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Last active September 26, 2017 07:22
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Seq regression/performance
open System.Diagnostics
module ProjectInfo =
let Name = "Unknown"
let AppendResultTo = None
module Helpers =
let inline validate expected received =
if expected <> received then
failwith <| sprintf "Invalid answer - expected=%A received=%A" expected received
module ``TheBurningMonk - Euler`` =
// collated from :-
// documentation :-
open System
open System.Numerics
let ``1`` () =
let total = seq { 1..999} |> (fun i -> if i % 5 = 0 || i % 3 = 0 then i else 0) |> Seq.sum
validate 233168 total
let ``2`` () =
let fibonacciSeq = Seq.unfold (fun (current, next) -> Some(current, (next, current + next))) (0, 1)
let fibTotal =
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun n -> n < 4000000)
|> Seq.filter (fun n -> n % 2 = 0)
|> Seq.sum
validate 4613732 fibTotal
let ``3`` () =
let findFactorsOf(n:int64) =
let upperBound = int64(Math.Sqrt(double(n)))
[2L..upperBound] |> Seq.filter (fun x -> n % x = 0L)
let isPrime(n:int64) = findFactorsOf(n) |> Seq.length = 0
let findMaxPrimeFactorOf(n:int64) =
let upperBound = int64(Math.Sqrt(double(n)))
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> n % x = 0L)
|> Seq.filter isPrime
|> Seq.max
let maxPrime = findMaxPrimeFactorOf(600851475143L)
validate 6857L maxPrime
let ``4`` () =
let isPalindromic n =
let charArray = (n.ToString()) // :> seq<char>
let revCharArray = Seq.rev charArray
System.Linq.Enumerable.SequenceEqual (charArray, revCharArray)
let numbers = [100..999]
let products = numbers |> Seq.collect (fun x -> numbers |> (fun y -> x * y))
let maxPalindromic = products |> Seq.filter isPalindromic |> Seq.max
validate 906609 maxPalindromic
let ``5`` () =
let isEvenlyDivided(n, m) = n % m = 0
let isEvenlyDividedByAll(n, numbers) = numbers |> Seq.forall (fun x -> isEvenlyDivided(n, x))
let findSmallestCommonMultiple(numbers) =
let max = Array.max(numbers)
Seq.unfold (fun x -> Some(x, x + 1)) 1
|> (fun x -> x * max)
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> isEvenlyDividedByAll(x, numbers))
|> Seq.head
let commonMultiplier = findSmallestCommonMultiple [|1..20|]
validate 232792560 commonMultiplier
let ``6`` () =
let numbers = [|1..100|]
let sumOfSquares = numbers |> (fun x -> x * x) |> Seq.sum
let sum = numbers |> Seq.sum
let squareOfSum = sum * sum
let diff = squareOfSum - sumOfSquares
validate 25164150 diff
let ``7`` () =
let findFactorsOf(n) =
let upperBound = int32(Math.Sqrt(double(n)))
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> n % x = 0)
let isPrime(n) = findFactorsOf(n) |> Seq.length = 0
let primeNumbers = Seq.unfold (fun x -> Some(x, x + 1)) 2 |> Seq.filter isPrime
let p = primeNumbers |> Seq.nth(10000)
validate 104743 p
let _8_numbers =
|> Seq.filter Char.IsDigit
|> (fun c -> int32(c.ToString()))
let ``8`` () =
let numbers = _8_numbers
let CalcProduct numbers = numbers |> Seq.fold (fun acc n -> acc * n) 1
let maxProduct =
|> Seq.windowed(5)
|> (fun n -> CalcProduct n)
|> Seq.max
validate 40824 maxProduct
let ``9`` () =
let isPythagoreanTriplet(numbers : int list) =
match List.sort(numbers) with
| [a; b; c] -> a*a + b*b = c*c
| _ -> false
let getTriplets =
seq {
for a = 1 to 1000 do
for b = 1 to 1000 do
for c = 1 to 1000 do
if a + b + c = 1000 then yield [a; b; c]
let pythagoreanTriplet = getTriplets |> Seq.filter isPythagoreanTriplet |> Seq.head
let product = pythagoreanTriplet |> Seq.fold (fun acc x -> acc * x) 1
validate 31875000 product
let ``10`` () =
let findFactorsOf(n:int64) =
let upperBound = int64(Math.Sqrt(double(n)))
[2L..upperBound] |> Seq.filter (fun x -> n % x = 0L)
let isPrime(n:int64) = findFactorsOf(n) |> Seq.length = 0
let primeSequence max = seq { for n in 2L..max do if isPrime(n) then yield n }
let sum = primeSequence 1999999L |> Seq.sum
validate 142913828922L sum
let _11_data =
[ "08 02 22 97 38 15 00 40 00 75 04 05 07 78 52 12 50 77 91 08"
"49 49 99 40 17 81 18 57 60 87 17 40 98 43 69 48 04 56 62 00"
"81 49 31 73 55 79 14 29 93 71 40 67 53 88 30 03 49 13 36 65"
"52 70 95 23 04 60 11 42 69 24 68 56 01 32 56 71 37 02 36 91"
"22 31 16 71 51 67 63 89 41 92 36 54 22 40 40 28 66 33 13 80"
"24 47 32 60 99 03 45 02 44 75 33 53 78 36 84 20 35 17 12 50"
"32 98 81 28 64 23 67 10 26 38 40 67 59 54 70 66 18 38 64 70"
"67 26 20 68 02 62 12 20 95 63 94 39 63 08 40 91 66 49 94 21"
"24 55 58 05 66 73 99 26 97 17 78 78 96 83 14 88 34 89 63 72"
"21 36 23 09 75 00 76 44 20 45 35 14 00 61 33 97 34 31 33 95"
"78 17 53 28 22 75 31 67 15 94 03 80 04 62 16 14 09 53 56 92"
"16 39 05 42 96 35 31 47 55 58 88 24 00 17 54 24 36 29 85 57"
