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Created November 20, 2018 22:41
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Bash one-liners of interest
bash one-liners
get list of GLAD geostores in the last 30 days
gcloud logging read "(resource.type="container" AND resource.labels.cluster_name="wri-prod" AND resource.labels.namespace_id="default" AND resource.labels.container_name="forest-change" AND textPayload:(geostore))" --freshness 30d | grep glad | grep -v .py | grep -o 'geostore=.*' | cut -f2- -d= | cut -d'&' -f1 | sort | uniq
now need to do the same except for download from that dataset - download/3bec70f3-136b-4046-80c6-2a05afd741c6
gcloud logging read "(resource.type="container" AND resource.labels.cluster_name="wri-prod" AND resource.labels.namespace_id="default" AND logName="projects/resource-watch/logs/document" AND jsonPayload.src.func = "toSQLMiddleware" AND ("geostore" AND "lat"))" --freshness 30d | grep geostore
# gdal_translate
for i in src/*; do gdal_translate $i final/$(basename -- "$i") -co COMPRESS=LZW -projwin -58.6 -9 -58.5 -9.1; done
# rename looking through crazy directories
for i in source/*/*/*/*/*/*/*; do newname="$(echo $i | cut -d / -f 4).tif"; cp $i glad_$newname; done;
# look through a bunch of TSVs for unique polyname/iso/adm1/adm2
for file in source/*; do awk -F"\t" '{ print $2, $7, $8, $9}' $file | sort | uniq > output/$(basename $file); done
# iterate over list of CSV of geostore_id,error text. build geostore URL, use jq to parse result then write to file
while read p; do fname="$(echo "$p" | cut -d, -f1 )"; curl$fname | jq .data.attributes.geojson > $fname.geojson; done < dl.csv
# do the above but combine into one geojson
while read p; do fname="$(echo "$p" | cut -d, -f1 )"; curl -s$fname | jq .data.attributes.geojson.features[0] | json-minify ; done < ../dl.csv | fio collect > all.geojson
# do the above + label each polygon with its ID
while read p; do fname="$(echo "$p" | cut -d, -f1 )"; curl -s$fname | jq --arg fname $fname '.data.attributes.geojson.features[0] + {properties: {geostore_id: $fname}}' | json-minify ; done < ../dl.csv | fio collect > all.geojson
# sum feature count for all layers in a geodatabase
ogrinfo plantations_merged_single.gdb -so -al | grep Feature | cut -d: -f2 | paste -sd+ - | bc
# convert z|x|y map tile table to geojson
awk -F',' 'BEGIN{OFS=",";} {print "[" $1,$2,$3 "]"; }' output.csv | grep -v 'x,y,z' | mercantile shapes | fio collect | geojsonio
# make a list of all plantations layers but not USA
ogrinfo plantations_merged_single.gdb | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d'(' -f1 | grep plant | grep -v usa | grep -v Open | sed -e 's/ //g' > out.txt
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