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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Keyboards FTW
a, button
&:hover, &:focus
color: orange
background-color: $dark-gray
class SortableListObserver
constructor: ->
.on('focus', '[data-behavior=sort-handle]', @_handleListItemFocus)
.on('blur', '[data-behavior=sort-handle]', @_handleListItemBlur)
.on('keydown', '[data-behavior=sort-handle]', @_handleListItemKeypress)
.on('keydown', @_handleEscapeKey)
_handleListItemFocus: (event) =>
_handleListItemBlur: (event) =>
_handleListItemKeypress: (event) ->
listItem = $('li')
switch event.which
when App.Keys.ARROW_UP then @_handleArrows(event, listItem, listItem.index() - 1)
when App.Keys.ARROW_DOWN then @_handleArrows(event, listItem, listItem.index() + 1)
_handleEscapeKey: (event) ->
if event.which is App.Keys.ESCAPE
App.PageController.trigger('disableSorting', event)
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