"86 56 00 48 35 71 89 07 05 44 44 37 44 60 21 58 51 54 17 58"
"19 80 81 68 05 94 47 69 28 73 92 13 86 52 17 77 04 89 55 40"
"04 52 08 83 97 35 99 16 07 97 57 32 16 26 26 79 33 27 98 66"
"88 36 68 87 57 62 20 72 03 46 33 67 46 55 12 32 63 93 53 69"
"04 42 16 73 38 25 39 11 24 94 72 18 08 46 29 32 40 62 76 36"
"20 69 36 41 72 30 23 88 34 62 99 69 82 67 59 85 74 04 36 16"
"20 73 35 29 78 31 90 01 74 31 49 71 48 86 81 16 23 57 05 54"
"01 70 54 71 83 51 54 69 16 92 33 48 61 43 52 01 89 19 67 48" ]
|> (fun l -> l.Split(' ') |> int32 |> Seq.toArray)
|> Seq.toArray
let ``11`` () =
let initArray = _11_data
let height, width = initArray.Length, initArray |> (fun l -> l.Length) |> Seq.max
let twoDArray = Array2D.init height width (fun i j -> initArray.[i].[j])
let Up (array2D:int[,]) h w n =
let lowerBound = h-(n-1)
let upperBound = h
if lowerBound < 0 || upperBound > height-1 then []
else [lowerBound..upperBound] |> (fun y -> array2D.[y, w])
let Left (array2D:int[,]) h w n =
let lowerBound = w-(n-1)
let upperBound = w
if lowerBound < 0 || upperBound > width-1 then []
else [lowerBound..upperBound] |> (fun x -> array2D.[h, x])
let LeftDiag (array2D:int[,]) h w n =
let lowerWBound = w-(n-1)
let upperWBound = w
let lowerHBound = h-(n-1)
let upperHBound = h
if lowerWBound < 0 || upperWBound > width-1 || lowerHBound < 0 || upperHBound > height-1
then []
let wCoordinates = [lowerWBound..upperWBound]
let hCoordinates = [lowerHBound..upperHBound]
List.map2 (fun y x -> array2D.[y, x]) hCoordinates wCoordinates
let RightDiag (array2D:int[,]) h w n =
let lowerWBound = w
let upperWBound = w+(n-1)
let lowerHBound = h-(n-1)
let upperHBound = h
if lowerWBound < 0 || upperWBound > width-1 || lowerHBound < 0 || upperHBound > height-1
then []
let wCoordinates = [lowerWBound..upperWBound]
let hCoordinates = [lowerHBound..upperHBound] |> List.rev
List.map2 (fun y x -> array2D.[y, x]) hCoordinates wCoordinates
let quartets =
seq { for y in 3 .. width-1 do
for x in 3 .. height-1 do
yield Up twoDArray x y 4
yield Left twoDArray x y 4
yield LeftDiag twoDArray x y 4
yield RightDiag twoDArray x y 4
let CalcProduct numbers = numbers |> Seq.fold (fun acc n -> acc * n) 1
let maxProduct = quartets |> CalcProduct |> Seq.max
validate 70600674 maxProduct
let ``12`` () =
let triangleNumber(n:int64) = [1L..n] |> Seq.sum
let findFactorsOf(n:int64) =
let upperBound = int64(Math.Sqrt(double(n)))
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> n % x = 0L)
|> Seq.collect (fun x -> [x; n/x])
let naturalNumbers = Seq.unfold (fun x -> Some(x, x+1L)) 1L
let answer =
|> (fun x -> triangleNumber(x))
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> Seq.length(findFactorsOf(x)) >= 500)
|> Seq.head
validate 76576500L answer
let _13_data =
[ "37107287533902102798797998220837590246510135740250"
"53503534226472524250874054075591789781264330331690" ]
|> BigInteger.Parse
|> Seq.sum
let ``13`` () =
let sum = _13_data
let firstTenDigits = sum.ToString().ToCharArray() |> Seq.take(10) |> Seq.toList
validate ['5'; '5'; '3'; '7'; '3'; '7'; '6'; '2'; '3'; '0'] firstTenDigits
let ``14`` () =
let nextNumber n = if n%2L = 0L then n/2L else 3L*n+1L
let findSequenceLength n =
let mutable count = 1L
let mutable current = n
while current > 1L do
current <- nextNumber current
count <- count + 1L
let longestSeq = [1L..999999L] |> Seq.maxBy findSequenceLength
validate 837799L longestSeq
let ``16`` () =
let number = 2I ** 1000
let answer = number.ToString() |> (fun c -> int32(c.ToString())) |> Seq.sum
validate 1366 answer
let ``17`` () =
let onesToWord prefix n postfix =
match n with
| 1 -> prefix + "one" + postfix
| 2 -> prefix + "two" + postfix
| 3 -> prefix + "three" + postfix
| 4 -> prefix + "four" + postfix
| 5 -> prefix + "five" + postfix
| 6 -> prefix + "six" + postfix
| 7 -> prefix + "seven" + postfix
| 8 -> prefix + "eight" + postfix
| 9 -> prefix + "nine" + postfix
| _ -> ""
let tensToWord prefix tens ones =
match tens with
| 0 -> onesToWord prefix ones ""
| 1 -> match ones with
| 0 -> prefix + "ten"
| 1 -> prefix + "eleven"
| 2 -> prefix + "twelve"
| 3 -> prefix + "thirteen"
| 4 -> prefix + "fourteen"
| 5 -> prefix + "fifteen"
| 6 -> prefix + "sixteen"
| 7 -> prefix + "seventeen"
| 8 -> prefix + "eighteen"
| 9 -> prefix + "nineteen"
| _ -> ""
| 2 -> prefix + "twenty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 3 -> prefix + "thirty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 4 -> prefix + "forty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 5 -> prefix + "fifty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 6 -> prefix + "sixty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 7 -> prefix + "seventy" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 8 -> prefix + "eighty" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| 9 -> prefix + "ninety" + (onesToWord "" ones "")
