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Created April 13, 2012 19:39
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Random python functions for working with iterators.
A number of functions for working with iterators.
def all(iterable):
for element in iterable:
if not element:
return False
return True
def super_min(elems, key=None):
Takes a list of elements and an optional key and finds the smallest
element. Returns the index, item tuple of the smallest elemnt or
None, None if elems is empty.
Ignores all elements that are None, and doesn't even apply key to them.
# get the values to compare
if key is not None:
keys = []
for x in elems:
if x is not None:
keys = elems
# find the smallest element
m = None
ind = None
for i, item in enumerate(keys):
if item is not None and (m is None or item < m):
m = item
ind = i
# return the index and smallest element
if m is None:
return None, None
return ind, elems[ind]
def iter_sorted_combine(iters, key=None):
Iterate in order over a number of other sorted iterators. Essentually
implement the merge step in the merge sort algorithm using.
Doesn't support iterating over elements that are None.
`iters`: One or more iterators.
`key`: An optional function to get the key to compare.
# prime all the iters
elems = []
for i in iters:
except StopIteration:
# until all the elements are None
while not all(map(lambda x: x is None, elems)):
# get the min value
i, v = super_min(elems, key=key)
# advance the iterator of the item
elems[i] = iters[i].next()
except StopIteration:
elems[i] = None
# yield the min item
yield v
# Unit tests
import unittest
class TestSuperMin(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty(self):
"""Test the super_min of an empty list"""
result = super_min([], key=lambda x: None)
self.assertEqual(result, (None, None))
def test_one(self):
"""Test a set of one element"""
result = super_min([42])
self.assertEqual(result, (0, 42))
def test_many(self):
"""Test a bunch of elements"""
result = super_min(['a', 'g', 'funk'])
self.assertEqual(result, (0, 'a'))
def test_with_key(self):
"""Test a bunch of elements with keys"""
result = super_min([34, 234, 22, 34, 56, 93, 12.22222, 13], key=int)
self.assertEqual(result, (6, 12.22222))
class TestIterSortedCombine(unittest.TestCase):
def test_empty(self):
"""Test an empty iterator"""
result = list(iter_sorted_combine([iter([])]))
self.assertEqual(result, [])
def test_one_element(self):
"""Test a set of one element"""
result = list(iter_sorted_combine([iter([2]), iter([])]))
self.assertEqual(result, [2])
def test_many(self):
"""Test a bunch of elements, and three iterators"""
result = list(iter_sorted_combine([
iter([1, 3, 5, 8, 10]),
iter([2, 9, 15]),
iter([-3, 500])
self.assertEqual(result, [-3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 15, 500])
def test_with_key(self):
"""Test a bunch of elements with keys"""
result = list(iter_sorted_combine([
iter([(45, 1), (1, 2)]),
], key=lambda x: x[1]))
self.assertEqual(result, [(45, 1), (1, 2)])
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run all the tests independantly
def test(typ):
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(typ)
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