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Last active January 1, 2016 15:35
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.NET implementation of a Collection Equality function to be released in
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Medallion.Collections
public static class CollectionHelper
#region ---- CollectionEquals ----
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether <paramref name="this"/> and <paramref name="that"/> are equal in the sense of having the exact same
/// elements. Unlike <see cref="Enumerable.SequenceEqual{TSource}(IEnumerable{TSource}, IEnumerable{TSource})"/>,
/// this method disregards order. Unlike <see cref="ISet{T}.SetEquals(IEnumerable{T})"/>, this method does not disregard duplicates.
/// An optional <paramref name="comparer"/> allows the equality semantics for the elements to be specified
/// </summary>
public static bool CollectionEquals<TElement>(this IEnumerable<TElement> @this, IEnumerable<TElement> that, IEqualityComparer<TElement> comparer = null)
Throw.IfNull(@this, "this");
Throw.IfNull(that, "that");
// FastCount optimization: If both of the collections are materialized and have counts,
// we can exit very quickly if those counts differ
int thisCount, thatCount;
var hasThisCount = TryFastCount(@this, out thisCount);
bool hasThatCount;
if (hasThisCount)
hasThatCount = TryFastCount(that, out thatCount);
if (hasThatCount)
if (thisCount != thatCount)
return false;
if (thisCount == 0)
return true;
hasThatCount = false;
var cmp = comparer ?? EqualityComparer<TElement>.Default;
var itemsEnumerated = 0;
// SequenceEqual optimization: we reduce/avoid hashing
// the collections have common prefixes, at the cost of only one
// extra Equals() call in the case where the prefixes are not common
using (var thisEnumerator = @this.GetEnumerator())
using (var thatEnumerator = that.GetEnumerator())
while (true)
var thisFinished = !thisEnumerator.MoveNext();
var thatFinished = !thatEnumerator.MoveNext();
if (thisFinished)
// either this shorter than that, or the two were sequence-equal
return thatFinished;
if (thatFinished)
// that shorter than this
return false;
// keep track of this so that we can factor it into count-based
// logic below
if (!cmp.Equals(thisEnumerator.Current, thatEnumerator.Current))
break; // prefixes were not equal
// now, build a dictionary of item => count out of one collection and then
// probe it with the other collection to look for mismatches
// Build/Probe Choice optimization: if we know the count of one collection, we should
// use the other collection to build the dictionary. That way we can bail immediately if
// we see too few or too many items
CountingSet<TElement> elementCounts;
IEnumerator<TElement> probeSide;
if (hasThisCount)
// we know this's count => use that as the build side
probeSide = thisEnumerator;
var remaining = thisCount - itemsEnumerated;
if (hasThatCount)
// if we have both counts, that means they must be equal or we would have already
// exited. However, in this case, we know exactly the capacity needed for the dictionary
// so we can avoid resizing
elementCounts = new CountingSet<TElement>(capacity: remaining, comparer: cmp);
while (thatEnumerator.MoveNext());
elementCounts = TryBuildElementCountsWithKnownCount(thatEnumerator, remaining, cmp);
else if (TryFastCount(that, out thatCount))
// we know that's count => use this as the build side
probeSide = thatEnumerator;
var remaining = thatCount - itemsEnumerated;
elementCounts = TryBuildElementCountsWithKnownCount(thisEnumerator, remaining, cmp);
// when we don't know either count, just use that as the build side arbitrarily
probeSide = thisEnumerator;
elementCounts = new CountingSet<TElement>(cmp);
while (thatEnumerator.MoveNext());
// check whether we failed to construct a dictionary. This happens when we know
// one of the counts and we detect, during construction, that the counts are unequal
if (elementCounts == null)
return false;
// probe the dictionary with the probe side enumerator
if (!elementCounts.TryDecrement(probeSide.Current))
// element in probe not in build => not equal
return false;
while (probeSide.MoveNext());
// we are equal only if the loop above completely cleared out the dictionary
return elementCounts.IsEmpty;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a count dictionary, staying mindful of the known number of elements
/// so that we bail early (returning null) if we detect a count mismatch
/// </summary>
private static CountingSet<TKey> TryBuildElementCountsWithKnownCount<TKey>(
IEnumerator<TKey> elements,
int remaining,
IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
if (remaining == 0)
// don't build the dictionary at all if nothing should be in it
return null;
const int MaxInitialElementCountsCapacity = 1024;
var elementCounts = new CountingSet<TKey>(capacity: Math.Min(remaining, MaxInitialElementCountsCapacity), comparer: comparer);
while (elements.MoveNext())
if (--remaining < 0)
// too many elements
return null;
if (remaining > 0)
// too few elements
return null;
return elementCounts;
/// <summary>
/// Key Lookup Reduction optimization: this custom datastructure halves the number of <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}.GetHashCode(T)"/>
/// and <see cref="IEqualityComparer{T}.Equals(T, T)"/> operations by building in the increment/decrement operations of a counting dictionary.
