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Created October 10, 2012 13:30
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declare interface AngularVersion {
full: string;
major: number;
minor: number;
dot: number;
codeName: string;
declare interface AngularModule {
requires: string[];
name: string;
provider(name: string, providerType: Function): AngularModule;
factory(name: string, providerFunction: Function): AngularModule;
service(name: string, constructor: Function): AngularModule;
value(name: string, object: any): AngularModule;
constant(name: string, object: any): AngularModule;
filter(name: string, filterFactory: Function): AngularModule;
controller(name: string, constructor: Function): AngularModule;
directive(name: string, directiveFactory: Function): AngularModule;
config(configFn: Function): AngularModule;
run(initializationFn: Function): AngularModule;
declare interface AngularInjector {
get(name: string): any;
invoke(fn: Function, self?: any, locals?: any): any;
instantiate(constructor: any, locals?: Object): any;
annotate(fn: Function): string[];
annotate(fns: string[]): string[];
annotate(fns: Function[]): string[];
declare interface AngularStatic {
bootstrap(element: Element, modules: string[]): any;
bootstrap(element: Element, modules: Function[]): any;
copy(source: any, destination: Object): Object;
copy(source: any, destination: Array): Array;
extend(dest: Object, ...src: any[]): Object;
equals(o1: any, o2: any): bool;
element(element: string): jQuery;
element(element: Element): jQuery;
forEach(obj: Array, iterator: (value: any, index?: number) => void, context?: any): Array;
forEach(obj: Object, iterator: (value: any, key?: string) => void, context?: any): Object;
injector(modules: string[]): AngularInjector;
injector(modules: Function[]): AngularInjector;
module(name: string, requesires: string[], configFn: Function): AngularModule;
noop(): void;
bind(self: Object, fn: Function, ...args: any[]): Function;
toJson(obj: any, pretty: bool): string;
fromJson(json: string): any;
identity(...$: any[]): any;
isUndefined(value: any): bool;
isDefined(value: any): bool;
isObject(value: any): bool;
isString(value: any): bool;
isNumber(value: any): bool;
isDate(value: any): bool;
isArray(value: any): bool;
isFunction(value: any): bool;
isElement(value: any): bool;
lowercase(string: string): string;
uppercase(string: string): string;
version: AngularVersion;
declare var angular: AngularStatic;
declare module ng {
export interface Deregistration {
export interface CacheInfo {
id: string;
size: number;
export interface Cache {
put(key: string, value: any);
get(key: string): any;
remove(key: string);
info(): CacheInfo;
export interface Provider {
register(name: string, constructor: Function);
export interface HttpConfig {
method: string;
url: string;
params: Object;
data: any;
headers: Object;
transformRequest: (data: any, headersGetter: () => Object) => void;
transformResponse: (data: any, headersGetter: () => Object) => void;
cache: Cache;
timeout: number;
withCredentials: bool;
responseType: string;
export interface HttpResponse {
data: any;
status: number;
headers: (name: string) => string;
config: HttpConfig;
export interface HttpPromise {
then(success: (response: HttpResponse) => void, error?: (response: HttpResponse) => void): HttpPromise;
success(callback: (response: HttpResponse) => void): HttpPromise;
error(callback: (response: HttpResponse) => void): HttpPromise;
export interface Http {
(config: HttpConfig) : HttpPromise;
pendingRequests: HttpConfig[];
get(url: string, config?: HttpConfig): HttpPromise;
delete(url: string, config?: HttpConfig): HttpPromise;
head(url: string, config?: HttpConfig): HttpPromise;
jsonp(url: string, config?: HttpConfig): HttpPromise;
post(url: string, data: any, config?: HttpConfig): HttpPromise;
put(url: string, data: any, config?: HttpConfig): HttpPromise;
defaults: HttpConfig;
export interface InterpolateProvider {
startSymbol(): string;
startSymbol(value: string): InterpolateProvider;
endSymbol(): string;
endSymbol(value: string): InterpolateProvider;
export interface Interpolate {
(text: string, mustHaveExpression?: bool): (context: Object) => string;
startSymbol(): string;
endSymbol(): string;
export interface Location {
absUrl(): string;
url(): string;
url(url: string): Location;
protocol(): string;
host(): string;
port(): number;
path(): string;
path(path: string): Location;
search(): string;
search(search: string): Location;
search(search: string, paramValue: string): Location;
search(search: Object): Location;
hash(): string;
hash(hash: string): Location;
replace(): Location;
export interface LocationProvider {
hashPrefix(): string;
hashPrefix(prefix: string): LocationProvider;
html5Mode(): any;
html5Mode(mode: string): LocationProvider;
export interface Log {
log(...args: any[]);
warn(...args: any[]);
info(...args: any[]);
error(...args: any[]);
export interface Promise {
then(successCallback: (result: any) => any, errorCallback?: (reason: any) => any): Promise;