| _ -> ""
let toWord n =
let thousands = n / 1000
let hundreds = (n - 1000 * thousands) / 100
let tens = (n - 1000 * thousands - 100 * hundreds) / 10
let ones = n % 10
let thousandsWord = onesToWord "" thousands "thousand"
let hundredsWord = onesToWord "" hundreds "hundred"
let tensPrefix = if (thousands > 0 || hundreds > 0) && (tens > 0 || ones > 0)
then "and"
else ""
let tensWord = tensToWord tensPrefix tens ones
thousandsWord + hundredsWord + tensWord
let answer = [1 .. 1000] |> toWord |> Seq.sumBy (fun s -> s.Length)
validate 21124 answer
let _18_data =
"95 64"
"17 47 82"
"18 35 87 10"
"20 04 82 47 65"
"19 01 23 75 03 34"
"88 02 77 73 07 63 67"
"99 65 04 28 06 16 70 92"
"41 41 26 56 83 40 80 70 33"
"41 48 72 33 47 32 37 16 94 29"
"53 71 44 65 25 43 91 52 97 51 14"
"70 11 33 28 77 73 17 78 39 68 17 57"
"91 71 52 38 17 14 91 43 58 50 27 29 48"
"63 66 04 68 89 53 67 30 73 16 69 87 40 31"
"04 62 98 27 23 09 70 98 73 93 38 53 60 04 23"
|> (fun s -> s.Split(' ') |> int32 |> Array.toList)
|> Array.toList
let ``18`` () =
// covers the data in the text to a triangle of ints, i.e. int list list
let triangle =_18_data
// function to return all the combinations of n elements from the supplied list
let rec comb n list =
match n, list with
| 0, _ -> [[]]
| _, [] -> []
| k, (x::xs) -> ((@) [x]) (comb (k-1) xs) @ (comb k xs)
// calculates the next row in the T triangle given the new row in R and the last row in T
let getNewTotal (row:int list) (total:int list) =
let head = total.Head
let tail = List.nth total (total.Length-1)
let body = total |> Seq.windowed 2 |> (fun l -> Seq.max l) |> Seq.toList
List.map2 (+) row (List.concat [[head]; body; [tail]])
// recursively traverse down the R triangle and return the last row in T
let rec traverse (raw:int list list) (total:int list) n =
let row = raw.[n]
let newTotal = getNewTotal row total
if n < (raw.Length-1) then
traverse raw newTotal (n+1)
let answer = List.max (traverse triangle [75] 1)
validate 1074 answer
let ``19`` () =
let ans =
seq {1901..2000}
|> Seq.collect (fun y -> seq { 1..12 } |> (fun m -> new DateTime(y, m, 1)))
|> Seq.filter (fun d -> d.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday)
|> Seq.length
validate 171 ans
let ``20`` () =
let rec factorial (n:bigint) = if n = 1I then 1I else n * factorial(n-1I)
let number = factorial 100I
let digits = number.ToString().ToCharArray() |> (fun c -> int32(c.ToString()))
let sum = digits |> Seq.sum
validate 648 sum
module ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L44-L49`` =
let GroupLinq(values : double[]) =
|> Seq.groupBy(fun x -> int x / 100)
|> Seq.sortBy (fun (key, vs) -> key)
|> (key, vs) -> Seq.length vs)
|> Seq.toArray
let rnd = System.Random 42
let values = { 1 .. 200000 } |> (fun x -> 100000000. * rnd.NextDouble() - 50000000.) |> Seq.toArray
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in GroupLinq values do
total <- total + n * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total 943462037
module ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L61-L69`` =
let PythagoreanTriplesLinq(max) =
{ 1 .. max }
|> Seq.collect(fun a ->
{ a .. max }
|> Seq.collect(fun b ->
{ b .. max }
|> (fun c -> a, b, c)))
|> Seq.filter (fun (a,b,c) -> a * a + b * b = c * c)
|> Seq.length
let test () =
let total = PythagoreanTriplesLinq 200
validate total 127
module ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L37-L38`` =
let CartLinq (dim1 : double[], dim2 : double[]) =
dim1 |> Seq.collect (fun x -> (fun y -> x * y) dim2) |> Seq.sum
let rnd = System.Random 42
let v = { 1 .. 200000 } |> (fun x -> rnd.NextDouble()) |> Seq.toArray
let v1 = v |> Seq.take(v.Length / 10) |> Seq.toArray
let v2 = v |> Seq.take 20 |> Seq.toArray
let test () =
let total = CartLinq (v1, v2)
validate (int64 (total*100000.)) 7958952119L
//"", ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L37-L38``.test, 1
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2fw%2ftitle%2fUnfolding-Sequences`` =
// create an infinite list of fibonacci numbers
let fibs =
(fun (n0, n1) ->
Some(n0, (n1, n0 + n1)))
// take the first twenty items from the list
let first20 = Seq.take 20 fibs
//// print the finite list
//printfn "%A" first20
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
for n in first20 do
total <- total + n
validate total 17710I
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f16%2ftitle%2fSequence-Random-Permutation`` =
open System
let scramble (sqn : seq<'T>) =
let rnd = Random 42
let rec scramble2 (sqn : seq<'T>) =
/// Removes an element from a sequence.
