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#include "LedControl.h"
#include "Quadrature.h"
#include "math.h"
Quadrature quad1(38,39);
// ****** LedControl Library is required to drive the MAX7219 7 segment LED displays. *******
// led_Display_1 is the variable name of my set of displays chained
marc21121980 / Radio Code
Last active December 28, 2018 23:35
Radio Code
#include "LedControl.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "Quadrature.h"
Quadrature quad1(22, 23);
Quadrature quad2(24, 25);
// ****** LedControl Library is required to drive the MAX7219 7 segment LED displays. *******
// led_Display_1 is the variable name of my set of displays chained
LedControl led_Display_1 = LedControl(2,3,4,8); // together running off of pins 12,11,10.
int CodeIn;// Gets the serial read
int ARRAY_myrecall[8];
int pttButton = 24;// Button to test all annunciations
int buttonState = 0;
int KpinNo;
int Koutpin;
String gear, warn, start, batt, vac, oil, fuel, stall, pitot, Bvm;
int geari, warni, starti, batti, vaci, oili, fueli, stalli, pitoti, Bvmi;
unsigned int warnalarm;