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Created October 31, 2016 11:33
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;;; -*- coding:utf-8; mode:lisp; -*-
(ql:quickload :mgl-user)
(in-package :mgl-user)
;;; データの読み込み
(ql:quickload :fare-csv)
(ql:quickload :parse-number)
(defparameter data-list
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(mapcar #'parse-number:parse-number line))
(fare-csv:read-csv-file "/home/wiz/tmp/mgl-logistic-data.txt")))
(defparameter dataset
(let ((dataset (make-array (length data-list))))
(loop for i from 0 to (1- (length data-list))
for line in data-list
(setf (aref dataset i)
:id i :label (nth 2 line)
:array (make-mat 2 :initial-contents (subseq line 0 2)))))
;;; データの正規化
(defparameter dataset-normal (copy-dataset dataset))
(dataset-normalize! dataset-normal)
;;; データの可視化
(ql:quickload :clgplot)
(defun plot-dataset (dataset)
(let ((positive-data (remove-if-not (lambda (datum) (= (datum-label datum) 1)) dataset))
(negative-data (remove-if-not (lambda (datum) (= (datum-label datum) 0)) dataset)))
(list (loop for datum across positive-data collect (mref (datum-array datum) 1))
(loop for datum across negative-data collect (mref (datum-array datum) 1)))
:x-lists (list (loop for datum across positive-data collect (mref (datum-array datum) 0))
(loop for datum across negative-data collect (mref (datum-array datum) 0)))
:style 'points)))
;;; モデル定義
(defparameter fnn-sigmoid
(build-fnn (:class 'fnn :max-n-stripes 100)
(inputs (->input :size 2))
(f1 (->sigmoid inputs))
(prediction (->softmax-xe-loss (->activation f1 :name 'prediction :size 2) :name 'prediction))))
;;; 学習実行
(train-fnn-process-with-monitor fnn-sigmoid dataset-normal dataset-normal :n-epochs 100)
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: ---------------------------------------------------
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: training at n-instances: 10000
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: test at n-instances: 10000
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: pred. train bpn PREDICTION acc.: 91.00% (10000)
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: pred. train bpn PREDICTION xent: 3.456e-3 (10000)
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: pred. test bpn PREDICTION acc.: 91.00% (100)
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: pred. test bpn PREDICTION xent: 3.456e-3 (100)
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: Foreign memory usage:
;; foreign arrays: 0 (used bytes: 0)
;; CUDA memory usage:
;; device arrays: 114 (used bytes: 400,112, pooled bytes: 0)
;; host arrays: 0 (used bytes: 0)
;; host->device copies: 202, device->host copies: 20,602
;; 2016-10-31 18:35:40: ---------------------------------------------------
;;; 重みを見てみる
(let* ((f1-activation (aref (clumps fnn-sigmoid) 2))
(bias (aref (clumps f1-activation) 0))
(weight (aref (clumps f1-activation) 2)))
(describe bias)
(describe weight)
(list bias weight))
;; #<->WEIGHT (:BIAS PREDICTION) :SIZE 2 1/1 :NORM 2.76652>
;; [standard-object]
;; Slots with :INSTANCE allocation:
;; SIZE = 2
;; NODES = #<MAT 1x2 AF #2A((1.956225 -1.9562262))>
;; DERIVATIVES = #<MAT 1x2 A #2A((0.0 0.0))>
;; DIMENSIONS = (1 2)
;; #<->WEIGHT (F1 PREDICTION) :SIZE 4 1/1 :NORM 4.55551>
;; [standard-object]
;; Slots with :INSTANCE allocation:
;; SIZE = 4
;; NODES = #<MAT 2x2 AF #2A((-2.4052894 2.4102905) (-2.1375985 2.1420684))>
;; DERIVATIVES = #<MAT 2x2 A #2A((0.0 0.0) (0.0 0.0))>
;; DIMENSIONS = (2 2)
;; (#<->WEIGHT (:BIAS PREDICTION) :SIZE 2 1/1 :NORM 2.76652>
;; #<->WEIGHT (F1 PREDICTION) :SIZE 4 1/1 :NORM 4.55551>)
(defun plot-prediction (dataset fnn class)
(let* ((min-x1 (loop for x across dataset minimize (mref (datum-array x) 0)))
(max-x1 (loop for x across dataset maximize (mref (datum-array x) 0)))
(min-x2 (loop for x across dataset minimize (mref (datum-array x) 1)))
(max-x2 (loop for x across dataset maximize (mref (datum-array x) 1)))
(x1-list (loop for x from min-x1 to max-x1 by 0.1 collect x))
(x2-list (loop for x from min-x2 to max-x2 by 0.1 collect x)))
(lambda (x1 x2)
(mref (predict-datum fnn
(make-datum :id 0 :label 0d0
:array (make-mat 2 :initial-contents (list x1 x2))))
x1-list x2-list :map t)))
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