let remove n sqn = sqn |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x <> n)
seq {
let x = sqn |> Seq.nth (rnd.Next(0, sqn |> Seq.length))
yield x
let sqn' = remove x sqn
if not (sqn' |> Seq.isEmpty) then
yield! scramble2 sqn'
scramble2 sqn
// Example:
let test' () = scramble ['1' .. '9'] |> Seq.toList
// Output:
// val test : char list = ['3'; '6'; '7'; '5'; '4'; '8'; '2'; '1'; '9']
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 0
for n in test' () do
idx <- idx + 1
total <- total + (idx * int n)
validate total 2406
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1f%2ftitle%2fCartesian-Product-of-Sequences`` =
// Cartesian product of a sequence of sequences.
let rec cartSeq (nss:seq<#seq<'a>>) =
let f0 (n:'a) (nss:seq<#seq<'a>>) =
match Seq.isEmpty nss with
| true -> Seq.singleton(Seq.singleton n)
| _ -> (fun (nl:#seq<'a>)->seq{yield n; yield! nl}) nss
match Seq.isEmpty nss with
| true -> Seq.empty
| _ -> Seq.collect (fun n->f0 n (cartSeq (Seq.skip 1 nss))) (Seq.head nss)
// Test.
let choices =
let pizzas = cartSeq choices
//pizzas |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for toppings in pizzas do
for topping in toppings do
total <- total + topping.Length * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total 80142
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1o%2ftitle%2fBreak-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences`` =
// Rotaerk's implementation is the fastest and least complicated, the rest are
// just curiosities unless a bright idea strikes. Compare the performance:
> for x in [1..1000000] |> groupsOfAtMost 500 do printf"";;
> Real: 00:00:00.423, CPU: 00:00:00.421, GC gen0: 14, gen1: 6, gen2: 0
val it : unit = ()
> for x in [1..1000000] |> breakByV3 500 do printf"";;
> Real: 00:01:04.181, CPU: 00:01:03.991, GC gen0: 15, gen1: 4, gen2: 0
val it : unit = ()
> *)
let groupsOfAtMost (size: int) (s: seq<'v>) : seq<list<'v>> =
seq {
let en = s.GetEnumerator ()
let more = ref true
while !more do
let group =
let i = ref 0
while !i < size && en.MoveNext () do
yield en.Current
i := !i + 1
if List.isEmpty group then
more := false
yield group
// the original breakBy, made more idiomatic with Rotaerk's help
let breakByV1 n s =
let filter k (i,x) = ((i/n) = k)
let index = Seq.mapi (fun i x -> (i,x))
let rec loop s =
seq { if not (Seq.isEmpty s) then
let k = (s |> Seq.head |> fst) / n
yield (s |> Seq.truncate n
|> snd)
yield! loop (s |> Seq.skipWhile (filter k)) }
loop (s |> index)
// with even greater Rotaerk's help, breakBy is now shorter and a couple useful
// util functions materialize
let tuple2 x y = x, y
let trim n = snd << Seq.filter (fst >> (<=) n) << Seq.mapi tuple2
//val it : seq<int> = seq [51; 52; 53; 54; ...]
let breakByV2 n s =
let rec loop s =
seq { if not (Seq.isEmpty s) then
yield (s |> Seq.truncate n)
yield! loop (s |> trim n) }
loop s
// in discussions with Rotaerk, it came out that it would be useful to return
// both first n elements and remaining sequence, in order to iterate seq in one
// pass. Rotaerk liked the name "trim" for that function, I decided on "spill".
// dgfitch helped me pinpoint the problem with spill and led me to add |> Seq.cache
// also this last version returns a sequence of lists, unavoidably I'm afraid.
// Well, I could wrap lists in seqs but that's just sugar.
// Changed spill to return option because the way I use Seq.cache eats memory.
