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Created September 3, 2018 23:30
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Output of `cargo run --features "evm-debug"`
parity-ethereum master % cargo run --features "evm-debug"
Compiling parity-rocksdb-sys v0.5.2
Compiling evm v0.1.0 (file:///Users/masonf/src/parity-ethereum/ethcore/evm)
Compiling ethcore-network-devp2p v1.12.0 (file:///Users/masonf/src/parity-ethereum/util/network-devp2p)
Compiling parity-whisper v0.1.0 (file:///Users/masonf/src/parity-ethereum/whisper)
error[E0423]: expected value, found module `informant`
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
277 | evm_debug!({ informant.before_instruction(reader.position, instruction, info, &self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas, &stack) });
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `self.informant`
error[E0425]: cannot find value `reader` in this scope
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
277 | evm_debug!({ informant.before_instruction(reader.position, instruction, info, &self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas, &stack) });
| ^^^^^^ help: try: `self.reader`
error[E0423]: expected value, found module `stack`
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
277 | evm_debug!({ informant.before_instruction(reader.position, instruction, info, &self.gasometer.as_mut().expect(GASOMETER_PROOF).current_gas, &stack) });
| ^^^^^ help: try: `self.stack`
error[E0423]: expected value, found module `informant`
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
290 | evm_debug!({ informant.after_instruction(instruction) });
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `self.informant`
error[E0603]: struct `INSTRUCTIONS` is private
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
45 | use instructions::{Instruction, InstructionInfo, INSTRUCTIONS};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `instructions::Instruction: std::hash::Hash` is not satisfied
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
88 | stats: HashMap::new(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::hash::Hash` is not implemented for `instructions::Instruction`
= note: required by `<std::collections::HashMap<K, V>>::new`
error[E0277]: the trait bound `instructions::Instruction: std::fmt::LowerHex` is not satisfied
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
100 | instruction,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::fmt::LowerHex` is not implemented for `instructions::Instruction`
= note: required by `std::fmt::LowerHex::fmt`
error[E0599]: no method named `entry` found for type `std::collections::HashMap<instructions::Instruction, interpreter::informant::inner::Stats>` in the current scope
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
113 | let stats = self.stats.entry(instruction).or_insert_with(|| Stats::default());
| ^^^^^
= note: the method `entry` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`instructions::Instruction : std::hash::Hash`
error[E0599]: no method named `drain` found for type `std::collections::HashMap<instructions::Instruction, interpreter::informant::inner::Stats>` in the current scope
--> ethcore/evm/src/interpreter/
122 | let mut stats: Vec<(_,_)> = self.stats.drain().collect();
| ^^^^^
= note: the method `drain` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`instructions::Instruction : std::hash::Hash`
error: aborting due to 9 previous errors
Some errors occurred: E0277, E0423, E0425, E0599, E0603.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: Could not compile `evm`.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
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