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Created May 31, 2018 00:26
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#region variables
# Replace with your Log Analytics Workspace ID
$CustomerID = '***************My Customer ID********************'
# Replace with your Log Analytics Workspace Primary Key
$SharedKey = '***************Massive Long Key********************'
# Specify the custom log name.
$LogType = '***************CustomLogName********************' # Name of the custom log Type=CustomLog_CL without the top and tail e.g. 'CustomLog'
# Specify a time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ to specify a created time for the records
$TimeStampField = ''
#region functions
$AustereoURL = ''
$ARNParentURL = ''
$SmoothParentURL = ''
function Austereo {
Remove-Variable -Name Cleansong -ea 0
Remove-Variable -Name RadioSong -ea 0
Remove-Variable -Name Title -ea 0
Remove-Variable -Name Artist -ea 0
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Get the initial metadata for the stream
$iwr = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url
# Build up the .Net web client
$HttpCompletionOption = 'ResponseContentRead'
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpClient
$webclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add('Icy-MetaData', '1')
# Get the Stream URL
$null = $iwr.InnerXml -match '<location>(?<location>.*)<\/location>'
$location = $matches.location
# Fire up the stream
$response = $webClient.GetAsync($location,$HttpCompletionOption)
$null = $webclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Remove('Icy-MetaData')
# Pause until the stream title actually fires up
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# Grab the song
$iwr = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url
$null = $iwr.InnerXml -match '<title>(?<song>.*)<\/title>'
# Kill the stream
$RadioSong = $
if((($RadioSong -notmatch $CallSign1) -and ($RadioSong -notmatch $CallSign2) -and ($RadioSong -notmatch $CallSign3)) `
-and ($RadioSong -match '..\s-\s..'))
#Write-Output "Passed the last check"
#Region Do stuff with the song
$Cleansong = $RadioSong -replace '\(.*\)', ' ' -replace('&amp;', '&') -replace ' ', ' ' -replace ' feat. ', ' ' `
-replace ' ft. ', ' ' -replace ' ft ', ' ' `
-replace '[\xC0-\xC5]', 'A' -replace '[\xC8-\xCB]', 'E' -replace '[\xCC-\xCF]', 'I' `
-replace '[\xD2-\xD6]', 'O' -replace '[\xD9-\xDC]', 'U' -replace '[\xe8-\xEB]', 'e' `
-replace '[\xEC-\xEF]', 'i' -replace '[\xF2-\xF6]', 'o' -replace '[\xF9-\xFC]', 'u' `
-replace '[\xE0-\xE5]', 'o' -replace '[\xD1]', 'N' -replace '[\x91\x92\x60]', '\x27' `
-replace '[\x93\x94]', '\x22' -replace '[^\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\x20\x2D\x26\x27\x22\x2E\x2C]+', ' ' `
-replace ' ', ' ' -replace 'The ', '' -replace '\s$' -replace '^\s'
function AustralianRadioNetwork
Remove-Variable -Name Cleansong -ea 0
Remove-Variable -Name RadioSong -ea 0
#WSFM - Sydney
$matches = @()
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$URI = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL).content
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$null = $URI -match '<now_playing>(.|\n)*artist><!\[CDATA\[([^]]*)\]\]></artist(.|\n)*</now_playing>'
$Artist = $matches[2]
$null = $URI -match '<now_playing>(.|\n)*title\sgeneric="False"><!\[CDATA\[([^]]*)\]\]></title(.|\n)*</now_playing>'
$title = $matches[2]
$RadioSong = '{0} - {1}' -f $Artist, $title
#Write-Host -NoNewline "Now playing on wsFM " -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $wsfmsong -ForegroundColor Yellow
if(($RadioSong -notmatch $CallSign1) -and `
($RadioSong -match '..\s-\s..') -and `
($RadioSong -notmatch 'Audio Type Changed'))
#query table entities
#Region Do stuff with the song
$Cleansong = $RadioSong -replace '\(.*\)', ' ' -replace('&amp;', '&') -replace ' ', ' ' -replace ' feat. ', ' ' `
-replace ' ft. ', ' ' -replace ' ft ', ' ' `
-replace '[\xC0-\xC5]', 'A' -replace '[\xC8-\xCB]', 'E' -replace '[\xCC-\xCF]', 'I' `
-replace '[\xD2-\xD6]', 'O' -replace '[\xD9-\xDC]', 'U' -replace '[\xe8-\xEB]', 'e' `
-replace '[\xEC-\xEF]', 'i' -replace '[\xF2-\xF6]', 'o' -replace '[\xF9-\xFC]', 'u' `
-replace '[\xE0-\xE5]', 'o' -replace '[\xD1]', 'N' -replace '[\x91\x92\x60]', '\x27' `
-replace '[\x93\x94]', '\x22' -replace '[^\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\x20\x2D\x26\x27\x22\x2E\x2C]+', ' ' `
-replace ' ', ' ' -replace 'The ', ''
function SmoothNetwork
Remove-Variable -Name Cleansong -ea 0
Remove-Variable -Name RadioSong -ea 0
#Smooth FM
$matches = @()
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$URI = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URL -UseBasicParsing
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$null = ($URI.Content) -match 'smooth-media-bar-now-playing-artist"><a class="smooth-media-bar-link" href="">(.*)<.*><\/span'
$Artist = $matches[1]
$null = ($URI.Content) -match 'smooth-media-bar-now-playing-track"><a class="smooth-media-bar-link" href="">(.*)<.*>.<\/span'
$title = $matches[1]
