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Created March 20, 2021 12:18
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$sql = @"
WITH publishoptions
AS (SELECT [id],
[Options].value('declare namespace ns=""; (/ns:PublishOptionsEntity/ns:ItemId)[1]',
) AS
[Options].value('declare namespace ns=""; (/ns:PublishOptionsEntity/ns:Descendants)[1]',
AS [Descedants],
[Options].value('declare namespace ns=""; (/ns:PublishOptionsEntity/ns:RelatedItems)[1]',
AS [RelatedItems],
[Options].value('declare namespace ns=""; (/ns:PublishOptionsEntity/ns:User)[1]',
FROM [dbo].[publishing_jobqueue])
SELECT [id],
FROM publishoptions
Import-Function Invoke-SqlCommand
$db = Get-Database -Name "master"
$connection = [Sitecore.Configuration.Settings]::GetConnectionString($db.Name)
$jobQueue = Invoke-SqlCommand -Connection $connection -Query $sql
$jobQueue | Show-ListView -Modal -Title "Publishing jobs in $($db.Name) database" -Property `
@{Label = "Id"; Expression = { $ } },
@{Label = "Jobid"; Expression = { $_.jobid } },
@{Label = "Status"; Expression = { $_.status } },
@{Label = "Statusmessage"; Expression = { $_.statusmessage } },
@{Label = "Queued"; Expression = { $_.queued } },
@{Label = "Started"; Expression = { $_.started } },
@{Label = "Stopped"; Expression = { $_.stopped } },
@{Label = "Itemid"; Expression = { $_.itemid } },
@{Label = "Descedants"; Expression = { $_.descedants } },
@{Label = "Relateditems"; Expression = { $_.relateditems } },
@{Label = "User"; Expression = { $_.user } }
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