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marco79cgn / scriptable_SolarManager_V01.js
Last active April 17, 2023 19:59
Scriptable App - Solar Manager App
/// Widget for Solar Manager Data
// read username:password from widget parameter, not hardcoded in the script
const token = args.widgetParameter
let smID = "SolarManagerID"
const gatewayData = await fetchGatewayProductionAndConsumption()
// Erstellen Sie das Widget
let widget = new ListWidget();
marco79cgn / Date & Agenda & Weather.js
Last active June 9, 2021 01:00 — forked from slowlydev/Date & Agenda & Weather.js
Date & Agenda & Weather Scriptable widget (german localization)
// this Scriptable Widget is coded by Slowlydev (aka r/Sl0wly-edits, r/Slowlydev) and adapted by @marco79
const DEV_MODE = false //for developer only
const DEV_PREVIEW = "medium" //for developer only (this script is specialy made for a medium sized widget)
const API_KEY = "" // enter your api key
const FORECAST_HOURS = "3"
const UNITS = "metric" //metric for celsius and imperial for Fahrenheit
const CALENDAR_URL = "calshow://" //Apple Calendar App, if your favorite app does have a URL scheme feel free to change it