## Uncomment the next 3 lines to install the developer version of googleVis # install.packages(c("devtools","RJSONIO", "knitr", "shiny", "httpuv")) # library(devtools) # install_github("mages/googleVis") library(googleVis) Stock # Date Device Value Title Annotation # 1 2008-01-01 Pencils 3000 <NA> <NA> # 2 2008-01-02 Pencils 14045 <NA> <NA> # 3 2008-01-03 Pencils 5502 <NA> <NA> # 4 2008-01-04 Pencils 75284 <NA> <NA> # 5 2008-01-05 Pencils 41476 Bought pencils Bought 200k pencils # 6 2008-01-06 Pencils 333222 <NA> <NA> # 7 2008-01-01 Pens 40645 <NA> <NA> # 8 2008-01-02 Pens 20374 <NA> <NA> # 9 2008-01-03 Pens 50766 <NA> <NA> # 10 2008-01-04 Pens 14334 Out of stock Ran out of stock of pens at 4pm # 11 2008-01-05 Pens 66467 <NA> <NA> # 12 2008-01-06 Pens 39463 <NA> <NA> plot( gvisAnnotationChart(Stock, datevar="Date", numvar="Value", idvar="Device", titlevar="Title", annotationvar="Annotation", options=list( width=600, height=350, fill=10, displayExactValues=TRUE, colors="['#0000ff','#00ff00']"), chartid="AnnotationChart" ) )