let spill (n:int) (s:seq<'a>) =
let en = s.GetEnumerator()
let pos = ref 0
let lst = [ while !pos < n && en.MoveNext() do
pos := !pos+1
yield en.Current]
if lst |> List.isEmpty then None else
Some((lst, seq { while en.MoveNext() do yield en.Current}))
// now breakBy is a true one-liner
let breakByV3 n = Seq.unfold (spill n)
let test1' () = seq {1..2500} |> groupsOfAtMost 50
let test2' () = seq {1..2500} |> breakByV1 50
let test3' () = seq {1..2500} |> breakByV2 50
let test4' () = seq {1..2500} |> breakByV3 50
let run f validation =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 0
for x in f () do
for y in x do
total <- total + y * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total validation
let test1 () = run test1' 913365204
let test2 () = run test2' 913365204
let test3 () = run test3' 913365204
let test4 () = run test4' 913365204
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated`` =
type FactAttribute () =
inherit System.Attribute ()
type Assert =
static member Equal (l:list<_>, r:seq<_>) =
let mutable a = l
let n = r.GetEnumerator ()
while n.MoveNext () && not a.IsEmpty do
if n.Current <> a.Head then failwith "boom"
a <- a.Tail
if n.MoveNext () || not a.IsEmpty then
failwith "boom"
static member Empty n =
if not (Seq.isEmpty n) then failwith "boom"
module Seq =
/// Takes elements into a sublist until the predicate returns false (exclusive)
let partitionWhile (func : _ -> bool) (sequence : _ seq) : _ list * _ seq =
let en = sequence.GetEnumerator ()
let wasGood = ref true
let sublist =
while !wasGood && en.MoveNext() do
if func en.Current then yield en.Current
else wasGood := false
let remainder =
seq {
if not !wasGood then yield en.Current
while en.MoveNext() do yield en.Current
sublist, remainder
///Takes elements into a sublist until the predicate returns true (exclusive)
let partitionUntil (func : _ -> bool) (sequence : _ seq) : _ list * _ seq =
let en = sequence.GetEnumerator ()
let satisfied = ref false
let sublist =
while not !satisfied && en.MoveNext() do
if not (func en.Current) then yield en.Current
else satisfied := true
let remainder =
seq {
if !satisfied then yield en.Current
while en.MoveNext() do yield en.Current
sublist, remainder
///Takes elements into a sublist until the predicate returns true (inclusive)
let partitionUntilAfter (func : _ -> bool) (sequence : _ seq) : _ list * _ seq =
let en = sequence.GetEnumerator ()
let satisfied = ref false
let sublist =
while not !satisfied && en.MoveNext() do
if func en.Current then satisfied := true
yield en.Current
let remainder =
seq {
while en.MoveNext() do yield en.Current
sublist, remainder
let ``Seq.partitionWhile should return a proper subset and remainder`` () =
let testSeq = seq { for i in 1 .. 6 do yield i }
let sub, remainder = testSeq |> Seq.partitionWhile (fun x -> x <= 3)
Assert.Equal( [1; 2; 3], sub )
Assert.Equal( [4; 5; 6], remainder |> Seq.toList )
let ``Seq.partitionWhile should return an empty list and remainder when give an empty sequence`` () =
let testSeq = Seq.empty
let sub, remainder = testSeq |> Seq.partitionWhile (fun x -> x <= 3)
Assert.Empty sub
Assert.Empty remainder
let ``Seq.partitionUntil should return a proper subset and remainder`` =
let testSeq = seq { for i in 1 .. 6 do yield i }
let sub, remainder = testSeq |> Seq.partitionUntil (fun x -> x > 3)
Assert.Equal( [1; 2; 3], sub )
Assert.Equal( [4; 5; 6], remainder |> Seq.toList )
let ``Seq.partitionUntil should return an empty list and remainder when give an empty sequence`` () =
let testSeq = Seq.empty
let sub, remainder = testSeq |> Seq.partitionUntil (fun x -> x > 3)
Assert.Empty sub
Assert.Empty remainder
let ``Seq.partitionUntilAfter should return a proper subset and remainder`` () =
let testSeq = seq { for i in 1 .. 6 do yield i }
let sub, remainder = testSeq |> Seq.partitionUntilAfter (fun x -> x > 2)
Assert.Equal( [1; 2; 3], sub )
Assert.Equal( [4; 5; 6], remainder |> Seq.toList )
let ``Seq.partitionUntilAfter should return an empty list and remainder when give an empty sequence`` () =
let testSeq = Seq.empty
let sub, remainder = testSeq |> Seq.partitionUntilAfter (fun x -> x > 2)
Assert.Empty sub
Assert.Empty remainder
let test1 () = ``Seq.partitionWhile should return a proper subset and remainder`` ()
let test2 () = ``Seq.partitionWhile should return an empty list and remainder when give an empty sequence`` ()
let test3 () = ``Seq.partitionUntil should return a proper subset and remainder``
let test4 () = ``Seq.partitionUntil should return an empty list and remainder when give an empty sequence`` ()
let test5 () = ``Seq.partitionUntilAfter should return a proper subset and remainder`` ()
let test6 () = ``Seq.partitionUntilAfter should return an empty list and remainder when give an empty sequence`` ()
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1N%2ftitle%2fFunction-to-generate-circular-infinite-sequence-from-a-list`` =
open System
open System.IO
let generateCircularSeq (lst:'a list) =
let rec next () =
seq {
for element in lst do
yield element
yield! next()
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 0
for i in [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10] |> generateCircularSeq |> Seq.take 12 do
total <- total + i * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total 362
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f2n%2ftitle%2fSequnsort`` =
module Seq =
let unsort xs =
let rand = System.Random(Seed=0)
|> (fun x -> rand.Next(),x)
|> Seq.cache
|> Seq.sortBy fst
|> snd
let values = [| 1..100 |]
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in Seq.unsort values do
total <- total + n * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total 248174
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f4u%2ftitle%2fVery-Fast-Permutations`` =
module List =
// From:
// Much faster than anything else I've tested
let rec insertions x = function
| [] -> [[x]]
