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Created October 2, 2018 21:06
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Some clj coding with the Barcelona Clojure Meetup
(def data {:RTDataId "rt-main-values-device",
:CardProjectionType 9,
:Keyword "live-values-items",
:CardProperties [{:Parameter {:Name "Aggregated Strings Availability",
:Unit "%"},
:Value {:Value "99.88", :Date "2018-10-01T00:00:00"},
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:1076",
:TypeKey "8537e625-59cd-537f-93ad-c90b17e32036",
:DisplayName "Aggregated Strings Availability",
:DataSourceId 6871}
{:Parameter {:Name "Assigned Insolation",
:Unit "kWh/m2"},
:Value {:Value 5.244289227216684,
:Date "2018-10-02T15:08:34"},
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:71",
:TypeKey "fd69c2e1-3372-5a48-a51a-24261703561c",
:DisplayName "Assigned Insolation",
:DataSourceId 2165}
{:Parameter {:Name "Assigned Irradiance",
:Unit "W/m2"},
:Value {:Value 601.030029296875,
:Date "2018-10-02T15:08:34"},
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:70",
:TypeKey "3564134b-4cab-5757-98ff-4ff8d48deac6",
:DisplayName "Assigned Irradiance",
:DataSourceId 2162}
{:Parameter {:Name "Availability",
:Unit "%"},
:Value {:Value 100, :Date "2018-10-01T00:00:00"},
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:73",
:TypeKey "8c4b0e05-6665-5c72-9d94-747a4c6ff0bb",
:DisplayName "Availability", :DataSourceId 2186}
{:Parameter {:Name "Comm Status", :Unit "%"},
:Value {:Value 0, :Date "2018-10-02T15:08:36"},
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:74",
:TypeKey "8e95d579-c7f7-50d7-a00a-7fbe6e5b0f4e",
:DisplayName "Comm Status", :DataSourceId 41}],
:DisplayName "Live values items"})
(def commands [{:Value {:Value "Pepito"}
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:1076"}
{:Value {:Date "koko"}
:Id "id-device:ba986401-c31c-43c7-9065-fc12ee711474:70"}])
; TEST - (execute-commands data commands)
(defn execute-commands
[data commands]
(assoc data :CardProperties
(map #(parse-card % commands) (:CardProperties data)))))
; (def card (first (:CardProperties data)))
; TEST - (parse-card (first (:CardProperties data)) commands)
(defn parse-card
[card commands]
(let [command-found (first (filter #(= (:Id card) (:Id %)) commands))]
; (exec-command-on-card card command-found)))
(if (nil? command-found)
(exec-command-on-card card (first command-found))
; TEST - (exec-command-on-card (first (:CardProperties data)) (first command))
(defn exec-command-on-card
[card command]
(let [field-name (first (keys (:Value command)))
field-value (first (vals (:Value command)))]
(assoc-in card [:Value field-name] field-value)))
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