/// This also solves <see cref="Dictionary{TKey, TValue}"/>'s issues with null keys
/// </summary>
private sealed class CountingSet<T>
// picked based on observing unit test performance
private const double MaxLoad = .62;
private readonly IEqualityComparer<T> comparer;
private Bucket[] buckets;
private int populatedBucketCount;
/// <summary>
/// When we reach this count, we need to resize
/// </summary>
private int nextResizeCount;
public CountingSet(IEqualityComparer<T> comparer, int capacity = 0)
this.comparer = comparer;
// we pick the initial length by assuming our current table is one short of the desired
// capacity and then using our standard logic of picking the next valid table size
this.buckets = new Bucket[GetNextTableSize((int)(capacity / MaxLoad) - 1)];
this.nextResizeCount = this.CalculateNextResizeCount();
public bool IsEmpty { get { return this.populatedBucketCount == 0; } }
public void Increment(T item)
int bucketIndex;
uint hashCode;
if (this.TryFindBucket(item, out bucketIndex, out hashCode))
// if a bucket already existed, just update it's count
// otherwise, claim a new bucket
this.buckets[bucketIndex].HashCode = hashCode;
this.buckets[bucketIndex].Value = item;
this.buckets[bucketIndex].Count = 1;
// resize the table if we've grown too full
if (this.populatedBucketCount == this.nextResizeCount)
var newBuckets = new Bucket[GetNextTableSize(this.buckets.Length)];
// rehash
for (var i = 0; i < this.buckets.Length; ++i)
var oldBucket = this.buckets[i];
if (oldBucket.HashCode != 0)
var newBucketIndex = oldBucket.HashCode % newBuckets.Length;
while (true)
if (newBuckets[newBucketIndex].HashCode == 0)
newBuckets[newBucketIndex] = oldBucket;
newBucketIndex = (newBucketIndex + 1) % newBuckets.Length;
this.buckets = newBuckets;
this.nextResizeCount = this.CalculateNextResizeCount();
public bool TryDecrement(T item)
int bucketIndex;
uint ignored;
if (this.TryFindBucket(item, out bucketIndex, out ignored)
&& this.buckets[bucketIndex].Count > 0)
if (--this.buckets[bucketIndex].Count == 0)
// Note: we can't do this because it messes up our try-find logic
//// mark as unpopulated. Not strictly necessary because CollectionEquals always does all increments
//// before all decrements currently. However, this is very cheap to do and allowing the collection to
//// "just work" in any situation is a nice benefit
//// this.buckets[bucketIndex].HashCode = 0;
return true;
return false;
private bool TryFindBucket(T item, out int index, out uint hashCode)
// we convert the raw hash code to a uint to get correctly-signed mod operations
// and get rid of the zero value so that we can use 0 to mean "unoccupied"
var rawHashCode = this.comparer.GetHashCode(item);
hashCode = rawHashCode == 0 ? uint.MaxValue : unchecked((uint)rawHashCode);
var bestBucketIndex = (int)(hashCode % this.buckets.Length);
var bucketIndex = bestBucketIndex;
while (true) // guaranteed to terminate because of how we set load factor
var bucket = this.buckets[bucketIndex];
if (bucket.HashCode == 0)
// found unoccupied bucket
index = bucketIndex;
return false;
if (bucket.HashCode == hashCode && this.comparer.Equals(bucket.Value, item))
// found matching bucket
index = bucketIndex;
return true;
// otherwise march on to the next adjacent bucket
bucketIndex = (bucketIndex + 1) % this.buckets.Length;
private int CalculateNextResizeCount()
return (int)(MaxLoad * this.buckets.Length) + 1;
private static readonly int[] HashTableSizes = new[]
// hash table primes from
23, 53, 97, 193, 389, 769, 1543, 3079, 6151, 12289,
24593, 49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433, 1572869,
3145739, 6291469, 12582917, 25165843, 50331653, 100663319,
201326611, 402653189, 805306457, 1610612741,
// the first two values are (1) a prime roughly half way between the previous value and int.MaxValue
// and (2) the prime closest too, but not above, int.MaxValue. The maximum size is, of course, int.MaxValue
1879048201, 2147483629, int.MaxValue
private static int GetNextTableSize(int currentSize)
for (var i = 0; i < HashTableSizes.Length; ++i)
var nextSize = HashTableSizes[i];
if (nextSize > currentSize) { return nextSize; }
throw new InvalidOperationException("Hash table cannot expand further");
[DebuggerDisplay("{Value}, {Count}, {HashCode}")]
private struct Bucket
// note: 0 (default) means the bucket is unoccupied
internal uint HashCode;
internal T Value;
internal int Count;
private static bool TryFastCount<T>(IEnumerable<T> @this, out int count)
var collection = @this as ICollection<T>;
if (collection != null)
count = collection.Count;
return true;
var readOnlyCollection = @this as IReadOnlyCollection<T>;
if (readOnlyCollection != null)
count = readOnlyCollection.Count;
return true;
count = -1;
return false;
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