export interface Deferred {
promise: Promise;
export interface DeferredFactory {
defer(): Deferred;
reject(reason: any): Promise;
when(value: any, success?: (result: any) => any, error?: (reason: any) => any): Promise;
all(promises: Promise[]): Promise;
export interface ScopeProvider {
digestTtl(limit: number);
export interface Scope {
$new(isolate: bool): Scope;
$watch(watchExpression: string, listener?: string, objectEquality?: bool): Deregistration;
$watch(watchExpression: string, listener?: (newValue?: any, oldValue?: any, scope?: Scope) => any, objectEquality?: bool): Deregistration;
$watch(watchExpression: (scope: Scope) => any, listener?: string, objectEquality?: bool): Deregistration;
$watch(watchExpression: (scope: Scope) => any, listener?: (newValue?: any, oldValue?: any, scope?: Scope) => any, objectEquality?: bool): Deregistration;
$eval(): any;
$eval(expression: string): any;
$eval(expression: (scope?: Scope) => any): any;
$evalAsync(expression: string);
$evalAsync(expression: (scope?: Scope) => any);
$apply(): any;
$apply(expression: string): any;
$apply(expression: (scope?: Scope) => any): any;
$on(name: string, listener: (event: Event) => any): Deregistration;
$emit(name: string, ...args: any[]): Event;
$broadcast(name: string, ...args: any[]): Event;
export interface RouteMap {
[key: string]: Function;
export interface Route {
controller?: any;
template?: string;
templateUrl?: string;
resolve?: RouteMap;
key: string;
factory: any;
redirectTo?: any;
export interface RouteProvider {
when(path: string, route: Route) : RouteProvider;
otherwise(route: Route): RouteProvider;
export interface RouteStatic {
current: Route;
routes: Route[];
export interface Timeout {
(fn: Function, delay?: number, invokeApply?: bool): Promise;
cancel(promise?: Promise): bool;
export function $anchorScroll();
export var $browser: Browser;
export function $cacheFactory(cacheId: string, options?: Object): Cache;
export var $templateCache: Cache;
// TODO: $compile
export var $controllerProvider: Provider;
export function $controller(constructor: Function, locals: Object): Object;
export function $controller(constructor: string, locals: Object): Object;
export var $document: jQuery;
export function $exceptionHandler(exception: Error, cause?: string);
export var $filterProvider: Provider;
export function $filter(name: string): Function;
export var $http: Http;
export var $interpolateProvider: InterpolateProvider;
export var $interpolate: Interpolate;
export var $locale: string;
export var $location: Location;
export var $locationProvider: LocationProvider;
export var $log: Log;
export function $parse(expression: string): (context: Object, locals: Object) => any;
export var $q: DeferredFactory;
export var $rootElement: jQuery;
export var $rootScopeProvider: ScopeProvider;
export var $rootScope: Scope;
export var $routeProvider: RouteProvider;
export var $route: RouteStatic;
export var $routeParams: Object;
export var $timeout: Timeout;
export var $window: Window;
declare module ngCookies {
export interface Cookies {
[name: string]: Object;
export interface CookieStore {
get(key: string): Object;
put(key: string, value: Object);
remove(key: string);
export var $cookies: Cookies;
export var $cookieStore: CookieStore;
declare module ngResource {
export interface Action {
method?: string;
params?: Object;
isArray?: bool;
headers?: Object;
export interface ActionHash {
[action: string]: Action;
export interface Resource {
get(parameters?: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function): ResourceItem;
save(postData: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
save(postData: Array, success?: Function, error?: Function);
save(parameters: Object, postData: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
save(parameters: Object, postData: Array, success?: Function, error?: Function);
query(parameters?: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function): ResourceItem[];
remove(postData: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
remove(postData: Array, success?: Function, error?: Function);
remove(parameters: Object, postData: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
remove(parameters: Object, postData: Array, success?: Function, error?: Function);
delete(postData: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
delete(postData: Array, success?: Function, error?: Function);
delete(parameters: Object, postData: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
delete(parameters: Object, postData: Array, success?: Function, error?: Function);
export interface ResourceItem {
$save(parameters?: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
$remove(parameters?: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
$delete(parameters?: Object, success?: Function, error?: Function);
export function $resource(url: string, paramDefaults?: Object, actions?: ActionHash): Resource;
declare module ngSanitize {
export function $sanitize(html: string): string;
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