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def ec2_node_exists?
states = get_valid_states
filtered_instances = { |s| states.include?(s.state) }
instance_names = filtered_instances.collect { |s| }
instance_names.each do |name|
return true if name == @event['client']['name']
false # no match found, node doesn't exist
input {
s3 {
bucket => "bucket_name"
credentials => ["access","secret"]
delete => "false"
interval => "60"
#prefix => "logs/"
#'region' => 'us-east-1'
region_endpoint => "us-east-1"
type => "cloudtrail"
Automatic template management enabled {:manage_template=>"true", :level=>:info, :file=>"logstash/outputs/elasticsearch.rb", :line=>"258"}
Using mapping template {:template=>"{
\"template\": \"logstash-*\",
\"settings\": {
\"index.refresh_interval\": \"5s\"
\"mappings\": {
\"_default_\": {
\"_all\": {
\"enabled\": true
Plugin is finished {:plugin=><LogStash::Inputs::S3 bucket=>"bucket_name", credentials=>["access_key", "secret_key"], region_endpoint=>"us-east-1", type=>"elb-access", sincedb_path=>"/dev/null">, :level=>:info, :file=>"logstash/plugin.rb", :line=>"59"}
A plugin had an unrecoverable error. Will restart this plugin.
Plugin: <LogStash::Inputs::S3 bucket=>"bucket_name", credentials=>["access_name", "secret_key"], region_endpoint=>"us-east-1", type=>"elb-access", sincedb_path=>"/dev/null">
Error: no time information in ""
Exception: ArgumentError
Stack: file:/path/logstash-1.4.1/vendor/jar/jruby-complete-1.7.11.jar!/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/1.9/time.rb:267:in `parse'
/path/logstash-1.4.1/lib/logstash/inputs/s3.rb:261:in `sincedb_read'
/path/logstash-1.4.1/lib/logstash/inputs/s3.rb:147:in `process_new'
/path/logstash-1.4.1/lib/logstash/inputs/s3.rb:137:in `run'
org/jruby/ `loop'
Reading config file {:file=>"logstash/agent.rb", :level=>:debug, :line=>"301"}
Compiled pipeline code:
@inputs = []
@filters = []
@outputs = []
@input_s3_1 = plugin("input", "s3", LogStash::Util.hash_merge_many({ "bucket" => ("name".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }, { "credentials" => [("accesskey".force_encoding("UTF-8")), ("secretkey".force_encoding("UTF-8"))] }, { "delete" => ("false".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }, { "interval" => 60 }, { "region_endpoint" => ("us-east-1".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }, { "type" => ("elb-access".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }))
@inputs << @input_s3_1
@filter_date_2 = plugin("filter", "date", LogStash::Util.hash_merge_many({ "match" => [("eventTime".force_encoding("UTF-8")), ("ISO8601".force_encoding("UTF-8"))] }, { ("remove_tag".force_encoding("UTF-8")) => [("splitted".force_encoding("UTF-8"))] }, { ("add_tag".force_encoding("UTF-8")) => [("cloudtrail".force_encoding("UTF-8"))] }))
"eventVersion" => "1.01",
"eventID" => "ID",
"eventTime" => "2014-05-19T02:12:02Z",
"requestParameters" => nil,
"eventName" => "DescribeDBInstances",
"responseElements" => nil,
"awsRegion" => "us-east-1",
"environment" => "prod",
"userIdentity" => {
input {
redis {
host => "redis_server"
data_type => "list"
key => "cloudtrail"
type => "json"
input {
s3 {
bucket => "bucket_name"
credentials => ["access_key","secret_key"]
delete => "false"
interval => 60
prefix => "logs/"
#'region' => 'us-east-1'
region_endpoint => "us-east-1"
type => "json"
Reading config file {:file=>"logstash/agent.rb", :level=>:debug, :line=>"301"}
Compiled pipeline code:
@inputs = []
@filters = []
@outputs = []
@input_redis_1 = plugin("input", "redis", LogStash::Util.hash_merge_many({ "host" => ("server".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }, { "data_type" => ("list".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }, { "key" => ("cloudtrail".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }, { "type" => ("json".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }))
@inputs << @input_redis_1
@filter_json_2 = plugin("filter", "json", LogStash::Util.hash_merge_many({ ("source".force_encoding("UTF-8")) => ("message".force_encoding("UTF-8")) }))
input {
s3 {
'bucket' => 'bucket_name'
'credentials' => ['access_key','secret_key']
'delete' => false
'interval' => '30'
'prefix' => 'logs/'
#'region' => 'us-east-1'