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SWIM: スケーラブルな弱一貫性,伝染様式プロセスグループメンバーシッププロトコル[和訳]





原題: SWIM: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol

原文: "SWIM: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol"( PDF)

This article is translated by @masahito. Please contact me if any problem.

Abhinandan Das, Indranil Gupta, Ashish Motivala Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University Ithaca NY 14853 USA












これは、システムが誤った故障検出を発見し、修正することができます - SWIMシステム内の誤った故障検出率は、失敗したように、グループのメンバーがそれを宣言する前にプロセスを疑うことができるようにプロトコルを変更することによって削減される。




1. Introduction


メンバーシップ・プロトコルを利用する既存のミドルウェア・システムの例は信頼できるマルチキャスト1 ,2 , およびepidemicスタイルの情報散布3 ,4 ,5 を含んでいます。

これらのプロトコルは直近のdisconnectを一致させることが必要な分散データベース6 、パブリッシャー・スクライブシステム、大規模P2Pシステム7 などのアプリケーションで使われています。








メッセージを失ったプロセスは失敗と区別がつかないため8 、基盤となるネットワークの非同期性と信頼性の欠如は、プロセスの障害の誤検出につながる、メッセージ消失の原因となります。



メンバーシップ·プロトコルは、使用するアプリケーションのパフォーマンスに影響を与え、数十プロセスを超えたグループにスケールすること910 は困難であった。

11 で報告されているように、これらのグループサイズでパフォーマンスが悪化する主な症状は、プロセスの誤った故障検出率、または障害を検出するための時間のどちらかの増加である。

[12] identifies the quadratic increase in the message load imposed by such membership protocols as another symptom of the unscalability of traditional protocols for membership maintenance.

An example of an application that relies heavily on the membership sub-system is the class of virtually synchronous multicast protocols [3].

Traditional implementations of this specification suffer a drastic reduction in performance, and partitioning, at beyond a few dozen members [11].

This paper presents our effort in the SWIM project to implement a membership sub-system that provides stable failure detection time, stable rate of false positives and low message load per group member, thus allowing distributed applications that use it to scale well.

We focus on a weaker variant of group membership, where membership lists at different members need not be consistent across the group at the same (causal) point in time.

Stronger guarantees could be provided by augmenting the membership sub-system, e.g. a virtually-synchronous style membership can be provided through a sequencer process that checkpoints the membership list periodically. However, unlike the weakly consistent problem, strongly consistent specifications might have fundamental scalability limitations � . The design of a distributed membership algorithm � has traditionally been approached through the technique of heartbeating. Each process periodically sends out an incremented heartbeat counter to the outside world. Another process is detected as failed when a heartbeat is not received from it for some time. However, actual implementations of heartbeating suffer from scalability limitations. Sending all heartbeats to a central server leads to hot-spot creation. Sending heartbeats to all members (through either network multicast, or gossiping [16]) leads to a message load on the network and group that grows quadratically with the group size. Heartbeating along a logical ring [9] suffers from unpredictability of failure detection time when there are multiple failures. Unfortunately, as the group size rises, so does the likelihood of simultaneous multiple failures. An extended discussion of reasons behind the inherent unscalability of heartbeat-based membership maintenance mechanisms can be found in [12]. This paper also proposed a randomized distributed failure detector protocol based on members randomly probing each other instead of heartbeat-ing � . Mathematical analysis showed that as the group size is scaled up, the protocol’s properties of (expected) failure detection time, rate of false positives, and message load per member, are all independent of the group size. This is an improvement over all-to-all heartbeating based protocols that have a linear variation (with group size) of either the detection time for failures or the network bandwidth usage at each member (or an increase in the false positive rate). Our work in this article is motivated by a realization from the work of [12] that the unscalability of the popular class of all-to-all heartbeating protocols arises from the implicit decision therein to fuse the two principal functions of the membership problem specification: 1) Membership update Dissemination: propagating membership updates arising from processes joining, leaving or failing, and 2) Failure detection: detecting failures of existing members. The overhead of multicasting heartbeats is eliminated by designing an efficient non-multicast based failure detector, and using the dissemination component only when a membership change occurs. The Membership Dissemination component can be implemented through either hardware multicast or in infection-style. While [12] presented a failure detection protocol and analyzed it theoretically, our work in the current paper looks at incorporating the Membership Dissemination component in to build a working membership sub-system. In addition, the resulting protocol is augmented by mechanisms that reduce the rate of false positives and give stronger deterministic guarantees on failure detection times at individual processes. Our system, called SWIM, provides a membership substrate that:

  1. imposes a constant message load per group member;
  2. detects a process failure in an (expected) constant time at some non-faulty process in the group;
  3. provides a deterministic bound (as a function of group size) on the local time that a non-faulty process takes to detect failure of another process;
  4. propagates membership updates, including information about failures, in infection-style (also gossip-style or epidemic-style [2, 8]); the dissemination latency in the group grows slowly logarithmically) with the number of members;
  5. provides a mechanism to reduce the rate of false positives by “suspecting” a process before “declaring” it as failed within the group.

While (1) and (2) are properties of the failure detection protocol of [12], (3)-(5) represent our subsequent work in the current paper. Experimental results of a prototype implementation of SWIM running on a PC cluster are discussed. The SWIM protocol can also be extended to work over a wide area network (WAN) or virtual private network (VPN), and we touch on this briefly in Section 6. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 summarizes previous work in this area, and the basics of scalable failure detection protocols from [12]. Section 3 describes the basic SWIM protocol, and Section 4 the improvements to the protocol. Experimental results from a prototype implementation are presented in Section 5. We conclude in Section 6.

