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SFML - Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Marco Antognini (,
Laurent Gomila (
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
import stainless.lang._
object Eval {
def foo: Int = {
// assert(false)
} ensuring { _ + 58 == 100 }
def goo = 1
class Lazy[T](computeValue: => T) {
@volatile private var computed = false
@volatile private var computing = false // ignore me
private var value: T = _
def get: T = {
if (!computed)
if (!computed) {
import stainless.annotation._
import stainless.collection._
import stainless.lang._
import stainless.lang.StaticChecks._
import stainless.proof._
object MiniForall {
def lemmaV1[T](xs: List[T], p1: T => Boolean, p2: T => Boolean): Boolean = {
mantognini / AbstractRefinementMap.scala-0.tip
Created October 11, 2017 13:38
tip files outputed by stainless before a solver crash, some are not parseable!
(declare-datatypes (A1!36 R!59) ((fun1!8 (fun1!10 (f!148 (=> A1!36 R!59)) (pre!89 (=> A1!36 Bool))))))
(declare-datatypes () ((Positive!1 (Positive!2 (i!53 Int)))))
(declare-const f!28 (fun1!8 Positive!1 Positive!1))
(datatype-invariant thiss!1 Positive!1 (> (i!53 thiss!1) 0))
(assert (not (=> (@ (f!148 (fun1!10 (pre!89 f!28) (lambda ((x!187 Positive!1)) true))) (Positive!2 1)) (let ((res!102 (@ (f!148 f!28) (Positive!2 1)))) (> (i!53 res!102) 0)))))
mantognini / diff.txt
Created October 5, 2017 16:12
diff -r doc/ src/main/doc
diff -r doc/ src/main/doc/
< ```scala
> ```tut:silent
< ```scala
< scala> val tpe = t"Boolean"
< tpe: mySymbols.interpolator.trees.Type = Boolean
mantognini / readme
Created August 30, 2017 11:42
run stainless from jar only
place the two other files in stainless/bin after running `sbt package`.
mantognini / diff
Created August 30, 2017 11:35
Assembly on stainless-dotty
edit build.sbt as follow:
lazy val `stainless-scalac` = (project in file("frontends/scalac"))
+ .disablePlugins(AssemblyPlugin)
lazy val `stainless-dotty` = (project in file("frontends/stainless-dotty"))
- .disablePlugins(AssemblyPlugin)
mantognini / actual
Last active August 23, 2017 11:36
CodeGen issue in stainless
[info] Executing forall (codegen):
[info] ∀x$53354: D$293. ((x$53538: F$3) => {
[info] require(((x$53529: D$293) => {
[info] val x$53672: (D$293, D$293, D$293, D$293, D$293, D$293, D$293) = (x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529)
[info] true
[info] })(x$53538) && ((x$53529: E$10) => {
[info] val x$53859: (E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10, E$10) = (x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529, x$53529)
[info] true
[info] })(((x$53680: D$293) => {
[info] require({
IOHIDElementRef element = ...
switch (IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element)) {
case kHIDPage_Undefined: sf::err() << "Page of element: kHIDPage_Undefined" << std::endl; break;
case kHIDPage_GenericDesktop:
sf::err() << "Page of element: kHIDPage_GenericDesktop" << std::endl;
switch (IOHIDElementGetUsage(element)) {
case kHIDUsage_GD_Pointer: sf::err() << " Usage of element: kHIDUsage_GD_Pointer" << std::endl; break;