| (y :: ys) as l -> (x::l)::( (fun x -> y::x) (insertions x ys))
let rec permutations = function
| [] -> seq [ [] ]
| x :: xs -> Seq.concat ( (insertions x) (permutations xs))
let values = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9]
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in List.permutations values do
for m in n do
total <- total + m * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total -1860160064
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2ftc%2ftitle%2fFibonacci-sequence-with-scan`` =
let rec fibonacci = seq { yield 1; yield! Seq.scan (+) 2 fibonacci }
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in fibonacci |> Seq.take 50 do
total <- total + n * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total -1728357515
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f6H%2ftitle%2fTake-value-from-a-sequence-only-when-it-changes`` =
open System.Collections.Generic
//Filter function with accumulator
let filter (acc:'a) (f:('a -> 'b -> bool * 'a)) (s:'b seq) =
let rec iter (acc:'a) (e:IEnumerator<'b>) =
match e.MoveNext() with
| false -> Seq.empty
| true -> match f acc e.Current with
| (true,newAcc) -> seq { yield e.Current; yield! iter newAcc e}
| (false,newAcc) -> seq { yield! iter newAcc e}
iter acc (s.GetEnumerator())
//main function
let skipUntilChange (f : 'a -> 'b) (s : 'a seq) =
s |> Seq.skip 1
|> filter (s |> Seq.head |> f)
(fun a b -> if a = f b then false,f b else true,f b)
let example () =
[1;1;1;3;3;3;5;5;5] |> skipUntilChange id //|> printfn "%A"
let test () =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in example () do
total <- total + n * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total 13
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f9X%2ftitle%2fnary-Seqmap-Numerals`` =
// For more info:
let (<*>) fs xs = Seq.map2 (fun f x -> f x) fs xs
let succ n fs xs = n (fs <*> xs)
let map n f = n (Seq.initInfinite (fun _ -> f))
// Numerals
let ``1``<'a1, 'r> : seq<('a1 -> 'r)> -> seq<'a1> -> seq<'r> =
succ id
let ``2``<'a1, 'a2, 'r> : seq<('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'r)> -> seq<'a1> -> seq<'a2> -> seq<'r> =
succ ``1``
let ``3``<'a1, 'a2, 'a3, 'r> : seq<('a1 -> 'a2 -> 'a3 -> 'r)> -> seq<'a1> -> seq<'a2> -> seq<'a3> -> seq<'r> =
succ ``2``
// Examples
let example1 () = map ``1`` (fun x -> x + 1) [1; 2] // [2; 3]
let example2 () = map ``2`` (fun x y -> x + y) [1; 2] [1; 2] // [2; 4]
let example3 () = map ``3`` (fun x y z -> x + y + z) [1; 2] [1; 2] [1; 2] // [3; 6]
let test example checksum =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in example () do
total <- total + n * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total checksum
let test1 () = test example1 8
let test2 () = test example2 10
let test3 () = test example3 15
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2feq%2ftitle%2fSum-of-Squares-Monoid`` =
/// Define SumOfSquares computation builder
type SumOfSquaresMonoid() =
/// Combine two values
/// sm.Combine («cexpr1», b.Delay(fun () -> «cexpr2»))
member sm.Combine(a,b) = a + b
/// Zero value
/// sm.Zero()
member sm.Zero() = 0.0
/// Return a value
/// sm.Yield expr
member sm.Yield(a) = a
/// Delay a computation
/// sm.Delay (fun () -> «cexpr»))
member sm.Delay f = f()
/// For loop
/// sm.For (expr, (fun pat -> «cexpr»))
member sm.For(e, f) =
Seq.fold(fun s x -> sm.Combine(s, f x)) (sm.Zero()) e
// Create an instance of each such monoid object
let sosm = new SumOfSquaresMonoid()
// Build a SumOfSquaresMonoid value(function)
let sumOfSquares x = sosm {for x in [1.0 .. 0.2 .. x] do yield x * x}
// Result
// val it : float = 1819.84
let test () =
let total = sumOfSquares 10.2
validate (int (total*100.)) 181984
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2fhE%2ftitle%2fLargest-palindrome-made-from-the-product-of-two-ndigit-numbers`` =
let numDigits = 3
if (numDigits < 1) then failwith "Number of digits must be at least 1"
let lowestNumDigitNumber = pown 10 (numDigits - 1)
let highestNumDigitNumber = (pown 10 numDigits) - 1
let baseSeq = {lowestNumDigitNumber..highestNumDigitNumber}
let reverse (t : string) =
new string(t.ToCharArray() |> Array.rev)
let isPalindrome t = reverse (string t) = string t
let test () =
let n = (fun x -> ( (fun y -> x * y) baseSeq)) baseSeq
|> Seq.concat
|> Seq.filter isPalindrome
|> Seq.max
validate n 906609
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f7OI%2ftitle%2fFunctional-and-simple-version-for-Collatz-Conjecture-or-3n-1-Problem`` =
let min a b = if (a > b) then b else a
let max a b = if (b > a) then b else a
let f a b =
let g j =
seq {
let mutable i = j
while (i > 1) do
yield i
i <- if ((i % 2) = 0) then i / 2 else 3 * i + 1
yield 1
seq{(min a b)..(max a b)} |> g
let max_length a b = f a b |> (fun x -> x |> Seq.length) |> Seq.max
let print_all a b = f a b |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%A" (x |> Seq.toList))
> print_all 1 10;;
[2; 1]
[3; 10; 5; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]
[4; 2; 1]
[5; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]
[6; 3; 10; 5; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]
[7; 22; 11; 34; 17; 52; 26; 13; 40; 20; 10; 5; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]
[8; 4; 2; 1]
[9; 28; 14; 7; 22; 11; 34; 17; 52; 26; 13; 40; 20; 10; 5; 16; 8; 4; 2; 1]
> max_length 1 10;;
val it : int = 20
> max_length 100 200;;
val it : int = 125
> max_length 201 210;;
val it : int = 89
> max_length 900 1000;;
val it : int = 174
let test () =
let mutable n = max_length 900 1000
validate n 174
module ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f8a%2ftitle%2fGluingup-sequence-members`` =
open System
open System.Text
// Glue up using Seq.collect (worst peformer)
let glueUp1 len ss =
new string (
|> Seq.collect (fun s -> Seq.ofArray <| s.ToString().ToCharArray())
|> Seq.take len
|> Seq.toArray)
// Glue up using Seq.scan + Seq.skipWhile
let glueUp2 len ss =
