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Last active January 10, 2019 19:16
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Autopilot Code
#include "LedControl.h"
#include "Quadrature.h"
#include "math.h"
Quadrature quad1(38,39);
// ****** LedControl Library is required to drive the MAX7219 7 segment LED displays. *******
// led_Display_1 is the variable name of my set of displays chained
LedControl led_Display_1 = LedControl(50,48,49,1); // together running off of pins 12,11,10.
// Pin 50 DN
// Pin 48 is Clock
// Pin 49 is CS
// The 2 is for how many displays you have to chain.
// Allow 8 incase of expansion. It cost no memory.
// You can run any pins you want in the instruction,
// just plug the module in correctly.
// LedControl(Data,Clock,Load,Displays)
// I used 12,10,11 so I could have a straight ribbon connection
// from the module without crossing leads.
int CodeIn;// used on all serial reads
String Digit; // Variable as a string to take from getChar()
int Count; // This variable used in loops in the EQUALS() function
int AP_vs_set[4]; // AP_alt_set[5] is an array of the 5 digits that are the Auto Pilot AltitudeSet
char AP_vs_minus;
int AP_alt_set[5];
long Xold1;
String ap, apOld, fd, fdOld, hdg, hdgOld, nav, navOld, app, appOld, yd, ydOld, alt, altOld, bc, bcOld;
String gs, gsOld, mkr, mkrOld, avm, ga, gaOld, narm, narmOld, aarm, aarmOld;
int api, fdi, hdgi, navi, appi, ydi, alti, bci, gsi, mkri, avmi, gai, narmi, aarmi;
int R;// a variable
int Rold;// the old reading
int Rdif;// the difference since last loop
int Switch;
int KpinNo;
int Koutpin;
int ledPin;
String KoldpinStateSTR, KpinStateSTR, Kstringnewstate,Kstringoldstate;
void setup()
Kstringoldstate = "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
for (int KoutPin = 22; KoutPin <=40; KoutPin++)// Get all the pins ready for simconnect codes and "Keys"(all inputs)
pinMode(KoutPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(KoutPin, HIGH);
pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP);
for (ledPin = 2; ledPin<=18; ledPin ++)
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
//The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup, we have to do a wakeup call
delay (500);
led_Display_1.shutdown(0, false); // I have 4 displays, these start them up
//delay (500); // I put the delay in so they all dont start drawing
//led_Display_1.shutdown(1,false); // current at the same time.
// delay (500); // I had an issue with running on only USB power and getting a display glitch.
// led_Display_1.shutdown(2,false); // The delay seems to have fixed this issue.
// delay (500);
// led_Display_1.shutdown(3,false);
// Set the brightness to a lower than medium values
led_Display_1.setIntensity(0, 8);
// led_Display_1.setIntensity(2,8);
// and clear the display
void loop() {
{INPUTS();} //Check the Simconnect and "keys" section for any input pins
{ENCODER();} //Check the Rotary Encoders
{SWITCH();} // Check the Switch
{ARM_or_COUPLED();} // Check this void
if (Serial.available())
CodeIn = getChar();
if (CodeIn == '='){EQUALS();} // The first identifier is "="
if (CodeIn == '#'){HASH();} // The first identifier is "#"
if (CodeIn == '?'){QUESTION();} // The first identifier is "?"
char getChar()// Get a character from the serial buffer
while (Serial.available() == 0); // wait for data
return ((char); // Thanks Doug
}// end of getchar void.
void SWITCH()
if (digitalRead(A1) == LOW && avmi != 0)
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,4,AP_alt_set[0],false); // First digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,3,AP_alt_set[1],false); // Second digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,2,AP_alt_set[2],false); // Third digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,1,AP_alt_set[3],false); // Fourth digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,0,AP_alt_set[4],false); // Fith digit of Alt Set is displayed
else if (digitalRead(A2) == LOW && avmi != 0)
led_Display_1.setChar(0,4, AP_vs_minus,false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,3, AP_vs_set[0],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,2, AP_vs_set[1],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,1, AP_vs_set[2],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,0, AP_vs_set[3],false);
void EQUALS()
{ // The first identifier was "="
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get the second identifier
switch (CodeIn)
{ // Now lets find what to do with it
case 'x':{
gs = "";
gs += getChar();
gs += getChar();
gs += getChar();
gs += getChar();
gsi = gs.toInt();
if((gsi != (-119)) && (appi > 0)){digitalWrite(4, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(4, LOW);}
case 'a':{
ap = "";
ap += getChar();
api = ap.toInt();
if(api > 0){digitalWrite(12, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(12, LOW);}
case 'q':{
fd = "";
fd += getChar();
fdi = fd.toInt();
if(fdi > 0){digitalWrite(11, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(11, LOW);}
if(fdi == 0){digitalWrite(17, LOW);}
case 'j':
hdg = "";
hdg += getChar();
hdgi = hdg.toInt();
if(hdgi > 0){digitalWrite(9, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(9, LOW);}
case 'o':
nav = "";
nav += getChar();
navi = nav.toInt();
if(navi > 0){digitalWrite(7, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(7, LOW);}
case 'm':
app = "";
app += getChar();
appi = app.toInt();
if(appi > 0){digitalWrite(6, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(6, LOW);}
case 'k':
alt = "";
alt += getChar();
alti = alt.toInt();
if(alti > 0){digitalWrite(8, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(8, LOW);}
case 'n':
bc = "";
bc += getChar();
bci = bc.toInt();
if(bci > 0){digitalWrite(5, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(5, LOW);}
case 'V':
mkr = "";
mkr += getChar();
mkri = mkr.toInt();
if (mkri == 1) {digitalWrite(16, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(16, LOW);}
if (mkri == 2) {digitalWrite(15, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(15, LOW);}
if (mkri == 3) {digitalWrite(14, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(14, LOW);}
case 'w':
narm = "";
narm += getChar();
narm += getChar();
narm += getChar();
narm += getChar();
narmi = narm.toInt();
//Com2 Active -- the download is fixed 6 character format eg. 123.45
case 'b': {
int tempInt; int count = 0;
while (count < 5) {
tempInt = getChar() - '0';
if (tempInt != (-2)) {AP_alt_set[count] = tempInt; count++;} }
}// close C
// case 'c': {
// int tempInt; int count = 0;
// while (count < 5) {
// tempInt = getChar() - '0';
// if (tempInt != (-2)) {AP_vs_set[count] = tempInt; count++;} }
// }// close C
case 'c': // AP vertical speed set
Count = 0;
while (Count < 4)
Digit = "";
Digit += getChar();
if (Count == 0)
if (Digit == "-")
AP_vs_minus = '-';
AP_vs_minus = ' ';
Digit = "";
Digit += getChar();
AP_vs_set[Count] = Digit.toInt();
led_Display_1.setChar(0,4, AP_vs_minus,false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,3, AP_vs_set[0],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,2, AP_vs_set[1],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,1, AP_vs_set[2],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,0, AP_vs_set[3],false);
}// end of switch
void QUESTION() // The first identifier was "?"
