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Created October 21, 2022 14:08
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Stable Diffusion texture generator using Replicate
# Import the modules
# With this you can get information from Anchorpoint e.g. which file is selected or in which folder the command is executed.
import anchorpoint as ap
# With this you can control the attribute system of Anchorpoint
import apsync as aps
# The replicate module to control machine learning models in the cloud
import replicate
# A module for downloading images from server and the os module for file operations.
import requests, os
# Get the context of the selected file e.g. the file path
ctx = ap.Context.instance()
# The image generation function. It also downloads the image from the replicate servers.
def generate(message):
# Save the replicate credentials (the token) as environment variable
os.environ["REPLICATE_API_TOKEN"] = "37db125a1e12a5ba99a8b95a9b9aac75409ed4c4"
# The global progress indicator so that the user knows that Anchorpoint is something in the background.
progress = ap.Progress("Running Stable Diffusion", show_loading_screen=True)
# Select the model. Here you can find an overview of models:
model = replicate.models.get("stability-ai/stable-diffusion")
# The image is saved on the server. You need the URL to download it.
output_url = model.predict(prompt=message,num_inference_steps=200)
# We need a counter for the filename later. Otherwise you will always overwrite your last image.
count = len(os.listdir(ctx.path))
# The file path and filename where the image will be downloaded later on
file_path = ctx.path+"/image_"+str(count)+".png"
# Here we connect to the server
http_request = requests.get(output_url[0], stream = True)
# You can just google that part to understand it better. It's simply that the image is downloaded in chunks and written to the file.
if http_request.status_code == 200:
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
for chunk in http_request:
# Use attributes in Anchorpoint to simply append the prompt to the file
# The function that happens after the user clicks "Generate Texture"
def click(dialog):
# Get the value of the dialog into a variable
input = dialog.get_value("prompt")
# Start the generation with stable diffusion in another thread so that the application is not blocked
# Close the dialog
# Build the dialog
def create_dialog():
# Initialize dialog
dialog = ap.Dialog()
dialog.title = "Texture from Prompt"
# Add a label and a text field. The placeholder is the grayed out text that is useful as a tip for the user
dialog.add_text("Prompt: ").add_input(placeholder="electric sheep, neon, synthwave", var="prompt", width=400)
# Add a button that executes a function as a callback when clicked.
dialog.add_button("Generate Texture",callback = click)
# Open the dialog
# Start the application with the dialog
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