|> Seq.scan (fun (accum: StringBuilder) s -> accum.Append(s.ToString())) (StringBuilder())
|> Seq.skipWhile (fun x -> x.Length < len)
|> Seq.head |> string |> fun x -> x.Substring(0, len)
// Glue up using Seq.pick and a closure over StringBuilder (best performer)
let glueUp3 len ss =
let glue len =
let accum = StringBuilder()
fun item ->
if accum.Length >= len then
accum.Append(item.ToString()) |> ignore
|> Seq.pick(glue len) |> fun x -> x.Substring(0, len)
(*[omit:(Performance measurement)]*)
let test1' () = (glueUp1 1000000) (Seq.initInfinite(fun x -> x))
let test2' () = (glueUp2 1000000) (Seq.initInfinite(fun x -> x))
let test3' () = (glueUp3 1000000) (Seq.initInfinite(fun x -> x))
let runtest f =
let mutable total = LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
let mutable idx = 1
for n in f () do
total <- total + int n * idx
idx <- idx + 1
validate total 1678052085
let test1 () = runtest test1'
let test2 () = runtest test2'
let test3 () = runtest test3'
//"", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f8a%2ftitle%2fGluingup-sequence-members``.test, 1
module ``http%3a%2f%2ffable%2eio%2frepl%2fsoduku`` =
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
type Box = int
type Sudoku = Box array array
let rows = id
let cols (sudoku:Sudoku) =
|> Array.mapi (fun a row -> row |> Array.mapi (fun b cell -> sudoku.[b].[a]))
let getBoxIndex count row col =
let n = row/count
let m = col/count
n * count + m
let boxes (sudoku:Sudoku) =
let d = sudoku |> Array.length |> float |> System.Math.Sqrt |> int
let list = new List<_>()
for a in 0..(d*d) - 1 do list.Add(new List<_>())
for a in 0..(Array.length sudoku - 1) do
for b in 0..(Array.length sudoku - 1) do
list.[getBoxIndex d a b].Add(sudoku.[a].[b])
|> Seq.toArray
let toSudoku x : Sudoku =
|> Seq.toArray
|> Seq.toArray
let allUnique numbers =
let set = new HashSet<_>()
|> Seq.filter ((<>) 0)
|> Seq.forall set.Add
let solvable sudoku =
rows sudoku
|> Seq.append (cols sudoku)
|> Seq.append (boxes sudoku)
|> Seq.forall allUnique
let replaceAtPos (x:Sudoku) row col newValue :Sudoku =
[| for a in 0..(Array.length x - 1) ->
[| for b in 0..(Array.length x - 1) ->
if a = row && b = col then newValue else x.[a].[b] |] |]
let rec substitute row col (x:Sudoku) =
let a,b = if col >= Array.length x then row+1,0 else row,col
if a >= Array.length x then seq { yield x } else
if x.[a].[b] = 0 then
[1..Array.length x]
|> (replaceAtPos x a b)
|> Seq.filter solvable
|> (substitute a (b+1))
|> Seq.concat
else substitute a (b+1) x
let getFirstSolution = substitute 0 0 >> Seq.head
let test1 () =
let problem =
[[0; 0; 8; 3; 0; 0; 6; 0; 0]
[0; 0; 4; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0]
[6; 7; 0; 0; 8; 0; 0; 0; 0]
[0; 1; 6; 4; 3; 0; 0; 0; 0]
[0; 0; 0; 7; 9; 0; 0; 2; 0]
[0; 9; 0; 0; 0; 0; 4; 0; 1]
[0; 0; 0; 9; 1; 0; 0; 0; 5]
[0; 0; 3; 0; 5; 0; 0; 0; 2]
[0; 5; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 7; 4]]
let expected =
[| [|1; 2; 8; 3; 4; 5; 6; 9; 7|]
[|5; 3; 4; 6; 7; 9; 2; 1; 8|]
[|6; 7; 9; 1; 8; 2; 5; 4; 3|]
[|2; 1; 6; 4; 3; 8; 7; 5; 9|]
[|4; 8; 5; 7; 9; 1; 3; 2; 6|]
[|3; 9; 7; 5; 2; 6; 4; 8; 1|]
[|7; 6; 2; 9; 1; 4; 8; 3; 5|]
[|9; 4; 3; 8; 5; 7; 1; 6; 2|]
[|8; 5; 1; 2; 6; 3; 9; 7; 4|] |]
let received =
|> toSudoku
|> getFirstSolution
validate expected received
let test2 () =
let problem =
[[0; 0; 8; 3; 0; 0; 6; 0; 0]
[0; 0; 4; 0; 0; 0; 0; 1; 0]
[6; 7; 0; 0; 8; 0; 0; 0; 0]
[0; 1; 6; 4; 3; 0; 0; 0; 0]
[0; 0; 0; 7; 9; 0; 0; 2; 0]
[0; 9; 0; 0; 0; 0; 4; 0; 1]
[0; 0; 0; 9; 1; 0; 0; 0; 5]
[0; 0; 3; 0; 5; 0; 0; 0; 2]
[0; 5; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 7; 4]]
let received =
|> toSudoku
|> substitute 0 0
|> Seq.length
validate 1 received
let time what f =
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew ()
let count = f 500000
printfn "%s: %d (%d)" what sw.ElapsedMilliseconds count
let tests = [|
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 1", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``1``, 40000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 2", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``2``, 400000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 3", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``3``, 12
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 4", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``4``, 5
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 5", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``5``, 2
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 6", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``6``, 300000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 7", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``7``, 2
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 8", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``8``, 3000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 9", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``9``, 1
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 10", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``10``, 1
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 11", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``11``, 1500
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 12", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``12``, 1
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 13", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``13``, 400000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 14", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``14``, 4
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 16", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``16``, 10000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 17", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``17``, 10000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 18", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``18``, 40000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 19", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``19``, 10000
