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Last active August 1, 2019 07:03
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<link href=""
<div class = "container">
<div id = "panel">
<transition name = "fade">
<div class = "panel" v-if = "showPanel">
<div class = "panel-header-rect" v-bind:class="{ right: tabIsRight }"></div>
<div class = "panel-header-button" v-on:click = "changeTab('to_do_list')" v-bind:class="{ active: tabIsLeft }">
To-do list
<div class = "panel-header-button right" v-on:click = "changeTab('dashboard')" v-bind:class="{ active: tabIsRight }">
<div id = "panel-to-do" class = "panel-content" v-show = "showTODOLIST">
<div class = "panel-week-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(0)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '0'}" >
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(1)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '1'}">
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(2)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '2'}">
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(3)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '3'}">
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(4)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '4'}">
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(5)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '5'}">
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-date-button" v-on:click = "changeActiveDate(6)" v-bind:class="{ active: activeDay == '6'}">
<div class = "button-content">
<div class = "panel-todo-content">
<li v-for="item in historyData[activeDay].task" v-bind:class="{ active: isSelected == item}" @click = "isSelected = item">
<button v-bind:class="{ active: item.complete }" @click = "changeTaskStatus(item.taskName)"></button>
<a v-if = "item.complete" class = "line-through">{{ item.taskName }}</a>
<a v-else>{{ item.taskName }}</a>
<li><button class = "add">+</button><input type = "text" placeholder = "Add new task" v-model="taskName" v-on:keyup.enter = "addTask"></input></li>
<div id = "panel-dash-board" class = "panel-content" v-show = "showDASHBOARD">
<div class = "panel-calculate-content">
<div class = "left">
<div class = "font-bold up" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[activeDay]}}</div>
<div class = "down">TODAY</div>
<div class = "right">
<div class = "font-bold up" v-cloak>{{weekTomatoSum}}</div>
<div class = "down" v-cloak>{{historyData[0].date}}~{{historyData[6].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-content">
<div id = "day1" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[0]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[0]}}</div>
<div id = "day2" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[1]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[1]}}</div>
<div id = "day3" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[2]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[2]}}</div>
<div id = "day4" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[3]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[3]}}</div>
<div id = "day5" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[4]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[4]}}</div>
<div id = "day6" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[5]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[5]}}</div>
<div id = "day7" class = "statistic-flex">
<transition name="up">
<div v-show = "tabIsRight" class = "straight">
<div class = "font-bold" v-bind:style="{ height: 31 + 150 -tomatoSum[6]*180/15+ 'px'}" v-cloak>{{tomatoSum[6]}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date">
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[0].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[1].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[2].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[3].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[4].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[5].date}}</div>
<div class = "panel-statistic-date-detail">
<div v-cloak>{{historyData[6].date}}</div>
<div class = "finish-text">Finished</div>
<div class = "finish-area">
<i v-for = "n in tomatoSum[activeDay]" class="material-icons">favorite</i>
<div id = "clock">
<div class = "circle">
<div class = "timer" v-cloak>{{countMinutes}}:{{countSeconds}}</div>
<button class = "button above-circle" @click = "changeAlarmStatus">
<i class="material-icons" v-cloak>{{alarm}}</i>
<button v-if = "isPlaying == true" class = "button left-circle" v-on:click = "stopCounDown">
<i class="material-icons">pause</i>
<button v-else class = "button left-circle" v-on:click = "timeCountDown">
<i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
<button class = "button under-circle" v-on:click = "reset">
<i class="material-icons">replay</i>
<transition name = "rotate">
<div v-if = "showClock" class = "minute-rect">
<div class = "line-rect minute-30" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('30')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '30' }">30</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "line-rect minute-25" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('25')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '25' }">25</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "line-rect minute-20" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('20')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '20' }">20</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "line-rect minute-15" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('15')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '15' }">15</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "line-rect minute-10" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('10')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '10' }">10</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "line-rect minute-5" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('05')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '05' }">5</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "line-rect minute-0" @click = "changeTargetMinutes('00')">
