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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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(ns kata.core-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))
;; Langton's Ant -'s_ant
;; At a white square, turn 90° right, flip the color of the square, move forward one unit
;; At a black square, turn 90° left, flip the color of the square, move forward one unit
(def flip
{:black :white
:white :black})
(def turn-right
{:north :east
:west :north
:east :south
:south :west})
(def turn-left
(comp turn-right turn-right turn-right))
(def direction->delta
{:north [0 1]
:east [1 0]
:south [0 -1]
:west [-1 0]})
(defn move-forward [direction coords]
(map + coords (direction->delta direction)))
(defn turn [direction color]
(let [turn (color {:black turn-left :white turn-right})]
(turn direction)))
(defn move [color direction coords]
(let [new-direction (turn direction color)]
{:color (flip color)
:direction new-direction
:coords (move-forward new-direction coords)}))
(deftest langtons-ant
(testing "flips color"
(are [input expected-output]
(= (flip input) expected-output)
:black :white
:white :black))
(testing "turns"
(testing "right"
(are [input expected-output]
(= (turn-right input) expected-output)
:north :east
:west :north
:east :south
:south :west))
(testing "left"
(are [input expected-output]
(= (turn-left input) expected-output)
:east :north
:north :west
:south :east
:west :south)))
(testing "moves forward"
(testing "from [0 0]"
(are [direction expected-position]
(is (= (move-forward direction [0 0]) expected-position))
:north [0 1]
:east [1 0]
:south [0 -1]
:west [-1 0]))
(testing "from [3 3]"
(are [direction expected-position]
(is (= (move-forward direction [3 3]) expected-position))
:north [3 4]
:east [4 3]
:south [3 2]
:west [2 3])))
;; Integration
(testing "At a white square, turn 90° right, flip the color of the square, move forward one unit"
(is (= (move :white :north [0 0]) {:color :black, :direction :east, :coords [1 0]})))
(testing "At a black square, turn 90° left, flip the color of the square, move forward one unit"
(is (= (move :black :north [0 0]) {:color :white, :direction :west, :coords [-1 0]}))))
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