$RadioSong = '{0} - {1}' -f $Artist, $title
#Write-Host -NoNewline "Now playing on Smooth FM Sydney " -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $smooth953song -ForegroundColor Yellow
if(($RadioSong -notmatch $CallSign1) -and `
($RadioSong -match '..\s-\s..') -and `
($RadioSong -notmatch 'Audio Type Changed'))
#Region Do stuff with the song
$Cleansong = $RadioSong -replace '\(.*\)', ' ' -replace('&amp;', '&') -replace ' ', ' ' -replace ' feat. ', ' ' `
-replace ' ft. ', ' ' -replace ' ft ', ' ' `
-replace '[\xC0-\xC5]', 'A' -replace '[\xC8-\xCB]', 'E' -replace '[\xCC-\xCF]', 'I' `
-replace '[\xD2-\xD6]', 'O' -replace '[\xD9-\xDC]', 'U' -replace '[\xe8-\xEB]', 'e' `
-replace '[\xEC-\xEF]', 'i' -replace '[\xF2-\xF6]', 'o' -replace '[\xF9-\xFC]', 'u' `
-replace '[\xE0-\xE5]', 'o' -replace '[\xD1]', 'N' -replace '[\x91\x92\x60]', '\x27' `
-replace '[\x93\x94]', '\x22' -replace '[^\x30-\x39\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\x20\x2D\x26\x27\x22\x2E\x2C]+', ' ' `
-replace ' ', ' ' -replace 'The ', ''
# Function to create the authorization signature.
Function New-Signature ($CustomerID, $SharedKey, $date, $contentLength, $method, $contentType, $resource)
$xHeaders = 'x-ms-date:' + $date
$stringToHash = $method + "`n" + $contentLength + "`n" + $contentType + "`n" + $xHeaders + "`n" + $resource
$bytesToHash = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($stringToHash)
$keyBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($SharedKey)
$sha256 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$sha256.Key = $keyBytes
$calculatedHash = $sha256.ComputeHash($bytesToHash)
$encodedHash = [Convert]::ToBase64String($calculatedHash)
$authorization = 'SharedKey {0}:{1}' -f $CustomerID, $encodedHash
return $authorization
# Function to create and post the request
Function Send-OMSData($CustomerID, $SharedKey, $body, $LogType)
$method = 'POST'
$contentType = 'application/json'
$resource = '/api/logs'
$rfc1123date = [DateTime]::UtcNow.ToString('r')
$contentLength = $body.Length
$signature = New-Signature `
-customerId $CustomerID `
-sharedKey $SharedKey `
-date $rfc1123date `
-contentLength $contentLength `
-method $method `
-contentType $contentType `
-resource $resource
$omsuri = 'https://' + $CustomerID + '' + $resource + '?api-version=2016-04-01'
$headers = @{
'Authorization' = $signature
'Log-Type' = $LogType
'x-ms-date' = $rfc1123date
'time-generated-field' = $TimeStampField
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $omsuri -Method $method -ContentType $contentType -Headers $headers -Body $body -UseBasicParsing
return $response.StatusCode
# Flush the variables
Get-Variable *result | Remove-Variable
$Results = @()
# Triple M Brisbane
$LeafURL = '4mmm_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Brisbane's Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "104.5 Triple M Brisbane"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($TripleMBneresult -ne $song))
$TripleMBneresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Brisbane'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Sydney
$LeafURL = '2mmm_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Sydney's Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($TripleMSydresult -ne $song))
$TripleMSydresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Sydney'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Melbourne
$LeafURL = '3mmm_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Melbourne's Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($TripleMMelresult -ne $song))
$TripleMMelresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Melbourne'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Darling Downs
$LeafURL = '4gr_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Darling Downs"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($TripleMDDresult -ne $song))
$TripleMDDresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Darling Downs'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Cairns
$LeafURL = '4hot_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Cairns Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($TripleMCairnsresult -ne $song))
$TripleMCairnsresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Cairns'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Modern Rock Digital
$LeafURL = 'modernrock_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Sydney's Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($ModernRockresult -ne $song))
$ModernRockresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Modern Rock Digital'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Classic Rock Digital
$LeafURL = 'classicrock_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Sydney's Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "Classic Rock"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($ClassicRockresult -ne $song))
$ClassicRockresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Classic Rock Digital'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Triple M Greatest Hits Digital