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get another character
switch(CodeIn) // Now lets find what to do with it
case 'U':
avm = "";
avm += getChar();
avmi = avm.toInt();
if (avmi != 0)
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,4,AP_alt_set[0],false); // First digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,3,AP_alt_set[1],false); // Second digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,2,AP_alt_set[2],false); // Third digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,1,AP_alt_set[3],false); // Fourth digit of Alt Set is displayed
led_Display_1.setChar(0,4, AP_vs_minus,false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,3, AP_vs_set[0],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,2, AP_vs_set[1],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,1, AP_vs_set[2],false);
led_Display_1.setDigit(0,0, AP_vs_set[3],false);
led_Display_1.setChar(0,4, ' ',false);
led_Display_1.setChar(0,3, ' ',false);
led_Display_1.setChar(0,2, ' ',false);
led_Display_1.setChar(0,1, ' ',false);
led_Display_1.setChar(0,0, ' ',false);
}// end of switch
}// end of QUESTION void
void HASH()
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get the second identifier
switch (CodeIn)
{ // Now lets find what to do with it
case 'A':
yd = "";
yd += getChar();
ydi = yd.toInt();
if(ydi == 1){digitalWrite(10, HIGH);}else{digitalWrite(10, LOW);}
void ARM_or_COUPLED()
if ((api == 1) && ((appi == 1) || (navi == 1)) && ((narmi > 63) || (narmi < (-63)))) {digitalWrite(2, LOW); digitalWrite(3, HIGH);} // armed
else if ((api == 1) && ((appi == 1) || (navi == 1)) && ((narmi >= (-63) && (narmi <= 63)))) {digitalWrite(3, LOW); digitalWrite(2, HIGH);} // coupled
else {digitalWrite(2, LOW); digitalWrite(3, LOW);}
}// end armed or coupled
void INPUTS(){ // Simconnect codes and "Keys" section
Kstringnewstate = "";
for (int KpinNo = 22; KpinNo <=40; KpinNo++){ //set this to the input pins. (pins 10 to 19)
KpinStateSTR = String(digitalRead(KpinNo)); //read the state of the pin
KoldpinStateSTR = String(Kstringoldstate.charAt(KpinNo - 22));// gets the 'old' state of the pin from string
if (KpinStateSTR != KoldpinStateSTR){// checks if it's different to the last reading of that pinNo
if (KpinNo != 13){ // avoid using pin 13 as an input unless you know the tricks.
if (KpinNo == 31 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B13");} //Increments VS
if (KpinNo == 32 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B14");} //Decrements VS
if (KpinNo == 27 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("Z091");} //Alt Arm
if (KpinNo == 26 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B05");} //Alt Hold
if (KpinNo == 25 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("Z081");} //Hdg Hold
if (KpinNo == 22 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B01");} //Toggles AP Master
if (KpinNo == 24 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("Z071");} //Toggles Yaw Damper
if (KpinNo == 28 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B10");} //Toggles Nav Hold
if (KpinNo == 23 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B30");} //Toggles Flight Director
if (KpinNo == 29 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B08");} //Toggles App Hold
if (KpinNo == 30 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("B09");} //Toggles Back Course
if (KpinNo == 35 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("A54");} //Toggles NAV/GPS
if (KpinNo == 36 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){Serial.println ("A54");} //Toggles NAV/GPS
// The following lines are for the go around function. I do not know how to include multiple
//Serial.println on on entry so did multiple....It works!
if (KpinNo == 33 && KpinStateSTR == "0"){
Serial.println ("Z081"); // Hdg hold on
Serial.println ("B03"); // AP Master On
Serial.println ("Z091"); // Alt Arm
Serial.println ("B301"); // Flight Director
Serial.println ("B211000"); // Sets vs to 1000fpm
digitalWrite(17, HIGH);}
}//end of 'its not pin 13'
}//end of 'its different'
Kstringnewstate += KpinStateSTR;
}//end of 'for' loop (read the pins)
Kstringoldstate = Kstringnewstate;
}//end of INPUTS void
void ENCODER(){
R =(quad1.position()/2); //The /2 is to suit the encoder(See my website)
if (R != Rold) { // checks to see if it different
(Rdif = (R-Rold));// finds out the difference
if (Rdif == 1) Serial.println ("B12");//Com1 Mhz down
if (Rdif == -1) Serial.println ("B11"); //Com1 Mhz up
Rold = R; // overwrites the old reading with the new one.
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