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Last active October 8, 2017 12:48
data {
int<lower=0> N; // total number of rows
real cum[N]; // cumulative paid
real dev[N]; // development period
int<lower=0> n_origin; // number of origin years
int<lower=1, upper=n_origin> origin[N]; // origin years
// Treat future payments as missing data, see BUGS book:
//, page 194
// and Stan Manual
int<lower=0> N_mis; // number of rows of prediction data set
real dev_mis[N_mis]; // development periods to predict
int<lower=1, upper=n_origin> origin_mis[N_mis]; // origin periods to predict
parameters {
real<lower=0> theta; // scale parameter
real<lower=0> omega; // shape parameter
real<lower=0> ult[n_origin]; // ultimate loss per origin period
real<lower=0> mu_ult; // mean ultimate loss across origin periods
real<lower=0> sigma; // process error
real<lower=0> sigma_ult; // random error
real cum_mis[N_mis]; // cumulative paid to predict
model {
real mu[N];
real mu_mis[N_mis];
real disp_sigma[N];
real disp_sigma_mis[N_mis];
// Priors
theta ~ normal(46, 10); // scale parameter
omega ~ normal(1, 2); // shape parameter
mu_ult ~ normal(5000, 1000);
sigma ~ cauchy(0, 5);
sigma_ult ~ cauchy(0, 5);
// Hyperparameters: Modelled parameters
ult ~ normal(mu_ult, sigma_ult);
for (i in 1:N){
mu[i] = ult[origin[i]] * weibull_cdf(dev[i], omega, theta);
disp_sigma[i] = sigma * sqrt(mu[i]);
for (i in 1:N_mis){
mu_mis[i] = ult[origin_mis[i]] * weibull_cdf(dev_mis[i], omega, theta);
disp_sigma_mis[i] = sigma * sqrt(mu_mis[i]);
// Likelihood: Modelled data
cum ~ normal(mu, disp_sigma);
cum_mis ~ normal(mu_mis, disp_sigma_mis);
generated quantities{
real Y_mean[N + N_mis];
real Y_pred[N + N_mis];
for(i in 1:N){
// Posterior parameter distribution of the mean
Y_mean[i] = ult[origin[i]] * weibull_cdf(dev[i], omega, theta);
// Posterior predictive distribution
Y_pred[i] = normal_rng(Y_mean[i], sigma*sqrt(Y_mean[i]));
for(i in 1:N_mis){
// Posterior parameter distribution of the mean
Y_mean[N + i] = ult[origin_mis[i]] * weibull_cdf(dev_mis[i], omega, theta);
// Posterior predictive distribution
Y_pred[N + i] = normal_rng(Y_mean[N + i], sigma*sqrt(Y_mean[N + i]));
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