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Last active November 4, 2015 21:51
# Read data
url <- ""
dat <- read.csv(url)
# Relabel accident years
dat$origin <- dat$AY-min(dat$AY)+1
dat <- dat[order(dat$dev),]
# Add future dev years
nyears <- 12
newdat <- data.frame(
origin=rep(1:10, each=nyears),
AY=rep(sort(unique(dat$AY)), each=nyears),
dev=rep(seq(from=6, to=nyears*12-6, by=12), 10)
newdat <- merge(dat, newdat, all=TRUE)
newdat <- newdat[order(newdat$dev),]
start.vals <- c(ult = 5000, omega = 1.4, theta = 45)
w1 <- nlme(cum ~ ult*(1 - exp(-(dev/theta)^omega)),
fixed = list(ult~1, omega~1, theta ~ 1),
random = ult ~ 1 | origin,
weights = varPower(fixed=.5),
data=dat, start = start.vals)
# Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
# Model: cum ~ ult * (1 - exp(-(dev/theta)^omega))
# Data: dat
# AIC BIC logLik
# 725.7576 735.7943 -357.8788
# Random effects:
# Formula: ult ~ 1 | origin
# ult Residual
# StdDev: 543.0296 2.955047
# Variance function:
# Structure: Power of variance covariate
# Formula: ~fitted(.)
# Parameter estimates:
# power
# 0.5
# Fixed effects: list(ult ~ 1, omega ~ 1, theta ~ 1)
# Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
# ult 5306.605 263.19680 43 20.16212 0
# omega 1.306 0.03394 43 38.49663 0
# theta 46.638 2.42193 43 19.25637 0
# Correlation:
# ult omega
# omega -0.430
# theta 0.668 -0.772
# Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
# Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
# -1.47331314 -0.67337317 -0.04756236 0.40584781 2.94400230
# Number of Observations: 55
# Number of Groups: 10
xyplot(cum ~ dev | factor(AY), data=dat, layout=c(5,2),
main="Hierachical Growth Curve Model",
as.table=TRUE, xlim=range(newdat$dev),
key = list(space="top", columns=2,
text=list(labels=c("observation", "prediction")),
line=FALSE, points=list(pch=c(1,19), col=c(2,1))),
panel=function(x, y, subscripts, ...){
panel.xyplot(x, y, t="b", pch=1, cex=0.5, col=2)
predict(w1, newdata=dat[subscripts,]),
t="b", pch=19, cex=0.5, col=1)
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