<div class = "minute" v-bind:class="{ active: targetMinutes == '00' }">0</div>
<div class = "line"></div>
<div class = "license">UI Designed By
<a href="">杯杯</a>
var vuePanel = new Vue({
el: '#panel',
data: {
showTODOLIST : true,
showDASHBOARD : false,
showPanel: false,
tabIsRight: false,
tabIsLeft: true,
isSelected: '',
activeDay : '',
currentDay: '',
currentDate: '',
currentMonthe: '',
currentYear: '',
tomatoSum: [],
weekTomatoSum: 0,
historyData: []
this.showPanel = true;
var today = new Date();
this.currentYear = today.getFullYear();
this.currentMonth = today.getMonth()+1;
this.currentDate = today.getDate();
this.currentDay = today.getDay();
this.activeDay = this.currentDay;
//get the date og the first day of this week
var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() - this.currentDay); //get the date of Sunday of current week
var startDay = date.getDate();
var startMonth = date.getMonth()+1;
backup = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('historyData'));
if (backup != null && backup[0].date == startMonth +'/' + startDay){
this.historyData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(backup));
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
var tempMonth = date.getMonth()+1;
var tempDate = date.getDate();
this.historyData.push({date: tempMonth +'/' + tempDate, task: []});
date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1);
changeTab: function(pTarget){
if (pTarget == "to_do_list"){
this.showTODOLIST = true;
this.showDASHBOARD = false;
this.tabIsRight = false;
this.tabIsLeft = true;
this.showTODOLIST = false;
this.showDASHBOARD = true;
this.tabIsRight = true;
this.tabIsLeft = false;
changeActiveDate: function(pDate){
this.isSelected = '';
this.activeDay = pDate;
let weekSum = 0
for(var i = 0; i < 7; i++){
this.tomatoSum[i] = this.historyData[i].task.reduce(function(sum,element){
if ("tomatoNum" in element){
return sum + element.tomatoNum
return sum;
weekSum += this.tomatoSum[i];
this.weekTomatoSum = weekSum;
this.historyData[this.activeDay].task.push({taskName: this.taskName, complete: false, tomatoNum: 0});
localStorage.setItem('historyData', JSON.stringify(this.historyData));
this.taskName = '';
changeTaskStatus: function(pTaskName){
var selectedIndex = this.historyData[this.activeDay] { return e.taskName; }).indexOf(pTaskName);
if (this.historyData[this.activeDay].task[selectedIndex].complete == true){
this.historyData[this.activeDay].task[selectedIndex].complete = false;
this.historyData[this.activeDay].task[selectedIndex].complete = true;
localStorage.setItem('historyData', JSON.stringify(this.historyData));
var vueClock = new Vue({
el: '#clock',
showClock: false,
targetMinutes: '15',
countMinutes: '15',
countSeconds: '00',
isPlaying: false,
alarm: 'notifications',
timer: null,
this.showClock = true;
this.alarm == 'notifications'?this.alarm = 'notifications_off':this.alarm = 'notifications';
changeTargetMinutes: function(pTargetMinutes){
this.targetMinutes = pTargetMinutes;
this.countMinutes = pTargetMinutes;
this.countSeconds = '00';
this.countMinutes = this.targetMinutes;
this.countSeconds = '00';
if (vuePanel.isSelected != ''){
let my = this;
this.isPlaying = true;
this.timer = setInterval(function() {
var m = Number(my.countMinutes);
var s = Number(my.countSeconds);
var snd = new Audio("");
if (m != 0 && s == 0){
s = 59;
else if (m == 0 && s==0){
if (this.alarm == 'notifications'){;
alert('Stop timing');
var selectedIndex = vuePanel.historyData[vuePanel.activeDay] { return e.taskName; }).indexOf(vuePanel.isSelected.taskName);
vuePanel.historyData[vuePanel.activeDay].task[selectedIndex].tomatoNum += 1
localStorage.setItem('historyData', JSON.stringify(vuePanel.historyData));
m < 10 ? my.countMinutes = '0' + m : my.countMinutes = '' + m;
s < 10 ? my.countSeconds = '0' + s : my.countSeconds = '' + s;
alert('Please choose the task');
this.isPlaying = false;
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@function pow($number, $exp) {
$value: 1;
@if $exp > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $exp {
$value: $value * $number;
@else if $exp < 0 {
@for $i from 1 through -$exp {
$value: $value / $number;
@return $value;
@function fact($number) {
$value: 1;
@if $number > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $number {
$value: $value * $i;
@return $value;
@function pi() {
@return 3.14159265359;
@function rad($angle) {
$unit: unit($angle);
$unitless: $angle / ($angle * 0 + 1);
// If the angle has 'deg' as unit, convert to radians.
@if $unit == deg {
$unitless: $unitless / 180 * pi();
@return $unitless;
@function sin($angle) {
$sin: 0;
$angle: rad($angle);
// Iterate a bunch of times.
@for $i from 0 through 10 {
$sin: $sin + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, (2 * $i + 1)) / fact(2 * $i + 1);
@return $sin;
@function cos($angle) {
$cos: 0;
$angle: rad($angle);
// Iterate a bunch of times.
@for $i from 0 through 10 {
$cos: $cos + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, 2 * $i) / fact(2 * $i);
@return $cos;
@function tan($angle) {
@return sin($angle) / cos($angle);
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$sin: sin(60deg) * -205px;
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$sin: sin(90deg) * -205px;
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$sin: sin(120deg) * -205px;
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$cos: cos(150deg) * -205px;
$sin: sin(150deg) * -205px;
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$sin: sin(180deg) * -205px;
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/***Hide vue instance***/
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
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transform: translateY(10px);
opacity: 0;
.rotate-enter-active, .rotate-leave-active {
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transform: rotate(30deg) translateX(30px);
opacity: 0;
.fade-enter-active, .fade-leave-active {
transition: opacity 3s;
.fade-enter, .fade-leave-to /* .fade-leave-active below version 2.1.8 */ {
opacity: 0;
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