2. Previous Work

In traditional distributed all-to-all heartbeating failure detection algorithms, every group member periodically transmits a “heartbeat” message (with an incremented counter) to all other group members. A member Mj is declared as failed by a non-faulty member Mj when Mj does not receive heartbeats from Mj for some consecutive heartbeat periods. Distributed heartbeating schemes guarantee that a faulty member is always detected as such at any non-faulty member (within a time interval after its failure), since a member that has crashed also stops sending heartbeat messages. However, the accuracy and scalability guarantees of these protocols differ, depending on the actual mechanism used to disseminate the heartbeats. In the simplest implementation, each heartbeat is multicasted to all other group members. This results in a a network load of θ(n2/T) messages per second (even if IP multicast is used), where T is the failure detection time required by the distributed application. van Renesse et al [16] proposed that heartbeats be disseminated via a robust gossipstyle protocol. In this protocol, every t gossip time units, each member gossips, to a few random targets, a θ(n) �-sized list of the latest known heartbeat counters received from other members. While gossiping reduces the false positive frequency, a new heartbeat count typically takes, on expectation, θ[log (n) ⋅ tgossip] time units to reach an arbitrary other group member. In order to satisfy the applicationspecified detection time, the protocol generates a network load of θ[n2 ⋅ log (n)/tgossip] ���bytes a second. The use of message batching to solve this is limited by the UDP packet size limit, e.g. 5B heartbeats (IP address and count) of 50 members would already occupy 250 B, while SWIM generates packets that have a size of at most 135 B, regardless of the group size. The quadratic increase in the network load results from the communication of heartbeat notification to all group members. This can be avoided by separating the failure detection operation from that of membership update dissemination. CThis property is called Strong Completeness. Several hierarchical membership systems have been proposed, e.g. Congress [1]. This belongs to a broader class of solutions where each process heartbeats only a subgroup of processes. This class of protocols requires careful configuration and maintenance of the overlay along which membership information flows, and the accuracy of the protocol depends on the robustness of this graph. In comparison, the design of SWIM avoids the overhead of a virtual graph. SWIM’s solution to the above unscalability problems described above is based on (a) designing the failure detection and membership update dissemination components separately, and (b) using a non-heartbeat based strategy for failure detection. Before moving on to describe the SWIM protocol internals, we first lay the foundation for understanding the key characteristics of the efficiency and scalability of distributed failure detector protocols. Several research studies [6, 7, 12, 16], have led to the identification of these basic properties of distributed failure detector protocols (from both theoretical and practical angles), as well as impossibility results related to satisfying them concurrently. The resulting tradeoff is usually determined by the safety and liveness properties required by distributed applications. These properties are [12]: (1) Strong Completeness: crash-failure of any group member is detected by all non-faulty members [6]); (2) Speed of failure detection: the time interval between a member failure and its detection by some non-faulty group member; (3) Accuracy: the rate of false positives of failure detection; (4) Network Message Load, in bytes per second generated by the protocol. [6] proved the impossibility of building a failure detector over an asynchronous network that is both accurate (no false detections) and strongly complete. However, since a typical distributed application relies on Strong Completeness always holding (in order to maintain up to date information in dynamic groups), most failure detectors, including heartbeating-based solutions, guarantee this property while attempting to maintain a low rate of false positives. SWIM takes the same approach. In [12], a simple computation identifies the minimal total network load (bytes per second) required to satisfy specified parameters of false detection rate at each member (denoted PM(τ)), and detection time (τ) in a group of size n. [12] calculates this load as n ⋅ log (PM(τ))/log (pml) , where pml is the probability of a packet drop within the underlying network. Although this calculation is done under idealized conditions of independent message loss probabilities on each message ( pml ), it serves as a good baseline for comparing the scalability of different failure detection protocols. For example, the all-to-all heartbeat protocols discussed in Section 2 have a sub-optimality factor that varies linearly with group size.

3. The Basic SWIM Approach


  1. メンバーの障害を検出する故障検出器の要素と
  2. 最近参加またはグループを去った、または失敗しているメンバーに関する情報を発信する発信要素。


基本的なプロトコルは、(セクション3.1)12 のランダムなプロービングに基づく障害検出プロトコルを使用し、ネットワークのマルチキャスト(セクション3.2)を介してメンバーシップの更新を発信します。


6. Conclusions and Future Work









SWIMは、このようにネットワーク内部のコア·ネットワーク要素上の帯域幅の使用を低減する13 、トポロジ情報とのping対象の選択肢を計量することによって、ワイドエリアネットワーク(WAN)、仮想プライベートネットワーク(VPN)に拡張することができる。



SWIMのデザインはプロセスの大規模なグループを対象にしていますが、我々の分析と実験結果は、より多くの中規模のサブグループ内(例えば、Chord, Pastry, Opus などのDHTシステムでのレプリカグループ14)で使用する場合には、分散ハートビートの代替案は、オーバーヘッドで大きさの減少の順番を与えることができることを示している





We thank Werner Vogels for help with accessing and using the Galaxy cluster. We also thank Ben Atkin, Ken Birman, Alan Demers, Robbert van Renesse, and the anonymous referees, for reviewing drafts.



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