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Forked from yeehaa123/
Last active December 26, 2015 00:49
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stepsData = [
title: "Question"
description: "Answering these question helps you to define the goal and focus of your project."
stepNumber: 0
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "What is the title of your project?"
type: "short"
id: 1
question: "What is the theme of your project?"
type: "short"
id: 2
question: "What is the hypothesis of your project?"
type: "short"
id: 3
question: "What is the domain of your project?"
type: "short"
id: 4
question: "What are the core concepts of your project?"
type: "short"
id: 5
question: "What are the relevant keywords?"
type: "long"
title: "Acquire"
description: "Answering these questions helps you to determine where to get the relevant data from, whether from a file on a disk or a source over a network."
stepNumber: 1
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "which sources have data that is relevant to your research question?"
type: "short"
id: 1
question: "how do these resources allow you to acquire relevant data?"
type: "checkbox"
id: 2
question: "which API is appropriate for your project?"
type: "short"
id: 3
question: "What is the data that you need from the API?"
type: "short"
id: 4
question: "What query or queries would give you the data you need (think of the keywords you entered for step 0)?"
type: "short"
title: "Parse"
description: "Answering these questions helps you thinking about how to provide structure for the data's meaning, and how order it into categories."
stepNumber: 2
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "what type of data are you working with?"
type: "checkbox"
id: 1
question: "how is the data structured?"
type: "long"
id: 2
question: "is the data structured consistently?"
type: "checkbox"
title: "Filter"
description: "Answering these questions helps you to determine what parts of the data you need and what parts have to be removed."
stepNumber: 3
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "from the data that the API returned, which parts do you need for your research?"
type: "short"
id: 1
question: "which parts of the data can be removed?"
type: "short"
title: "Mine"
description: "Answering these questions helps you to think about how to discern patterns in data and how to place them in a mathematical context."
stepNumber: 4
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "+ what kind of quantitative information do you want to get from each relevant part?"
type: "checkbox"
title: "Represent"
description: "Answering these questions helps you to determine what kind of visual model, such as a bar graph, list or tree, will provide the most insightful presentation of your data."
stepNumber: 5
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "What kind of visual model would best allow you to analyse your data to answer your research question?"
type: "checkbox"
title: "Refine"
description: "Answering these questions helps you to determine the areas of particular interest in your visualization and what refinement method would increase clarity."
stepNumber: 6
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "what are areas of interest in the representation that may need more detail?"
type: "short"
id: 1
question: "what aspects of the representation would you like to highlight or represent differently?"
type: "short"
id: 2
question: "what refinement methods would give focus to the areas of interest?"
type: "short"
title: "Interact"
description: "Answering these questions helps you to determine what methods of manipulation would provide interaction to increase understanding of the data."
stepNumber: 7
answerGroups: [
id: 0
question: "how do you want to manipulate the data in the visualisation to be able to view it from different perspectives?"
type: "short"
id: 1
question: "for which feaatures do you want to control visibility?"
type: "short"
Accounts.onCreateUser (options, user) ->
_.each stepsData, (step) ->
step.user = user._id
Steps.insert step
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