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Last active March 13, 2019 07:25
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Map Network Drives via Script
CREATED BY: Mark Davis for ITSTG Free Usage.
DATE: 13.03.2019
Checks if network path is valid and map's drive to associated drive letter.
All logs will be saved under C:\ProgramData\CustomScripts
1. Check if log folder exists > if not > Create folder and file path for logs.
2. Checks if drive letters have any existing mapped drives associated > if Yes > Delete cached drive letter associations
3. Checks if Network drive paths are accessable > If Yes > Map drive to drive letter
4. If all else fails > Log errors to file
$ScriptName = "MapNetworkDrive.ps1"
$CustomScriptPath = "C:\ProgramData\CustomScripts"
function CreateLogs{
Write-Output "Creating Log Files"
# Create customscript folder if non-existant
$path = $(Join-Path $env:ProgramData CustomScripts)
if (!(Test-Path $path))
Write-Verbose 'Custom scripts directory non-existant... Creating directory.'
New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
Write-Output 'Custom scripts directory successfully created.'
} catch {
Write-Output 'Failed to create Custom Scripts Directory...'
} else {
Write-Output 'Custom Scripts Directory already exists.'
# Creates a log file to monitor installation and execution if non-existent
if(!(Test-Path($path + "\*$ScriptName*.log"))){
Write-Output 'Log file non-existant.... Creating file.'
$LogFile = New-Item "$CustomScriptPath\Applying_$ScriptName.log" -ItemType File
Write-Output 'Successfuly created log file'
Write-Output 'Failed to create log file...'
Write-Output 'Log File already exists.'
function DeleteOldDrives{
#This is to clean up drive allocation as sometimes an error occurs if drive letter in use, even when path matches.
Write-Output "Old Drve Cache Detected: Removing H:\"
try{net use H: /delete}catch{Write-Output 'Failed to remove H:\ cache, review event logs.'}
Write-Output "Old Drve Cache Detected: Removing O:\"
try{net use O: /delete}catch{Write-Output 'Failed to remove O:\ cache, review event logs.'}
function MapDrives{
$GetCurrentUser = $env:UserName # Get current user logged into machine (this should be the Azure AD username)
#Define Network Share Paths
$NetworkShareNSW = Test-Path "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesNSW\$GetCurrentUser"
$NetworkShareVIC = Test-Path "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesVIC\$GetCurrentUser"
$NetworkShareQLD = Test-Path "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesQLD\$GetCurrentUser"
$NetworkShareSA = Test-Path "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesSA\$GetCurrentUser"
#Map Home Drives
if(!(Test-Path H:) -and ($NetworkShareNSW -eq $true)){
New-PSDrive -Name "H" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesNSW\$GetCurrentUser" -Persist -Description "HomeDrive" -Scope "Global"
}elseif(!(Test-Path H:) -and ($NetworkShareVIC -eq $true)){
New-PSDrive -Name "H" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesVIC\$GetCurrentUser" -Persist -Description "HomeDrive" -Scope "Global"
}elseif(!(Test-Path H:) -and ($NetworkShareQLD -eq $true)){
New-PSDrive -Name "H" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesQLD\$GetCurrentUser" -Persist -Description "HomeDrive" -Scope "Global"
}elseif(!(Test-Path H:) -and ($NetworkShareSA -eq $true)){
New-PSDrive -Name "H" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\homedrivesSA\$GetCurrentUser" -Persist -Description "HomeDrive" -Scope "Global"
Write-Output "DEBUG: Either user profile home drive does not exist, or no network paths could be established."
function MapDataDrive{
$NetworkShareData = Test-Path "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\Data"
# Map Data Drive
if(!(Test-Path O:) -and $NetworkShareData -eq $true) {
New-PSDrive -Name "O" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\ITSTG-NEW-FP01.ITSTG.local\Data" -Persist -Description "Data" -Scope "Global"
Write-Host "DEBUG: Could not establish connection to Data drive. Please check connection."
Start-Transcript "$CustomScriptPath\Applying_$ScriptName.log" -Append -Force
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