$LeafURL = 'greatesthits_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Sydney's Best Rock"
$CallSign2 = "Triple M"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($GreatestHitsresult -ne $song))
$GreatestHitsresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Triple M Greatest Hits Digital'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Easy Hits Digital
$LeafURL = 'stardust_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Easy Hits"
$CallSign2 = "Easy Radio"
$CallSign3 = "---------"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($EasyHitsresult -ne $song))
$EasyHitsresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Easy Hits Digital'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# 2-Day FM
$LeafURL = '2day_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Hits & Old School"
$CallSign2 = "2Day FM"
$CallSign3 = "2DayFM"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($2DayFMSYDresult -ne $song))
$2DayFMSYDresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = '2Day FM Sydney'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Fox FM
$LeafURL = '3fox_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Hits & Old School"
$CallSign2 = "Fox FM"
$CallSign3 = "Hits and Old School"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($FoxFMMELresult -ne $song))
$FoxFMMELresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Fox FM Melbourne'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# B105
$LeafURL = '4bbb_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Hits & Old School"
$CallSign2 = "Hit 105"
$CallSign3 = "Hits and Old School"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($B105BNEresult -ne $song))
$B105BNEresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'B105 Brisbane'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
$LeafURL = '6ppm_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Hits & Old School"
$CallSign2 = "Hit929"
$CallSign3 = "Hits and Old School"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($PMFMresult -ne $song))
$PMFMresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'PMFM Perth'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
$LeafURL = '5ssa_128.xspf'
$URL = "$AustereoURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Hits & Old School"
$CallSign2 = "Hit 107"
$CallSign3 = "Hits and Old School"
$song = $null
$song = Austereo
if($song -and ($SAFMresult -ne $song))
$SAFMresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'SAFM Adelaide'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# WSFM - Sydney
$LeafURL = 'xml/wsfm1017_now.xml'
$URL = "$ARNParentURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "WS FM101.7"
$song = $null
$song = AustralianRadioNetwork
if($song -and ($WSFMresult -ne $song))
$WSFMresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'WSFM Sydney'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Gold FM - Melbourne
$LeafURL = 'xml/gold1043_now.xml'
$URL = "$ARNParentURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Gold 104.3"
$song = $null
$song = AustralianRadioNetwork
if($song -and ($GoldFMresult -ne $song))
$GoldFMresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Gold FM Melbourne'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Kiis - Melbourne
$LeafURL = 'xml/KIIS1011_now.xml'
$URL = "$ARNParentURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Kiis"
$song = $null
$song = AustralianRadioNetwork
if($song -and ($kiis1011result -ne $song))
$kiis1011result = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Kiis Sydney'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Kiis - Sydney
$LeafURL = 'xml/mix1065_now.xml'
$URL = "$ARNParentURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Kiis"
$song = $null
$song = AustralianRadioNetwork
if($song -and ($kiis1065result -ne $song))
$kiis1065result = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Kiis Melbourne'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Smooth FM - Sydney
$LeafURL = 'smooth953-player'
$URL = "$SmoothParentURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Smooth FM"
$song = $null
$song = SmoothNetwork
if($song -and ($SmoothFMSYDresult -ne $song))
$SmoothFMSYDresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Smooth FM Sydney'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
# Smooth FM - Melbourne
$LeafURL = 'smooth915-player'
$URL = "$SmoothParentURL/$LeafURL"
$CallSign1 = "Smooth FM"
$song = $null
$song = SmoothNetwork
if($song -and ($SmoothFMMELresult -ne $song))
$SmoothFMMELresult = $song
$x = New-Object -TypeName psObject | Select-Object -Property Station, Song
$x.Station = 'Smooth FM Melbourne'
$x.Song = $song
$Results += $x
Write-Host "$($x.Station): " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Cyan;Write-Host $x.Song -ForegroundColor Yellow}
$json = $Results | ConvertTo-Json
Write-Output -InputObject $json
Send-OMSData -customerId $customerId -sharedKey $sharedKey -body $json -logType $logType
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