbolsPageName){
var symbolPageCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < pages.count(); i++){
//reference each page
var page = pages[i];
//get the page name
var pageName = [page name];
//checks if the doc has a page with the name symbolsPageName
if (pageName == symbolsPageName){
symbolPageCount = symbolPageCount + 1;
if(symbolPageCount > 0){
return true;
return false;
function exportAllSymbols(doc, pages, symbolsPageName, file_path){
//loop through the pages array
for (var i = 0; i < pages.count(); i++){
//reference each page
var page = pages[i];
//get the page name
var pageName = [page name];
//checks if the page name is Symbols
if (pageName == symbolsPageName){
//reference the artboards of each symbol
var artboards = [page artboards];
for (var z = 0; z < artboards.count(); z++){
//reference each artboard of each page
var artboard = artboards[z];
//get the name of the artboard and uses it as the file name
var artboardName = [artboard name];
//export the artboard
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