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Last active March 2, 2020 03:47
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JSON biparser
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Examples.Biparsing.JSON where
import MyPrelude hiding (exponent)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.Natural
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Generics.Wrapped (_Wrapped, _Unwrapped)
import Profunctor.Mux
import Profunctor.Demux
import Profunctor.Lazy
import Optics
import SOP.Sums
import SOP.Products
import Examples.Biparsing.Common
-- Let's build a biparser for the JSON grammar described here:
data JSON = JSON { lpad :: Whitespace, val :: Value, rpad :: Whitespace }
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- Parse a JSON document
json :: Biparser' Maybe JSON
json = gprod $ jsonWhitespace /\ jsonValue /\ jsonWhitespace /\ start
data Value = N Number | S String | B Bool | Null | O Object | A Array
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- Parse a JSON value (without leading/trailing whitespace)
jsonValue :: Biparser' Maybe Value
jsonValue = gsum $ jsonNumber \/ jsonString \/ jsonBool \/ jsonNull \/ jsonObject \/ jsonArray \/ stop
data Number = Number { whole :: Int, fraction :: Maybe Natural, exponent :: Maybe Int }
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- Parse a JSON number
jsonNumber :: Biparser' Maybe Number
jsonNumber = gprod $ int /\ perhaps nat /\ perhaps int /\ start
data SpaceChar = Space | LF | CR | Tab
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- Parse a character representing a space in a JSON document
jsonSpaceChar :: Biparser' Maybe SpaceChar
jsonSpaceChar = gsum $ token_ " " \/ token_ "\n" \/ token_ "\r" \/ token_ "\t" \/ stop
type Whitespace = [SpaceChar]
-- Parse some whitespace in a JSON document
jsonWhitespace :: Biparser' Maybe Whitespace
jsonWhitespace = each jsonSpaceChar
-- Parse a normal character in a JSON string (anything but quotes or backslashes)
jsonNChar :: Biparser' Maybe Char
jsonNChar = re (predicate (\c -> c /= '\\' && c /= '"')) char
-- Special characters which need to be escaped with backslashes
isSpecial :: Char -> Bool
isSpecial c = c `elem` "\"\\/\b\f\n\r\t"
-- Distinguish characters by whether they're special or not
specialVsNormal :: Iso' Char (Escape + Char)
specialVsNormal = distinguish isSpecial . liftIsoFirst (convert _Wrapped)
-- Parse the escape code of a special character
jsonEscapeCode :: Biparser' Maybe Char
jsonEscapeCode = re (predicate isSpecial) $ asEscapeCode $ convert _Unwrapped $ char
-- Parse an escaped special character in a JSON string
jsonSChar :: Biparser' Maybe Escape
jsonSChar = token_ "\\" -\ convert _Unwrapped jsonEscapeCode
-- Parse a JSON string
jsonString :: Biparser' Maybe String
jsonString = token_ "\"" -\ (each $ specialVsNormal $ jsonSChar \/ jsonNChar) /- token_ "\""
-- Parse a JSON boolean
jsonBool :: Biparser' Maybe Bool
jsonBool = gsum $ token_ "true" \/ token_ "false" \/ stop
-- Parse a JSON null
jsonNull :: Biparser' Maybe ()
jsonNull = token_ "null"
data KeyValuePair = KeyValuePair { lead :: Whitespace, key :: String, sep :: Whitespace, value :: JSON }
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- Parse a JSON key value pair
jsonKeyValuePair :: Biparser' Maybe KeyValuePair
jsonKeyValuePair = gprod $ jsonWhitespace /\ jsonString /\ jsonWhitespace /\ token_ ":" -\ (defer $ \_ -> json) /\ start
type Object = NonEmpty KeyValuePair + Whitespace
-- Parse a JSON object
jsonObject :: Biparser' Maybe Object
jsonObject = token_ "{" -\ separated (token_ ",") jsonKeyValuePair \/ jsonWhitespace /- token_ "}"
type Array = NonEmpty JSON + Whitespace
-- Parse a JSON array
jsonArray :: Biparser' Maybe Array
jsonArray = token_ "[" -\ separated (token_ ",") (defer $ \_ -> json) \/ jsonWhitespace /- token_ "]"
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masaeedu commented Mar 2, 2020

See this for runnable example

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