"TheBurningMonk - Euler - 20", ``TheBurningMonk - Euler``.``20``, 20000
"[Nessos LinqOptimizer 1](", ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L44-L49``.test, 5
"[Nessos LinqOptimizer 2](", ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L61-L69``.test, 10
"[Nessos LinqOptimizer 3](", ``https%3a%2f%2fgithub%2ecom%2fnessos%2fLinqOptimizer%2fblob%2ff02172b0b87c3688418e3d77d62074d001686baa%2fbenchmarks%2fLinqOptimizer%2eBenchmarks%2eFSharp%2fProgram%2efs%23L37-L38``.test, 50
"[Unfolding-Sequences](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2fw%2ftitle%2fUnfolding-Sequences``.test, 400000
"[Sequence-Random-Permutation](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f16%2ftitle%2fSequence-Random-Permutation``.test, 20000
"[Cartesian-Product-of-Sequences](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1f%2ftitle%2fCartesian-Product-of-Sequences``.test, 6000
"[Break-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences 1](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1o%2ftitle%2fBreak-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences``.test1, 10000
"[Break-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences 2](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1o%2ftitle%2fBreak-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences``.test2, 10
"[Break-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences 3](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1o%2ftitle%2fBreak-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences``.test3, 10
"[Break-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences 4](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1o%2ftitle%2fBreak-sequence-into-nelement-subsequences``.test4, 1000
"[Partition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated 1](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated``.test1, 800000
"[Partition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated 2](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated``.test2, 2500000
"[Partition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated 3](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated``.test3, 500000000
"[Partition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated 4](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated``.test4, 2500000
"[Partition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated 5](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated``.test5, 800000
"[Partition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated 6](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1I%2ftitle%2fPartition-a-sequence-until-a-predicate-is-satiated``.test6, 2500000
"[Function-to-generate-circular-infinite-sequence-from-a-list](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f1N%2ftitle%2fFunction-to-generate-circular-infinite-sequence-from-a-list``.test, 500000
"[Sequnsort](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f2n%2ftitle%2fSequnsort``.test, 50000
"[Very-Fast-Permutations](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f4u%2ftitle%2fVery-Fast-Permutations``.test, 15
"[Fibonacci-sequence-with-scan](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2ftc%2ftitle%2fFibonacci-sequence-with-scan``.test, 15000
"[Take-value-from-a-sequence-only-when-it-changes](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f6H%2ftitle%2fTake-value-from-a-sequence-only-when-it-changes``.test, 400000
"[nary-Seqmap-Numerals 1](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f9X%2ftitle%2fnary-Seqmap-Numerals``.test1, 1000000
"[nary-Seqmap-Numerals 2](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f9X%2ftitle%2fnary-Seqmap-Numerals``.test2, 750000
"[nary-Seqmap-Numerals 3](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f9X%2ftitle%2fnary-Seqmap-Numerals``.test3, 500000
"[Sum-of-Squares-Monoid](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2feq%2ftitle%2fSum-of-Squares-Monoid``.test, 100000
"[Largest-palindrome-made-from-the-product-of-two-ndigit-numbers](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2fhE%2ftitle%2fLargest-palindrome-made-from-the-product-of-two-ndigit-numbers``.test, 4
"[Functional-and-simple-version-for-Collatz-Conjecture-or-3n-1-Problem](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f7OI%2ftitle%2fFunctional-and-simple-version-for-Collatz-Conjecture-or-3n-1-Problem``.test, 4000
"[Gluingup-sequence-members 1](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f8a%2ftitle%2fGluingup-sequence-members``.test1, 6
"[Gluingup-sequence-members 2](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f8a%2ftitle%2fGluingup-sequence-members``.test2, 14
"[Gluingup-sequence-members 3](", ``http%3a%2f%2fwww%2efssnip%2enet%2f8a%2ftitle%2fGluingup-sequence-members``.test3, 15
"[Soduku - first](", ``http%3a%2f%2ffable%2eio%2frepl%2fsoduku``.test1, 30
"[Soduku - count](", ``http%3a%2f%2ffable%2eio%2frepl%2fsoduku``.test2, 1
let main argv =
let appendResultTo, name' =
if argv.Length > 0 then
(Some argv.[0]), argv.[1]
ProjectInfo.AppendResultTo, ProjectInfo.Name
let bittage =
if sizeof<nativeint> = 4 then "32-bit"
elif sizeof<nativeint> = 8 then "64-bit"
else "unknown"
printf "warming up"
for _, f, iterations in tests do
if iterations > 1 then
f ()
printf "."
printfn "\n"
for i = 1 to 5 do
for name, f, iterations in tests do
let sw = Stopwatch.StartNew ()
for i = 1 to iterations do
f ()
System.GC.Collect ()
System.GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers ()
let text = sprintf "%s,%s,%s,%d\n" name' bittage name sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
System.Console.Write text
|> Option.iter (fun filename -> System.IO.File.AppendAllText (filename, text))
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