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Created April 1, 2019 12:34
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Python 3.6
# Import the Halite SDK, which will let you interact with the game.
import hlt
# This library contains constant values.
from hlt import constants
# This library contains direction metadata to better interface with the game.
from hlt.positionals import Direction, Position
# Standard library
import queue
# Logging allows you to save messages for yourself.
# This is required because the regular STDOUT
# (print statements) are reserved for the engine-bot communication.
import logging
# 3. Better finishing - without dropping items
# 4. Get stuck if all points around shipyard are filled with returning items
# 5. what if all positions have halite < 10
# custom properties to save some game data
# ship is returning or not
ship_status = {}
ship_still_count = {}
ship_targets = {}
ship_stuck_turn = {}
ship_previous = {}
all_next_positions = []
shipyard_spots = queue.PriorityQueue()
check_pos = []
my_max_ships = 10
my_halite_check = 10
spot_iters_stop = 3
# custom functions
def check_ship_max(game, game_map, me):
my_max_ships_new = my_max_ships
for player in game.players:
otherplayer = game.players[player]
if len(otherplayer.get_ships()) >= my_max_ships_new + 2:
my_max_ships_new = len(otherplayer.get_ships())
return my_max_ships_new
def refresh_spots(game_map, me):
width = game_map.width
height = game_map.height
count = 0
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
pos = Position(i, j)
shipyard_distance = game_map.calculate_distance(
pos, me.shipyard.position)
pos_halite = game_map[pos].halite_amount
if pos_halite > my_halite_check:
(shipyard_distance, -pos_halite, count, pos))
count += 1
def cleanup_spots(game_map, me):
my_halite_check_out = my_halite_check
checked = []
for i in range(20):
entry = shipyard_spots.get()
pos = entry[3]
if game_map[pos].halite_amount >= my_halite_check:
for entry in checked:
shipyard_spots.put(entry)"cleaned up " + str(20 - len(checked)))
if shipyard_spots.empty():
my_halite_check_out = 0
logging.debug("all spots cleaned - reset value")
return my_halite_check_out
def get_a_spot_from_shipyard(game_map, me, ship):
outpos = ship_targets[]
if shipyard_spots.empty() and outpos is None:
outpos = ship.position
if outpos is None:
outpos = shipyard_spots.get(block=False)[3]
ship_targets[] = outpos"ship " + str( + " was assigned spot " + str(outpos))
return outpos
def position_to_direction(ship, target):
if ship.position == target or target is None:
return Direction.Still
for direction in Direction.get_all_cardinals():
if ship.position.directional_offset(direction) == target:
return direction
def navigate(game_map, me, ship, target):
ship_distance = game_map.calculate_distance(ship.position, target)
next_pos = ship.position
min_halite_next = 1001
for position in ship.position.get_surrounding_cardinals():
next_pos_distance = game_map.calculate_distance(position, target)
next_pos_halite = game_map[position].halite_amount
if next_pos_halite < min_halite_next and next_pos_distance < ship_distance and not game_map[position].is_occupied:
min_halite_next = next_pos_halite
next_pos = position
return next_pos
def move_ship(game_map, me, ship):
next_pos = ship.position
if ship_status[] == 'Returning':
next_pos = navigate(game_map, me, ship, me.shipyard.position)
if game_map[ship.position].halite_amount > my_halite_check or ship.halite_amount < game_map[ship.position].halite_amount / 10:
next_pos = ship.position
elif ship_stuck_turn[] == game.turn_number - 1:
next_pos = ship.position
max_halite_next = -1
next_pos = None
positions_to_check = queue.Queue()
iters = 0
while True:
if positions_to_check.empty():
next_pos = ship.position
next_to_check = positions_to_check.get(block=False)
for position in next_to_check.get_surrounding_cardinals():
if game_map[position].halite_amount > my_halite_check and not game_map[position].is_occupied and game_map[position].halite_amount > max_halite_next:
max_halite_next = game_map[position].halite_amount
next_pos = position
if iters >= spot_iters_stop and next_pos is None:
next_pos = get_a_spot_from_shipyard(game_map, me, ship)
if next_pos is not None:
iters += 1 + " trying to move to " + str(next_pos))
if next_pos not in ship.position.get_surrounding_cardinals():
next_pos = navigate(game_map, me, ship, next_pos) +
" finished move_ship with --> " + str(next_pos))
next_dir = position_to_direction(ship, next_pos)"ship " + str( + " --> best if moving to " +
str(next_pos) + " - " + str(next_dir))
return next_dir
def get_ship_movements(game_map, me):
all_ship_moves = {}
all_next_positions = []
pq = queue.PriorityQueue()
for ship in me.get_ships():
prio = 2
next_move = move_ship(game_map, me, ship)
ship_halite = ship.halite_amount
next_pos = ship.position.directional_offset(next_move)
if ship.position == me.shipyard.position:
prio = 1
elif next_move == Direction.Still:
prio = 2
pq.put((prio, -ship_halite,, next_pos, next_move, ship))
while not pq.empty():
next_item = pq.get(block=False)
next_pos = next_item[3]
next_ship = next_item[5]
next_move = next_item[4]
if next_pos in all_next_positions:
next_pos = next_ship.position
next_move = Direction.Still
all_ship_moves[] = next_move
return all_ship_moves, all_next_positions
def unstuck_ship(game_map, me, ship, all_next_positions):
next_pos = ship.position
next_dir = Direction.Still
for direction in Direction.get_all_cardinals():
thispos = ship.position.directional_offset(direction)
if not game_map[thispos].is_occupied and thispos not in all_next_positions:
next_pos = thispos
next_dir = direction
logging.debug("just unstuck ship " + str(
return next_dir, next_pos
# Game Begin
# This game object contains the initial game state.
game = hlt.Game()
# refresh all spots
max_turns = hlt.constants.MAX_TURNS
# At this point "game" variable is populated with initial map data.
# This is a good place to do computationally expensive start-up pre-processing.
# As soon as you call "ready" function below,
# the 2 second per turn timer will start.
# Now that your bot is initialized, save a message to yourself in the
# log file with some important information.
# Here, you log here your id, which you can always fetch from the game
# object by using my_id.
"Successfully created bot! My Player ID is {}."
""" <<<Game Loop>>> """
while True:
# This loop handles each turn of the game.
# The game object changes every turn, and you refresh that state by
# running update_frame().
# You extract player metadata and the updated map metadata here
me =
game_map = game.game_map
# A command queue holds all the commands you will run this turn.
# You build this list up and submit it at the end of the turn.
command_queue = []
# cleanup spots
my_halite_check = cleanup_spots(game_map, me)
if my_halite_check == 0:
logging.debug("all spots cleaned")
spot_iters_stop = 6
my_max_ships = check_ship_max(game, game_map, me)
my_ship_in_shipyard = False
turns_left = max_turns - game.turn_number
for ship in me.get_ships():
if not in ship_status:
ship_status[] = 'Exploring'
if not in ship_still_count:
ship_still_count[] = 0
if not in ship_targets:
ship_targets[] = None
if ship.position == me.shipyard.position:
ship_status[] = 'Exploring'
my_ship_in_shipyard = True
if ship_targets[] is not None and ship_targets[] == ship.position:
ship_targets[] = None
if not in ship_stuck_turn:
ship_stuck_turn[] = -1
if ship.is_full:
ship_status[] = 'Returning'
shipyard_distance = game_map.calculate_distance(ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
if turns_left <= shipyard_distance + 5:
ship_status[] = 'Finishing'
logging.debug('time to finish!! - ship ' + str( + ' - ' + str(shipyard_distance))
ship_moves, all_next_positions = get_ship_movements(game_map, me)
for ship in me.get_ships():
shipyard_distance = game_map.calculate_distance(ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
if ship_moves[] == Direction.Still:
ship_still_count[] += 1
ship_still_count[] = 0
if ship_still_count[] >= 2 and ship_status[] == "Exploring" and game_map[ship.position].halite_amount <= my_halite_check:
unstuck_move, unstuck_pos = unstuck_ship(game_map, me, ship, all_next_positions)
if unstuck_move != Direction.Still:
ship_moves[] = unstuck_move
ship_still_count[] = 0
ship_stuck_turn[] = game.turn_number
elif ship_still_count[] >= 2 and ship_status[] == "Returning" and shipyard_distance == 1 and game_map[me.shipyard.position].is_occupied and not my_ship_in_shipyard:
next_move = game_map.get_unsafe_moves(ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
ship_moves[] = next_move[0]
ship_still_count[] = 0
ship_stuck_turn[] = game.turn_number
for ship in me.get_ships():
next_move = ship_moves[]
logging.debug(str( + ' got --> ' + str(next_move))
if ship_status[] == 'Finishing':
shipyard_distance = game_map.calculate_distance(ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
next_naive = game_map.naive_navigate(ship, me.shipyard.position)
next_moves = game_map.get_unsafe_moves(ship.position, me.shipyard.position)
if next_naive != Direction.Still:
next_move = next_naive
elif shipyard_distance == 1:
next_move = next_moves[0]
elif turns_left < shipyard_distance and len(next_moves) > 0:
next_move = next_moves[0]
next_move = Direction.Still
if next_move == Direction.Still:
# spawn ships
# - atleast two
# - only when shipyard is empty
if (
)) < my_max_ships and not game_map[me.shipyard.position].is_occupied and me.shipyard.position not in all_next_positions and me.halite_amount >= constants.SHIP_COST and game.turn_number <= 200
# Send your moves back to the game environment, ending this turn.
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