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Last active December 11, 2015 22:08
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Save mariocesar/4666974 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
matchMedia polyfill for testing media queries in JS / both matchMedia and matchMedia.addListener in one script
/*! matchMedia() polyfill - Test a CSS media type/query in JS. Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas.
Dual MIT/BSD license */
window.matchMedia = window.matchMedia || (function( doc, undefined ) {
"use strict";
var bool,
docElem = doc.documentElement,
refNode = docElem.firstElementChild || docElem.firstChild,
// fakeBody required for <FF4 when executed in <head>
fakeBody = doc.createElement( "body" ),
div = doc.createElement( "div" ); = "mq-test-1"; = "position:absolute;top:-100em"; = "none";
var _matchMedia = function(query) {
div.innerHTML =
"&shy;<style media=\"" + query + "\"> #mq-test-1 { width: 42px; }</style>";
docElem.insertBefore( fakeBody, refNode );
bool = div.offsetWidth === 42;
docElem.removeChild( fakeBody );
return {
matches: bool,
media: query
// Listener
var listeners = [],
last = false,
check = function() {
var list = _matchMedia( q ),
unmatchToMatch = list.matches && !last,
matchToUnmatch = !list.matches && last;
// fire callbacks only if transitioning to or from matched state
if( unmatchToMatch || matchToUnmatch ){
for( var i =0, il = listeners.length; i< il; i++ ){
listeners[ i ].call( ret, list );
last = list.matches;
_matchMedia.addListener = function( cb ){
// TODO: Bind to window.onresize instead
listeners.push( cb );
if( !timer ){
timer = setInterval( check, 1000 );
_matchMedia.removeListener = function( cb ){
for( var i =0, il = listeners.length; i< il; i++ ){
if( listeners[ i ] === cb ){
listeners.splice( i, 1 );
if( !listeners.length && timer ){
clearInterval( timer );
return _matchMedia;
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