def calc_loss_class(true_box_conf,CLASS_SCALE, true_box_class,pred_box_class):
    == input ==    
    true_box_conf  : tensor of shape (N batch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor)
    true_box_class : tensor of shape (N batch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor), containing class index
    pred_box_class : tensor of shape (N batch, N grid h, N grid w, N anchor, N class)
    CLASS_SCALE    : 1.0
    == output ==  
    if object exists in this (grid_cell, anchor) pair and the class object receive nonzero weight
        class_mask[iframe,igridy,igridx,ianchor] = 1 
    class_mask   = true_box_conf  * CLASS_SCALE ## L_{i,j}^obj * lambda_class
    nb_class_box = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(class_mask > 0.0, tf.float32))
    loss_class   = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = true_box_class, 
                                                                  logits = pred_box_class)
    loss_class   = tf.reduce_sum(loss_class * class_mask) / (nb_class_box + 1e-6)   