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Forked from Koubek/InstallDockerEE.ps1
Created December 13, 2023 07:20
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Install Docker EE (for Windows Server)
Install/Upgrade Docker EE (Windows Server).
This script checks the official Docker EE (for Windows Server) repository and
detects the latest version available to download and install. It also compares
with the version currently installed on the Docker host (WinServer) and asks
you if you wish to proceed or not.
You can use the script for the initial installation as well for upgrades that can
be also canceled once you can see there is a version you don`t want to be installed.
- Download docker-compose.exe file after the installation has been done
(this file is being removed with each installation).
File Name : 01_InstallDockerEE.ps1
Author : Jakub Vanak (
Requires : PowerShell V2 CTP3
Silent install:
Use verbose to see the progress:
.\01_InstallDockerEE.ps1 -Verbose
Automate the script`s behavior (useful for automatic updates):
.\01_InstallDockerEE.ps1 -Force
[switch] $Force
Write-Verbose "Starting Docker EE installation/upgrade process."
# Test OS (WinServer only)
Write-Verbose "Running OS compatibility tests."
$osInfo = Get-WMIObject Win32_OperatingSystem | select-object Caption, ProductType, Version
$osMajorVersion = ([System.Version]$osInfo.Version).Major
# ProductType: Work Station (1), Domain Controller (2), Server (3)
if ($osInfo.ProductType -ne 3) {
Write-Error "You can run this script only on Windows Server (this is the only Docker EE platform supported by Microsoft)."
exit 1
if ($osMajorVersion -lt 10) {
Write-Error "You can install and run Docker EE on Windows Server 2016 and higher."
exit 1
Write-Verbose "Your platform should be Docker EE compatible."
# Check and activate Containers Windows Feature.
Write-Verbose "Checking if Containers Windows Feature is present."
if ((Get-WindowsFeature Containers).Installed -eq $true) {
Write-Verbose "Containers Windows Feature is present."
} else {
Write-Verbose "Installing Containers Windows Feature."
Add-WindowsFeature Containers
if ((Add-WindowsFeature Containers).Success -eq $false) {
Write-Error "Containers Windows Feature hasn`t been installed correctly. Please, check your system logs."
exit 1
if (((Add-WindowsFeature Containers).RestartNeeded -eq 'No')) {
Write-Verbose "Containers Windows Feature has been installed"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Containers Windows Feature has been installed but you will need to restart the server."
# Check end eventually install DockerProvider.
if ((Get-Module DockerProvider -ListAvailable | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0) {
# Install DockerProvider because is missing.
Write-Verbose "Installing DockerProvider because it is being missing."
Install-Module DockerProvider -Force
# Installed version check
Write-Verbose "Checking your Docker host to detect previous installations."
$installedVersion = Get-Package -Name Docker -ProviderName DockerProvider
if (($installedVersion | Measure-Object).Count = 1) {
# Docker version upgrade
Write-Verbose "You have Docker EE already installed. Starting upgrade process."
$latestVersion = Find-Package -Name Docker -ProviderName DockerProvider
if ($latestVersion.Version -eq $installedVersion.Version) {
Write-Verbose "You have been already running the latest version, nothing to upgrade."
exit 0
} else {
if (!$Force) {
$upgradeQuestion = "Do you want to upgrade from $($installedVersion.Version) to $($latestVersion.Version), Yes or No?"
$upgradeAnswer = Read-Host $upgradeQuestion
while("yes","no" -notcontains $upgradeAnswer)
$upgradeAnswer = Read-Host $upgradeQuestion
} else {
$upgradeAnswer = "yes"
switch ($upgradeAnswer) {
"yes" {
Write-Verbose "Upgrading an existing Docker EE version."
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerProvider -Update -Force
Write-Verbose "The upgrading has finished."
Write-Verbose "Starting Docker EE service."
Start-Service Docker
if ((Get-Service Docker).Status -eq 'Running') {
Write-Verbose "Starting Docker EE service should be running."
exit 0
} else {
Write-Error "Docker EE Service is not running. Please, test the installation again or check system logs."
exit 1
Default {
Write-Verbose "Existing without upgrade to the newest version."
} else {
# Install Docker Version
Write-Verbose "Starting fresh installation as there is no Docker EE release installed on the system yet."
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerProvider
Write-Warning "You should reboot the server to finish the installation process."
exit 0
exit 0
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