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Created December 9, 2022 19:22
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Advent of Code 2022 Day 9 solution with online deduplication
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace {
struct Point {
int32_t r = 0, c = 0;
friend auto operator<=>(const Point&, const Point&) = default;
uint64_t Id() const {
return uint64_t{(uint32_t) r} | (uint64_t{(uint32_t) c} << 32);
// Sorts the vector and removes duplicate elements.
template <class T> void MakeUnique(std::vector<T> &v) {
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
v.erase(std::unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end());
// Merges two vectors that are sorted and contain no duplicates each
// (although there may be elements that appear in both vectors separately).
// into a new vector that is also sorted and contains no duplicates.
template <class T>
void MergeUnique(std::vector<T> *result, const std::vector<T> &v, const std::vector<T> &w) {
result->reserve(v.size() + w.size());
size_t i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < v.size() && j < w.size()) {
if (v[i] < w[j]) result->push_back(std::move(v[i++])); else
if (w[j] < v[i]) result->push_back(std::move(w[j++])); else {
++j; // erase duplicate
while (i < v.size()) result->push_back(std::move(v[i++]));
while (j < w.size()) result->push_back(std::move(w[j++]));
template <class T>
std::vector<T> MergeUnique(const std::vector<T> &v, const std::vector<T> &w) {
std::vector<T> merged;
MergeUnique(&merged, v, w);
return merged;
template <class T, size_t chunk_size = 8*1000*1000>
class OnlineDeduplicator {
std::vector<T> buffer;
std::vector<std::vector<T>*> stack;
std::vector<std::jthread> threads;
std::mutex mutex;
OnlineDeduplicator() {
~OnlineDeduplicator() {
for (auto *p : stack) delete p;
// This should only be called from the main thread!
void Add(T t) {
if (buffer.size() == chunk_size) {
auto *chunk = new std::vector<T>();
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
threads.emplace_back([this, chunk] {
AddSortedPart(0, chunk);
void JoinAllThreads() {
// Need to do this in a loop because threads may spawn more threads.
for (;;) {
std::vector<std::jthread> tmp;
// Can't keep the mutex locked because it would not give threads a
// chance to finish.
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (tmp.empty()) break;
std::cerr << tmp.size() << " threads left\n";
std::vector<T> Finalize() {
std::vector<T> result;
for (auto *p : stack) {
if (p != nullptr) {
result = std::move(MergeUnique(result, *p));
for (auto *p : stack) delete p;
return result;
void AddSortedPart(int level, std::vector<T> *v) {
const std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
std::cout << "AddSortedPart " << level << ' ' << v->size() << std::endl;
if (level == stack.size()) {
assert(level < stack.size());
std::vector<T> *&elem = stack[level];
if (elem == nullptr) {
elem = v;
std::vector<T> *w = elem;
elem = nullptr;
threads.emplace_back([this, v, w, level] {
std::vector<T> *merged = new std::vector<T>;
MergeUnique(merged, *v, *w);
delete v;
delete w;
AddSortedPart(level + 1, merged);
} // namespace
int main() {
OnlineDeduplicator<uint64_t> visited1;
OnlineDeduplicator<uint64_t> visited2;
const int len = 10;
Point rope[len] = {};
if (len > 1) visited1.Add(rope[1].Id());
if (len > 9) visited2.Add(rope[9].Id());
char dir;
int dist;
while (scanf("%[UDRL] %d\n", &dir, &dist) == 2) {
int dr = dir == 'U' ? +1 : dir == 'D' ? -1 : 0;
int dc = dir == 'R' ? +1 : dir == 'L' ? -1 : 0;
for (int step = 0; step < dist; ++step) {
// TODO: check for int overflow?
rope[0].r += dr;
rope[0].c += dc;
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
int dr = rope[i - 1].r - rope[i].r;
int dc = rope[i - 1].c - rope[i].c;
int clamped_dr = std::clamp(dr, -1, 1);
int clamped_dc = std::clamp(dc, -1, 1);
if (dr == clamped_dr && dc == clamped_dc) break;
rope[i].r += clamped_dr;
rope[i].c += clamped_dc;
if (i == 1) visited1.Add(rope[i].Id());
if (i == 9) visited2.Add(rope[i].Id());
size_t answer1 = 0;
size_t answer2 = 0;
std::cerr << "Finalization starting..." << std::endl;
std::jthread finalize1([&]{ answer1 = visited1.Finalize().size(); });
std::jthread finalize2([&]{ answer2 = visited2.Finalize().size(); });
std::cerr << "Finalization complete!" << std::endl;
std::cout << answer1 << std::endl;
std::cout << answer2 << std::endl;
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