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Created February 15, 2019 23:47
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./ - Submits URLs to Virustotal for scanning
# in seconds time gap between individual requests to VT due to API limits
USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/70.0.3538.67 Safari/537.36"
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "[-] $0 <virustotal-api-key> <url-to-scan/file-to-scan> [out-file] [timegap]"
echo "Description:"
echo "This script submits a single URL or multiple URLs in a file to virustotal for "
echo "scanning. There is generally a timegap (in secs) due to limits imposed by the "
echo "VT API in submission of URL and extraction of report for each URL"
echo "Output:"
echo "The output consists of Hits/Total number of Engines in which scan was run, scanID, "
echo "Last Date when the scan was run (in UTC) which should be almost the current time, "
echo "and permalink to VT (VT URL which provides detailed scan results)"
echo "Arguments:"
echo "virustotal-api-key: VT API key can be obtained from the VT account"
echo "url-to-scan/file-to-scan: Specify either a single URL to scan OR a file with URLs to scan"
echo "out-file: Output file for the results of the VT scan"
echo "timegap: time gap (in seconds)"
[ -z "$time_gap" ] && time_gap=$DEFAULT_TIME_GAP
echo "[+] time_gap: $time_gap"
[ -z "$out_file" ] && out_file="$DEFAULT_OUT_FILE"
echo "[+] out_file: $out_file"
function scan_single_url_in_vt {
# Scan URL using Virustotal and writing the output to output file
local vt_api_key="$1"
local url_to_scan="$2"
local out_file="$3"
local time_gap="$4"
echo "[*] Making CURL request to VT to scan URL: $url_to_scan"
vt_url_scan_output=`curl -s --request POST \
--url '' \
-d apikey="$vt_api_key" \
-d "url=$url_to_scan"`
if [ ! -z "`echo $vt_url_scan_output | egrep -io 'Scan request successfully queued'`" ]; then
echo "[+] Scan for URL: $url_to_scan successfully submitted to VT"
echo "[-] Scan for URL: $url_to_scan not submitted to VT"
echo "[-] Output from URL submission: $vt_url_scan_output"
echo "[*] Sleeping for $time_gap secs before requesting report"
sleep $time_gap
echo "[*] Making CURL request to VT to get the report on URL: $url_to_scan"
vt_url_report_output=`curl -s --request POST \
--url '' \
-d "apikey=$vt_api_key" \
-d "resource=$url_to_scan"`
echo "[*] Parsing relevant fields from VT report output on URL: $url_to_scan"
scan_id=`echo "$vt_url_report_output" | egrep -io '"scan_id": "[^\",]*"' | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d '"'`
scan_date=`echo "$vt_url_report_output" | egrep -io '"scan_date": "[^\",]*"' | cut -d":" -f2,3,4 | tr -d '"' `
positives=`echo "$vt_url_report_output" | egrep -io '"positives": [^,]*' | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d '"' `
total=`echo "$vt_url_report_output" | egrep -io '"total": [^,]*' | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d '"' `
permalink=`echo "$vt_url_report_output" | egrep -io '"permalink": "[^\",]*"' | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d '"' `
echo "[*] Writing fields for URL: $url_to_scan to outfile: $out_file"
echo "$positives/$total$DELIMITER$url_to_scan$DELIMITER$scan_id$DELIMITER$scan_date$DELIMITER$permalink" >> $out_file
echo "[*] Sleeping for $time_gap secs before requesting next URL scan"
sleep $time_gap
function create_out_file {
# Add heading to output file and create the output file
local out_file="$1"
echo "positives/total"$DELIMITER"url_to_scan"$DELIMITER"scan_id"$DELIMITER"scan_date"$DELIMITER"permalink" > "$out_file"
create_out_file "$out_file"
echo "[*] Determining if we have URL or file to scan"
if [ ! -f "$url_or_file_to_scan" ]; then
echo "[*] Scanning URL: $url_to_scan"
scan_single_url_in_vt "$vt_api_key" "$url_to_scan" "$out_file" "$time_gap"
echo "[*] Reading URLs from file: $file_to_scan"
urls=`cat $file_to_scan`
for url_to_scan in `echo "$urls"`; do
echo "[*] Scanning URL: $url_to_scan"
scan_single_url_in_vt "$vt_api_key" "$url_to_scan" "$out_file" "$time_gap"
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