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Last active December 13, 2024 21:50
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Enumerate dynamic update settings for Active Directory Integrated DNS (ADIDNS) zones
# see for a bit more info on dynamic update settings
function Parse-DnsProperty {
param (
# see for description
$parsedValues = @()
$dnsPropertyValues | %{
$value = $_
if ($value -is [byte[]]) {
$parsedValue = @{}
# Extract DataLength (4 bytes)
$dataLengthBytes = $value[0..3]
$parsedValue.DataLength = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($dataLengthBytes, 0)
# Extract NameLength (4 bytes) - Not Used
$nameLengthBytes = $value[4..7]
$parsedValue.NameLength = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($nameLengthBytes, 0)
# Extract Flag (4 bytes) - Reserved for future use
$flagBytes = $value[8..11]
$parsedValue.Flag = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($flagBytes, 0)
# Extract Version (4 bytes)
$versionBytes = $value[12..15]
$parsedValue.Version = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($versionBytes, 0)
# Extract Id (4 bytes)
$idBytes = $value[16..19]
$parsedValue.Id = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($idBytes, 0)
# Extract Data (variable length)
$dataBytes = $value[20..(19 + $parsedValue.DataLength)]
$parsedValue.Data = $dataBytes
# Extract Name (1 byte) - Not Used
$parsedValue.Name = $value[20 + $parsedValue.DataLength]
$parsedValues += $parsedValue
return $parsedValues
function Get-DynamicUpdateSupport {
$values = Parse-DnsProperty $ | ?{ $ -eq 2 }
if ($values.length -eq 1) {
switch ($values.Data) {
# see for details
0 { return 'ZONE_UPDATE_OFF' }
2 { return 'ZONE_UPDATE_SECURE' }
Default { return 'Invalid value' }
throw "dnsProperty structure is missing DSPROPERTY_ZONE_ALLOW_UPDATE property ID"
function Get-DynamicUpdateSupportInForest {
Retrieves the dynamic update support status for all DNS zones in the forest.
The Get-DynamicUpdateSupportInForest function retrieves the dynamic update support status for all DNS zones in the forest. It queries each domain in the forest and checks the dynamic update status for each DNS zone.
This function does not take any parameters.
PS C:\> Get-DynamicUpdateSupportInForest -Verbose
This command retrieves the dynamic update support status for all DNS zones in the forest, shows status during processing and displays the results.
$res = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$ds =[ADSISearcher]'(objectClass=dnsZone)'
$ds.PropertiesToLoad.Add('dNSProperty') | Out-Null
$ds.PropertiesToLoad.Add('Name') | Out-Null
[System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain().Forest.Domains.Name | %{
Write-Verbose "Processing $_ domain"
$domain = $_
$domainDn = ('DC=' + ($_.split('.') -join ',DC='))
$ds.searchroot = "LDAP://DC=DomainDnsZones,$domainDn"
$ds.FindAll() |%{
$zone = $_
$zoneName = $
$dynamicUpdateSupport = (Get-DynamicUpdateSupport $zone)
Write-Verbose "Processing $_ domain's zone $zoneName"
Domain = $domain
Zone = $zoneName
DynamicUpdate = $dynamicUpdateSupport
}) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Doing $_ domain, zone $zoneName, dynamic update status = $dynamicUpdateSupport"
return $res
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